diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish.yml b/.github/workflows/publish.yml
index 29e0072..b4dee62 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/publish.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name: Build and Publish Package to pypi.org
-  create:
+  push:
         - "[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
index d557b79..3a668e2 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ jobs:
               name: Define a cache for the virtual environment based on the dependencies lock file
                 path: ./.venv
-                key: venv-${{ hashFiles('poetry.lock') }}
+                key: venv-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('poetry.lock') }}
             - name: Install the project dependencies
               run: poetry install --with test
             - name: Verify style with flake8
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index ea291df..d9ca106 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -5,11 +5,20 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
 ## [Unreleased] 
+## [1.1.0] - 2024-4-10
+### Added
+- Interface to get and set sensor type
+- Interface to scan for i2c addresses
+- Interface to get/set i2c address
 ## [1.0.0] - 2024-2-14
 ### Added
 - Provide initial version of this repository containing a driver for the Sensirion SCC1-USB cable.
-[Unreleased]: https://github.com/Sensirion/python-uart-scc1/compare/1.0.0...HEAD
-[1.0.0]: https://github.com/Sensirion/python-uart-scc1/releases/tag/1.0.0
\ No newline at end of file
+[Unreleased]: https://github.com/Sensirion/python-uart-scc1/compare/1.1.0...HEAD
+[1.1.0]: https://github.com/Sensirion/python-uart-scc1/compare/1.0.0...1.1.0
+[1.0.0]: https://github.com/Sensirion/python-uart-scc1/releases/tag/1.0.0
diff --git a/examples/scc1_slf3x_example/slf3x_usage.py b/examples/scc1_slf3x_example/slf3x_usage.py
index fdd4bdf..3bcd70e 100644
--- a/examples/scc1_slf3x_example/slf3x_usage.py
+++ b/examples/scc1_slf3x_example/slf3x_usage.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 with ShdlcSerialPort(port=args.serial_port, baudrate=115200) as port:
     device = Scc1ShdlcDevice(ShdlcConnection(port), slave_address=0)
+    device.set_sensor_type(Scc1Slf3x.SENSOR_TYPE)
     sensor = Scc1Slf3x(device)
     print("serial_number:", sensor.serial_number)
     print("product id:", sensor.product_id)
diff --git a/examples/scc1_usb_to_i2c/scc1_usb_2_i2c_usage.py b/examples/scc1_usb_to_i2c/scc1_usb_2_i2c_usage.py
index d682a60..e3117c6 100644
--- a/examples/scc1_usb_to_i2c/scc1_usb_2_i2c_usage.py
+++ b/examples/scc1_usb_to_i2c/scc1_usb_2_i2c_usage.py
@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@
 with ShdlcSerialPort(port='COM5', baudrate=115200) as port:
     bridge = Scc1ShdlcDevice(ShdlcConnection(port), slave_address=0)
+    bridge.set_sensor_type(3)  # SF06 devices
     channel = I2cChannel(bridge.get_i2c_transceiver(),
                          crc=CrcCalculator(8, 0x31, 0xff, 0x0))
     sensor = Sf06LfDevice(channel)
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index d8bf797..41f422f 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = "sensirion-uart-scc1"
-version = "1.0.0"
+version = "1.1.0"
 description = "Driver for Sensirion SCC1 USB cable"
 authors = ["Pascal Sachs"]
 license = "BSD-3-Clause"
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ testpaths = [
 optional = true 
diff --git a/sensirion_uart_scc1/scc1_shdlc_device.py b/sensirion_uart_scc1/scc1_shdlc_device.py
index cfe4647..29482b9 100644
--- a/sensirion_uart_scc1/scc1_shdlc_device.py
+++ b/sensirion_uart_scc1/scc1_shdlc_device.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import logging
-from typing import Optional, Iterable, Union
+from struct import unpack
+from typing import Optional, Iterable, Union, List
 from packaging.version import Version
 from sensirion_shdlc_driver import ShdlcDevice, ShdlcConnection
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
 class Scc1ShdlcDevice(ShdlcDevice):
-    The Scc1 Shdlc device is used to communicate with various sensor using the Sensirion SCC1 sensor cable.
+    The Scc1 SHDLC device is used to communicate with various sensors using the Sensirion SCC1 sensor cable.
     def __init__(self, connection: ShdlcConnection, slave_address: int = 0) -> None:
@@ -27,12 +28,15 @@ def __init__(self, connection: ShdlcConnection, slave_address: int = 0) -> None:
         super().__init__(connection, slave_address)
         self._version = self.get_version()
         self._serial_number = self.get_serial_number()
+        self._sensor_type = self.get_sensor_type()
+        self._i2c_address = self.get_sensor_address()
+        self._connected_i2c_addresses: List[int] = []
-    def __str__(self):
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         return f"SCC1-{self.serial_number}@{self.com_port}"
-    def com_port(self):
+    def com_port(self) -> str:
         return self.connection.port.description.split('@')[0]
@@ -43,10 +47,75 @@ def serial_number(self) -> str:
     def firmware_version(self) -> Version:
         return Version(str(self._version.firmware))
+    @property
+    def connected_i2c_addresses(self) -> List[int]:
+        """Returns the connected I2C addresses. You need to call find_chips to fill this attribute."""
+        return self._connected_i2c_addresses
+    def perform_i2c_scan(self) -> List[int]:
+        """
+        Looks for i2c devices within a certain range on a certain port
+        :return: List of i2c addresses that responded to the scan
+        """
+        result = self.transceive(0x29, [0x01], timeout=0.025)
+        return list(unpack('>{cnt}B'.format(cnt=len(result)), result))
+    def find_chips(self) -> List[int]:
+        """
+        Looking for chips on all ports and sets the _connected_i2c_addresses attribute
+        :return: List of connected addresses
+        """
+        self._connected_i2c_addresses = self.perform_i2c_scan()
+        return self._connected_i2c_addresses
+    def get_sensor_type(self) -> Optional[int]:
+        """
+        :return: the configured sensor type
+        """
+        result = self.transceive(0x24, [], timeout=0.025)
+        if result:
+            return int(unpack('>B', result)[0])
+        return None
+    def set_sensor_type(self, sensor_type: int):
+        """
+        Set sensor type
+        0: Flow Sensor (SF04 based products)
+        1: Humidity Sensor (SHTxx products)
+        2: Flow Sensor (SF05 based products)
+        3: Flow Sensor (SF06 based products) (Firmware ≥1.7)
+        4: Reserved
+        :param sensor_type: One of the supported sensor types 0-4
+        """
+        if sensor_type not in range(5):
+            raise ValueError('Sensor type not supported')
+        self.transceive(0x24, [sensor_type], timeout=0.01)
+        self._sensor_type = sensor_type
+    def get_sensor_address(self) -> Optional[int]:
+        """
+        :return: the configured i2c address
+        """
+        result = self.transceive(0x25, [], timeout=0.025)
+        if result:
+            return int(unpack('>B', result)[0])
+        return None
+    def set_sensor_address(self, i2c_address: int) -> None:
+        """
+        Configure the sensors i2c address and write it to EEPROM
+        :param i2c_address: the i2c address
+        """
+        if i2c_address not in range(128):
+            raise ValueError('I2C address out of range. Address has to be within the range 0...127')
+        self.transceive(0x25, [i2c_address], timeout=0.01)
+        self._i2c_address = i2c_address
     def sensor_reset(self) -> None:
-        Execute a hard reset on the sensor and check for correct response. Active
-        continuous/single measurement is stopped and the sensor is left in idle state.
+        Execute a hard reset on the sensor and check for the correct response.
+        Active continuous/single measurement is stopped, and the sensor is left in idle state.
         self.transceive(0x66, [], 0.3)
@@ -74,8 +143,8 @@ def get_i2c_transceiver(self) -> I2cTransceiver:
         An I2cTransceiver object is required in or der to use the cable with public python i2c drivers.
-        In general all functionality of the sensors are available in the public python drivers as well. The
-        throughput of the public python driver will be lower than the throughput that can be achieved with
-        the sensor specific api of the SCC1 sensor cable.
+        In general, all functionality of the sensors is available in the public python drivers as well.
+        The throughput of the public python driver will be lower than the throughput that can be achieved with
+        the sensor-specific api of the SCC1 sensor cable.
         return Scc1I2cTransceiver(self)