Door lock and unlock system using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. It gives a chance to lock or unlock the door using 5 ways.
Mobile Application
Keypad System
Fingerprint System
Face Recognition System
Metallic Key
Java Script
Jason files
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Linux OS
Blyink Server
Raspberry Pi Camera
Jump Wires
Mainly, we have used Blyink server in order to integrate our application. The coding part was done in Python and Linux System. The users can open or lock the doors easily. Here is output:
In this part, the users can request for Raspberry Pi to send one time 4 digit password via their Mobile Appliation. Then, They can accept 4 random generated numbers via their App. Here is output:
It looks like a general fingerprint srategy. Host users should store their fingerprints to the database. Here is the outhput:
Its srategy is the same with the fingerprint system. OpenCV is used to integrate in this forum. Here you can see in case, the user is unkown (the Pi rejects to open the door):
and the user is known (the Pi opens the door):
The last way to lock or unlock the door is with the metallic key as it is the vey usual way.