In this exercise we will explore how to use the Service Consumption Model concept to consume various services in ABAP.
After completing these steps you will have created a Service Consumption Model definition for an OData Service exposed from the SAP API Hub.
Return to the SAP API Hub, and specifically to this page which shows the overview of the Bank Details API we've been working with.
Click on the "API Specification" link. -
Right-click on your group package, and choose "New", then "Other ABAP Repository Object"
Click "Business Services", then choose "Service Consumption Model", then click "Next".
Give the name as "ZSCM_BANK_DETAILS_XXX" where XXX is your group number and give a meaningful description. Set the "Remote Consumption Mode" to OData, then click "Next".
Navigate to the location where you saved the EDMX file eariler.
The Service Consumption Model objects have now been created for you. When you take a look at the SCM definition, you can see that it provides code snippets for you to use in your code for different CRUD operations. Continue to the next step.
Use what you have learned and create a new class called ZCL_SCM_XXX where XXX is your group number. Make sure to include the IF_OO_ADT_CLASSRUN interface and add the shell of the MAIN method implementation as shown below.
In the private section, add the following lines of code. Make sure to replace XXX with your group number. We want to encapsulate the logic into a functional method call which contains a returning parameter for the list of bank details.
TYPES tt_za_bankdetails TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zscm_bank_details_xxx=>tys_a_bank_detail_type WITH EMPTY KEY.
METHODS get_bank_details_scm RETURNING VALUE(rt_table) TYPE tt_za_bankdetails.
Now add the shell of the method implementation as shown below.
Return to the Service Consumption Model definition and choose the "Read List" operation, then click "Copy to Clipboard".
Now, paste the code into the GET_BANK_DETAILS_SCM method. Update the view name as shown. Make sure to replace XXX with your group number.
Copy the following code as the first lines within the TRY statement. Here we will utilize the standard HTTP client classes provided by SAP. We will pass the URL and get an instance of the HTTP client object, where we then set the API key. Make sure to insert your API key here from the API hub.
DATA: lv_url TYPE string VALUE ''.
lo_http_client = cl_web_http_client_manager=>create_by_http_destination(
i_destination = cl_http_destination_provider=>create_by_url( lv_url ) ).
lo_http_client->get_http_request( )->set_header_fields( VALUE #(
( name = 'APIKey' value = '<insert API key here>') ) ).
- Next, modify the next statement where the client proxy object is created. Update the service root parameter value as shown here.
lo_client_proxy = /iwbep/cl_cp_factory_remote=>create_v2_remote_proxy(
is_proxy_model_key = VALUE #( repository_id = 'DEFAULT'
proxy_model_id = 'ZSCM_BANK_DETAILS_XXX'
proxy_model_version = '0001' )
io_http_client = lo_http_client
iv_relative_service_root = '/s4hanacloud/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_BANKDETAIL_SRV' ).
Next, change the value passed to the SET_TOP method to 500. And finally, change the importing parameter value to RT_TABLE. RT_TABLE is the returning parameter of your method, so we are simply passing the results of the GET_BUSINESS_DATA method back to the caller so that we can write out the results to the console.
Next, add the following line of code to the MAIN method implementatino. Here we are simply writing out the results to the console.
Now execute your class, but hitting F9. You should see a list of bank details in the console.
Return to your class and uncomment the following lines of code. Make sure to update the LT_RANGE_BANKCOUNTRY range table definition as shown here. Be sure to replace XXX with your group number. Also, be sure to put a period at the end of this line as well.
Uncomment the following lines of code. Here we will use the filtering classes to help us filter the results.
Add the following line of code, in between the two statements that you have just uncommented. Here we are simply filling the range table with a filter value. We want to filter the results where BANKCOUNTRY = DE.
lt_range_BANK_COUNTRY = VALUE #( ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = 'DE' high = ' ' ) ).
Next, uncomment these two lines of code, and since we only have one filtering node, update these two statements as shown here.
You completed code should now look like this.
INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun .
TYPES tt_za_bankdetails TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zscm_bank_details_xxx=>tys_a_bank_detail_type WITH EMPTY KEY.
METHODS get_bank_details_scm RETURNING VALUE(rt_table) TYPE tt_za_bankdetails.
METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.
out->write( get_bank_details_scm( ) ).
METHOD get_bank_details_scm.
lt_business_data TYPE TABLE OF zscm_bank_details_xxx=>tys_a_bank_detail_type,
lo_http_client TYPE REF TO if_web_http_client,
lo_client_proxy TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_cp_client_proxy,
lo_request TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_cp_request_read_list,
lo_response TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_cp_response_read_lst.
lo_filter_factory TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_cp_filter_factory,
lo_filter_node_1 TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_cp_filter_node,
* lo_filter_node_2 TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_cp_filter_node,
lo_filter_node_root TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_cp_filter_node,
lt_range_BANK_COUNTRY TYPE RANGE OF zscm_bank_details_xxx=>tys_a_bank_detail_type-bank_country.
* lt_range_BANK_INTERNAL_ID TYPE RANGE OF <element_name>.
DATA: lv_url TYPE string VALUE ''.
lo_http_client = cl_web_http_client_manager=>create_by_http_destination(
i_destination = cl_http_destination_provider=>create_by_url( lv_url ) ).
lo_http_client->get_http_request( )->set_header_fields( VALUE #(
( name = 'APIKey' value = '<insert API key here>') ) ).
" Create http client
*DATA(lo_destination) = cl_http_destination_provider=>create_by_comm_arrangement(
* comm_scenario = '<Comm Scenario>'
* comm_system_id = '<Comm System Id>'
* service_id = '<Service Id>' ).
*lo_http_client = cl_web_http_client_manager=>create_by_http_destination( lo_destination ).
lo_client_proxy = /iwbep/cl_cp_factory_remote=>create_v2_remote_proxy(
is_proxy_model_key = VALUE #( repository_id = 'DEFAULT'
proxy_model_id = 'ZSCM_BANK_DETAILS_XXX'
proxy_model_version = '0001' )
io_http_client = lo_http_client
iv_relative_service_root = '/s4hanacloud/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_BANKDETAIL_SRV' ).
ASSERT lo_http_client IS BOUND.
" Navigate to the resource and create a request for the read operation
lo_request = lo_client_proxy->create_resource_for_entity_set( 'A_BANK_DETAIL' )->create_request_for_read( ).
" Create the filter tree
lo_filter_factory = lo_request->create_filter_factory( ).
lt_range_BANK_COUNTRY = VALUE #( ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = 'DE' high = ' ' ) ).
lo_filter_node_1 = lo_filter_factory->create_by_range( iv_property_path = 'BANK_COUNTRY'
it_range = lt_range_BANK_COUNTRY ).
*lo_filter_node_2 = lo_filter_factory->create_by_range( iv_property_path = 'BANK_INTERNAL_ID'
* it_range = lt_range_BANK_INTERNAL_ID ).
lo_filter_node_root = lo_filter_node_1.
lo_request->set_filter( lo_filter_node_root ).
lo_request->set_top( 500 )->set_skip( 0 ).
" Execute the request and retrieve the business data
lo_response = lo_request->execute( ).
lo_response->get_business_data( IMPORTING et_business_data = rt_table ).
CATCH /iwbep/cx_cp_remote INTO DATA(lx_remote).
" Handle remote Exception
" It contains details about the problems of your http(s) connection
CATCH /iwbep/cx_gateway INTO DATA(lx_gateway).
" Handle Exception
CATCH cx_web_http_client_error INTO DATA(lx_web_http_client_error).
" Handle Exception
RAISE SHORTDUMP lx_web_http_client_error.
Finally, execute the class once again. The results should now be shown with only rows where the BANKCOUNTRY = DE.
You've now created your a Service Consumption Model for consuming an external service.