The open metadata collection store connectors connect the Open Metadata Repository Services (OMRS) to an existing metadata repository. This enables the metadata repository to join an Open Metadata Repository Cohort.
There are two types of connector:
- an open metadata repository connector, and
- an optional open metadata repository event mapper.
There is more documentation on these connectors to help developers understand more about building these connectors.
Below are some pre-built connectors from Egeria:
graph-repository-connector - provides a local repository that uses a graph store as its persistence store. [ASPIRATIONAL!]
inmemory-repository-connector - provides a local repository that is entirely in memory. It is useful for testing/developing OMASs and demos.
omrs-rest-repository-connector - uses the OMRS REST API to call an open metadata-compliant repository.
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.