This demo is like demo10, only it now uses the cloud option board, where the LED pins have pwm-possibility.
For the target board the ucon-pins were:
- SW1 at pin 59, PB1
- LED0 at pin 80, PD6 (using MTU8A output compare and TGIB8-interrupt)
- LED1 at pin 79, PD7 (using software pin drive and TGIU5-interrupt)
For the option board, the ucon pins are:
- USER_SW at pin 19, P31
- LED1 at pin 61, PB0 (TIOCA3 pin function with pwm)
- (LED2 at pin 59, PB1 (TIOCB3 pin function with pwm) ) incorrect documentation
- LED2 at pin 58, PB2 (TIOCC3 pin function with pwm)
- target board library: ../lib/. Be sure to have the same data Endian-setting for the library as for the project depending on it.**
create the project as a C++-project with GCC:
make the HardwareDebug settings:
creating a library project:
adding a library path:
- include files:
- Project > Properties
- Properties for RTK5RX65Ndemo11
- C/C++ Build > Settings > Compiler > Includes >
- click at the 'plus' sign next to `Include file directories'
- Add directory path
- Workspace... >
- Folder selection: select `lib/src', OK > OK > Apply and Close > Yes >
- library file:
- Project > Properties
- Properties for RTK5RX65Ndemo11
- C/C++ Build > Settings > Linker > Source >
- click at the 'plus' sign next to `Additional input files'
- Add directory path
- Workspace... >
- File selection: select `lib/Debug/src/liblib.a', OK > OK > Apply and Close >
- prog: 3840
- constant: 1276
- data: 1
- bss: 11
- other: 28