di 16 apr 2024 23:59:13 CEST
Libraries: cfitsio, wcslib, fftw, openblas and GUI: QT development tools. In Ubuntu 20.04: libcfitsio-dev, wcslib-dev, libopenblas-dev, libfftw3-dev and QT development packages including qmake.
Get the source from here.
Using cmake it is simple as the following:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Build with CUDA using cmake, something like
- change to src/lib
- edit Makefile
- change WCSI to point to wcslib include files (wcs.h)
- change WCSL to point to wcslib library (libwcs.so)
- also change INCLUDES and LIBPATH to find cfitsio headers (fitsio2.h) and lib (libcfitsio.so)
- type "make libshapelet.a"
- change to src/shapeletGUI
- edit shapeletGUI.pro file
- change INCLUDEPATH and LIBS to include wcslib and cfitsio (same as step 2)
- type "qmake"
- type "make clean"
- type "make"