Ode to Egeria ODPi.
Usually found where data may lie.
Big data, small data, fast data, slow,
lineage making, all as we go.
Is she a librarian, indexing all,
so people can find words short and tall.
Or is she a choreographer, shaping the dances,
of players involved with data romances.
A policewoman, law-woman guiding a way,
safe information underpinning our say.
A common language to speak of all things that we keep,
So we can find the value that we all seek.
Vendors collaborate, avoiding dictator,
playing main stage or just a spectator.
Meaning on data across all your repos,
Awakening shapes on data, lest it dose.
Foundations we think for a world if we dare,
ethical practices, open and fair,
data for good and not for despair.
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.