We all know that in distributed systems, transaction solutions typically fall into two main categories: TCC (Try-Confirm-Cancel) and Reliable Messaging (Eventual Consistency).
This repository focuses on designing and implementing these two solutions by integrating Spring Boot 3.0 and RabbitMQ, providing enterprise-level distributed transaction solutions. It demonstrates how to ensure data consistency, decouple services, and achieve high reliability in microservices architectures.
Furthermore, this project is designed for real-time payment systems, showcasing practical adoption of TCC and Reliable Messaging to handle financial transactions with precision and robustness.
This repository is designed for enterprise-level distributed transactions in critical financial domains, including:
- 🛒 E-commerce internal payment systems - Ensuring reliable order payments, refunds, and transaction consistency.
- 🏦 Financial and banking systems - Hndling secure fund transfers, settlements, and transactions integrity across multiple services.
- Reliable Messaging: Ensures the consistency of messages across distributed services.
- Spring Boot 3.0: Simplifies microservice development and configuration.
- RabbitMQ: Uses RabbitMQ as the mssaging queue to handle communication between services.
- Distributed Tarnsaction Solutions
- Reliable Mesage Final Conistency: Ensures eventual consistency in distributed transactions.
- TCC(Try-Confirm/Cancel): Implements a robust two-phase commit transaction model.
- Maximum Effort Notification: A flexible approach for guaranteening message delivery.
- Spring Boot 3.0: Fast, flexible microservice framework for Java applications.
- RabbitMQ: Message broker that enables communication between services in a distributed architecture. It helps decouple services, ensuring reliable message delivery and eventual consistency in distributed transactions.
- Spring MVC: Framework for developing RESTful APIs.
- MySQL: Relational database management for storing transaction data.
- Docker: Containerization for easy deployment.
- JDK 17: Java Development Kit for building applications.
This project is designed to help you implement reliable messaging and distributed transaction solutions in micoservices. It includes:
- Reliable Message Final Consistency: Local and independent Message Service implementaitons.
- TCC Transactions Model: Try-Confirm/Cancel approach.
- Maximum Effort Notification Ensuring eventual consistency and retries.
This sample project uses a payment system scenario and demostrates the following:
- Reliable Message Final Consitency: A message is sent and confirmed with eventual consistency.
- TCC: The implementation of two-phase commit in the distributed system.
- Maximum Effort Notification: Handling retries and ensuring message delivery.
For a step-by-step guide on how these solutions work, check out the following tutorials:
- An In-Depth Analysis of Distributed Transaction Solutions
- How RocketMQ Helps Achieve Better Message Reliability
- Distributed Payment Systems: Ensure consistency in payments across multiple services;
- Order Management: Handle distributed order creation, cancellation, and updates reliably.
- Event Driven Architecture: Implement eventual consistency in microservices.