Mostly like demo10, changes:
- LED1 and LED2 from the option board have PWM capability, in this case PWM mode 2 is used for TPU3, where PB0 is channel A and PB2 is channel C. Channel D is used for PWM-period and timekeeping for pusb-button sampling.
- dimmer_do() takes care of updating pwm values as with pwm mode 2 no
synchronisation is needed except in two cases:
- if switching from off to on with a small pwm value the match moment could have passed and then the LED would be on for too much of the current cycle. The timer is re-initialised to ensure init as well match in the current period.
- if switching off when the pwm value was at least the period value there was no match and the LED is on. The timer is re-initialised to ensure init at the off-value, regardless of the pwm-setting before off.
- The interrupt routine now only has timing for the push-button events.