This is a proof of concept for a base library for asynchronous computing in direct style. The library needs either fibers or virtual threads as a basis. It is at present highly experimental, incomplete and provisional. It is not yet extensively tested and not optimized at all.
The concepts and code here should be regarded as a strawman, in the sense of "meant to be knocked down".
Here is a slidedeck of a talk given at Scalar 2023 covering some aspects of the library. A general rationale and introduction follows.
Martin Odersky 16 Feb 2023
We are seeing increasing adoption of continuations, coroutines, or green threads in modern runtimes. Examples are goroutines in golang, coroutines in C++, or virtual threads in project Loom. Complementary to this, we see a maturing of techniques to implement continuations by code generation. Examples range from more local solutions such as async/await in C#, Python, or Scala to more sweeping implementations such as Kotlin coroutines or dotty-cps-async, and the stack capture techniques pioneered by Krishnamurti et al. and Brachthäuser. This means that we can realistically expect support for continuations or coroutines in most runtimes in the near future.
This will lead to a fundamental paradigm shift in reactive programming since we can now assume a lightweight and universal await
construct that can be called anywhere. Previously, most reactive code was required to be cps-transformed into (something resembling) a monad, so that suspension could be implemented in a library.
As an example, here is some code using new, direct style futures:
val sum = Future:
val f1 = Future(
val f2 = Future(
f1.value + f2.value
We set up two futures that each read from a connection (which might take a while). We return the
sum of the read values in a new future. The value
method returns the result value of a future once it is available,
or throws an exception if the future returns a Failure
By contrast, with current, monadic style futures, we'd need a composition with flatMap
to achieve the same effect:
val sum =
val f1 = Future(
val f2 = Future(
x <- f1
y <- f2
yield x + y
The proposed direct style futures also support structured concurrency with cancellation. If the sum
future in the direct style is cancelled, the two nested futures reading the connections are cancelled as well. Or, if one of the nested futures
finishes with an exception, the exception is propagated and the other future is cancelled.
Lightweight blocking thus gives us a fundamentally new tool to design concurrent systems. Paired with the principles of structured concurrency this allows for direct-style systems that are both very lightweight and very expressive. In the following I describe the outline of such a system. I start with the public APIs and then discuss some internal data structures and implementation details.
The following is an exploration of what might be possible and desirable. It is backed by a complete implementation, but the implementation is neither thoroughly tested nor optimized in any way. The current implementation only serves as a prototype to explore general feasibility of the presented concepts.
The library is built around four core abstractions:
Future Futures are the primary active elements of the framework. A future starts a computation that delivers a result at some point in the future. The result can be a computed value or a failure value that contains an exception. One can wait for the result of a future. Futures can suspend when waiting for other futures to complete and when reading from channels.
Channel Channels are the primary passive elements of the framework. A channel provides a way to send data from producers to consumers (which can both be futures). There are several versions of channels. Rendevouz channels block both pending receivers and senders until a communication happens. Buffered channels allow a sender to continue immediately, buffering the sent data until it is received.
Async Source Futures and Channels are both described in terms of a new fundamental abstraction of an asynchronous source. Async sources can be polled or awaited by suspending a computation. They can be composed by mapping or filtering their results, or by combining several sources in a race where the first arriving result wins.
Async Context An async context is a capability that allows a computation to suspend while waiting for the result of an async source. This capability is encapsulated in the
trait. Code that has access to a (usually implicit) parameter of typeAsync
is said to be in an async context. The bodies of futures are in such a context, so they can suspend.
The library supports structured concurrency with combinators on futures such as alt
, which returns the first succeeding future and zip
, which combines all success results or otherwise returns with the first failing future. These combinators are supported by a cancellation mechanism that discards futures whose outcome is no longer relevant.
Cancellation is scoped and hierarchical. Futures created in the scope of some other future are registered as children of that future. If a parent is cancelled, all its children are cancelled as well.
The Future
trait is defined as follows:
trait Future[+T] extends Async.Source[Try[T]], Cancellable:
def result(using async: Async): Try[T]
def value(using async: Async): T = result.get
Futures represent a computation that is completed concurrently. The computation
yields a result value or a exception encapsulated in a Try
result. The value
method produces the future's value if it completed successfully or re-throws the
exception contained in the Failure
alternative of the Try
The result
method can be defined like this:
def result(using async: Async): T = async.await(this)
Here, async
is a capability that allows to suspend in an await
method. The Async
trait is defined as follows:
trait Async:
def await[T](src: Async.Source[T]): T
def scheduler: ExecutionContext
def group: CancellationGroup
def withGroup(group: CancellationGroup): Async
The most important abstraction here is the await
Code with the Async
capability can await an asynchronous source of type Async.Source
. This implies that the code will suspend if the
result of the async source is not yet ready. Futures are async sources of type Try[T]
We have seen that futures are a particular kind of an async source. We will see other implementations related to channels later. Async sources are the primary means of communication between asynchronous computations and they can be composed in powerful ways.
In particular, we have two extension methods on async sources of type Source[T]
def map[U](f: T => U): Source[U]
def filter(p: T => Boolean): Source[T]
transforms elements of a Source
whereas filter
only passes on elements satisfying some condition.
Furthermore, there is a race
method that passes on the first of several
def race[T](sources: Source[T]*): Source[T]
These methods are building blocks for higher-level operations. For instance, Async
also defines an either
combinator over two sources src1: Source[T1]
and src2: Source[T2]
that returns an Either[T1, T2]
with the result of src1
if it finishes first and with the result of src2
otherwise. It is defined as follows:
def either[T1, T2](src1: Source[T1], src2: Source[T2]): Source[Either[T, U]] =
We distinguish between original async sources such as futures or channels and
derived sources such as the results of map
, filter
, or race
Async sources need to define three abstract methods in trait Async.Source[T]
trait Source[+T]:
def poll(k: Listener[T]): Boolean
def onComplete(k: Listener[T]): Unit
def dropListener(k: Listener[T]): Unit
All three methods take a Listener
argument. A Listener[T]
is a function from T
to Boolean
trait Listener[-T] extends (T => Boolean)
The T
argument is the value obtained from an async source. A listener returns true
if the argument was read by another async computation. It returns false
if the argument was dropped by a filter
or lost in a race
Listeners also come with a lineage, which tells us what source combinators were used to build a listener.
The poll
method of an async source allows to poll whether data is present. If that's the case, the listener k
is applied to the data. The result of poll
is the result of the listener if it was applied and false
otherwise. There is also a first-order variant of poll
that returns data in an Option
. It is defined
as follows:
def poll(): Option[T] =
var resultOpt: Option[T] = None
poll { x => resultOpt = Some(x); true }
The onComplete
method of an async source calls the listener k
once data is present. This could either be immediately, in which case the effect is the same as poll
, or it could be in the future in which case the listener is installed in waiting lists in the original sources on which it depends so that it can be called when the data is ready. Note that there could be several such original sources, since the listener could have been passed to a race
source, which itself depends on several other sources.
The dropListener
method drops the listener k
from the waiting lists of all original sources on which it depends. This an optimization that is necessary in practice
to support races efficiently. Once a race is decided, all losing listeners will
never pass data (i.e. they always return false
), so we do not want them to clutter the waiting lists of their original sources anymore.
A typical way to implement onComplete
for original sources is to poll first and install a listener only if no data is present. This behavior is encapsulated in the OriginalSource
abstract class OriginalSource[+T] extends Source[T]:
/** Add `k` to the waiting list of this source */
protected def addListener(k: Listener[T]): Unit
def onComplete(k: Listener[T]): Unit = synchronized:
if !poll(k) then addListener(k)
So original sources are defined in terms if poll
, addListener
, and dropListener
A simple future can be created by calling the apply
method of the Future
object. We have seen an example in the introduction:
val sum = Future:
val f1 = Future(
val f2 = Future(
f1.value + f2.value
The Future.apply
method has the following signature:
def apply[T](body: Async ?=> T)(using Async): Future[T]
wraps an Async
capability with cancellation handling (tied to the returned Future
) and passes it to its body
Futures also have a set of useful combinators that support what is usually called structured concurrency. In particular, there is the zip
which takes two futures and if they both complete successfully returns their results in a pair. If one or both of the operand futures fail, the first failure is returned as failure result of the zip. Dually, there is the alt
operator, which returns the result of the first succeeding future and fails only if both operand futures fail.
and alt
can be implemented as extension methods on futures as follows:
extension [T](f1: Future[T])
def zip[U](f2: Future[U])(using Async): Future[(T, U)] = Future:
Async.await(Async.either(f1, f2)) match
case Left(Success(x1)) => (x1, f2.value)
case Right(Success(x2)) => (f1.value, x2)
case Left(Failure(ex)) => throw ex
case Right(Failure(ex)) => throw ex
def alt(f2: Future[T])(using Async): Future[T] = Future:
Async.await(Async.either(f1, f2)) match
case Left(Success(x1)) => x1
case Right(Success(x2)) => x2
case Left(_: Failure[?]) => f2.value
case Right(_: Failure[?]) => f1.value
The zip
implementation calls await
over a source which results from an either
. We have seen that either
is in turn implemented by a combination of map
and race
. It distinguishes four cases reflecting which of the argument futures finished first, and whether that was with a success or a failure.
The alt
implementation starts in the same way, calling await
over either
. If the first result was a success, it returns it. If not, it waits for the second result.
In some cases an operand future is no longer needed for the result of a zip
or an alt
. For zip
this is the case if one of the operands fails, since then the result is always a failure, and for alt
this is the case if one of the operands succeeds, since then the result is that success value.
Futures that are no longer needed can be cancelled. Future
extends the Cancellable
trait, which is defined as follows:
trait Cancellable:
def cancel(): Unit
def link(group: CancellationGroup): this.type
A cancel request is transmitted via the cancel
method. It sets the
flag of the future to true
. The flag is tested
before and after each await
and can also be tested from user code.
If a test returns true
, a CancellationException
is thrown, which
usually terminates the running future.
A cancellable object such as a future belongs to a CancellationGroup
Cancellation groups are themselves cancellable objects. Cancelling
a cancellation group means cancelling all its members.
class CancellationGroup extends Cancellable:
private var members: mutable.Set[Cancellable] = mutable.Set()
/** Cancel all members and clear the members set */
def cancel() =
/** Add given member to the members set */
def add(member: Cancellable): Unit = synchronized:
members += member
/** Remove given member from the members set if it is an element */
def drop(member: Cancellable): Unit = synchronized:
members -= member
One can include a cancellable object in a cancellation group using
the object's link
method. An object can belong only to one cancellation group, so linking an already linked cancellable object will unlink it from its previous cancellation group. The link
method is defined
as follows:
def link(group: CancellationGroup): this.type = = group
There are also two variants of link
in Cancellable
, defined as follows:
trait Cancellable:
def link()(using async: Async): this.type =
def unlink(): this.type =
The second variant of link
links a cancellable object to the group of the current Async
context. The unlink
method drops a cancellable object from its group. This is achieved by "linking" the object to the
special Unlinked
cancellation group, which ignores all cancel requests
as well as all add/drop member requests.
object CancellationGroup
object Unlinked extends CancellationGroup:
override def cancel() = ()
override def add(member: Cancellable): Unit = ()
override def drop(member: Cancellable): Unit = ()
end Unlinked
As we have seen in the sum
example, futures can be nested.
val sum = Future:
val f1 = Future(
val f2 = Future(
f1.value + f2.value
Our library follows the structured concurrency principle which says that
the lifetime of nested computations is contained within the lifetime of enclosing computations. In the previous example, f1
and f2
will be guaranteed to terminate when the sum
future terminates. This is already implied by the program logic if both futures terminate successfully. But what if f1
fails with an exception? In that case f2
will be canceled before the sum
future is completed.
The mechanism which achieves this is as follows: When defining a future,
the body of the future is run in the scope of an
wrapper, which is defined like this:
def group[T](body: Async ?=> T)(using async: Async): T =
val newGroup = CancellationGroup().link()
try body(using async.withGroup(newGroup))
finally newGroup.cancel()
The group
wrapper sets up a new cancellation group, runs the given body
in an Async
context with that group, and finally cancels the group once body
has finished.
Channels are a means for futures and related asynchronous computations to synchronize and exchange messages. There are two broad categories of channels: asynchronous or synchronous.Synchronous channels block the sender of a message until it is received, whereas asynchronous channels don't do this as a general rule (but they might still block a sender by some back-pressure mechanism or if a bounded buffer gets full).
The general interface of a channel is as follows:
trait Channel[T]:
def read()(using Async): T
def send(x: T)(using Async): Unit
Channels provide
- a
method, which might suspend while waiting for a message to arrive, - a
method, which also might suspend in case this is a sync channel or there is some other mechanism that forces a sender to wait,
An asynchronous channel implements both the Async.Source
and Channel
interfaces. This means inputs from an asynchronous channel can be mapped, filtered or combined with other sources in races.
class AsyncChannel[T] extends Async.OriginalSource[T], Channel[T]
A sync channel pairs a read request with a send request in a rendezvous. Readers and/or senders are blocked until a rendezvous between them is established which causes a message to be sent and received. A sync channel provides two separate async sources
for reading a message and sending one. The canRead
provides messages to readers of the channel. The canSend
provides message listeners to writers that send messages to the channel.
trait SyncChannel[T] extends Channel[T]:
val canRead: Async.Source[T]
val canSend: Async.Source[Listener[T]]
def send(x: T)(using Async): Unit = await(canSend)(x)
def read()(using Async): T = await(canRead)
One criticism leveled against futures is that they "lack referential transparency". What this means is that a future starts running when it is defined, so passing a reference to a future is not the same as passing the referenced expression itself. Example:
val x = Future { println("started") }
is not the same as
val x = Future { println("started") }
f(Future { println("started") })
In the first case the program prints "started" once whereas in the second case it prints "started" twice. In a sense that's exactly what's intended. After all, the whole point of futures is to get parallelism. So a future should start well before its result is requested and the simplest way to achieve that is to start the future when it is defined. Aside: I believe the criticism of the existing scala.concurrent.Future
design in Scala 2.13 is understandable, since
these futures are usually composed monad-style using for expressions, which informally suggests referential transparency. Direct-style futures like the ones presented here don't have that problem.
On the other hand, the early start of futures does makes it harder to assemble parallel computations as first class values in data structures and to launch them according to user-defined execution rules. Of course one can still achieve all that by working with
functions producing futures instead of futures directly. A function of type () => Future[T]
will start executing its embedded future only once it is called.
Tasks make the definition of such delayed futures a bit easier. The Task
class is defined
as follows:
class Task[+T](val body: Async ?=> T):
def run(using Async) = Future(body)
A Task
takes the body of a future as an argument. Its run
method converts that body to a Future
, which means starting its execution.
val chan: Channel[Int]
val allTasks = List(
def start() = Future:
Tasks have two advantages over simple lambdas when it comes to delaying futures:
- The intent is made clear: This is a delayed computation intended to be executed concurrently in a future once it is started.
- The
context is implicitly provided, sinceTask.apply
takes a context function overAsync
as argument.
Sometimes we want to define future's value externally instead of executing a specific body of code. This can be done using a promise. The design and implementation of promises is simply this:
class Promise[T]:
private val myFuture = CoreFuture[T]()
val future: Future[T] = myFuture
def complete(result: Try[T]): Unit =
A promise provides a future
and a way to define the result of that
future in its complete
The library is expressive enough so that higher-order abstractions over channels can be built with ease. In the following, I outline some of the possible extensions and explain how they could be defined and implemented.
A stream represents a sequence of values that are computed one-by-one in a separate concurrent computation. Conceptually, streams are simply nested futures, where each future produces one element:
type Stream[+T] = Future[StreamResult[T]]
enum StreamResult[+T]:
case More(elem: T, rest: Stream[T])
case End extends StreamResult[Nothing]
One can see a stream as a static representation of the values that are transmitted over a channel. This poses the question of termination -- when do we know that a channel receives no further values, so the stream can be terminated
with an StreamResult.End
value? The following implementation shows one
possibility: Here we map a channel of Try
results to a stream, mapping
failures with a special ChannelClosedException
to StreamResult.End
extension [T](c: Channel[Try[T]])
def toStream(using Async): Stream[T] = Future: match
case Success(x) => StreamResult.More(x, toStream)
case Failure(ex: ChannelClosedException) => StreamResult.End
case Failure(ex) => throw ex
A coroutine or fiber is simply a Future[Unit]
. This might seem surprising at first. Why should we return something from a coroutine or fiber? Well, we certainly do want to observe that a coroutine has terminated, and we also need to handle any exceptions that are thrown
from it. A result of type Try[Unit]
has exactly the information we need for this. We typically want to add some supervisor framework that
waits for coroutines to terminate and handles failures. A possible setup would be to send terminated coroutines to a channel that is serviced by a supervisor future.
Similarly, we can model an actor by a Future[Unit]
paired with a channel which serves as the actor's inbox.
An async context provides three elements:
- an
method that allows a caller to suspend while waiting for the result of an async source to arrive, - a
value that refers to execution context on which tasks are scheduled, - a
value that contains a cancellation group which determines the default linkage of all cancellable objects that are created in an async context.
The most interesting part of an async context is its implementation of the await
method. These implementations need to be based on a lower-level mechanism of suspensions or green threads.
We first describe the implementation if support for full delimited continuations is available. We assume in this case a trait
trait Suspension[-T, +R]:
def resume(arg: T): R = ???
and a method
def suspend[T, R](body: Suspension[T, R] => R)(using Label[R]): T = ???
A call of suspend(body)
captures the continuation up to an enclosing boundary in a Suspension
object and passes it to body
. The continuation can be resumed by calling the suspension's resume
method. The enclosing boundary
is the one which created the implicit Label
Using this infrastructure, await
can be implemented like this:
def await[T](src: Async.Source[T]): T =
suspend[T, Unit]: k =>
src.onComplete: x =>
scheduler.schedule: () =>
true // signals to `src` that result `x` was consumed
finally checkCancellation()
- The main body of
is enclosed by twocheckCancellation
calls that abort the computation with aCancellationException
in case of a cancel request. - Await first polls the async source and returns the result if one is present.
- If no result is present, it suspends the computation and adds a listener to the source via its
method. The listener is generated via a SAM conversion from the closure followingx =>
. - If the listener is invoked with a result, it resumes the suspension with that result argument in a newly scheduled task. The listener returns
to indicate that the result value was consumed.
An Async context with this version of await
is used in the following
implementation of async
, the wrapper for the body of a future:
private def async(body: Async ?=> Unit): Unit =
class FutureAsync ... extends Async:
def await[T](src: Async.Source[T]): T = ...
boundary [Unit]:
body(using FutureAsync(...))
On a runtime that only provides fibers (aka green threads), the implementation of await
is a bit more complicated, since we cannot suspend awaiting an argument value. We can work around this restriction by re-formulating the body of await
as follows:
def await[T](src: Async.Source[T]): T =
var result: Option[T] = None
src.onComplete: x =>
result = Some(x)
while result.isEmpty do wait()
finally checkCancellation()
Only the body of the try
is different from the previous implementation. Here we now create a variable holding an optional result value. The computation wait
s until the result value is defined. The variable becomes is set to a defined value when the listener is invoked, followed by a call to notify()
to wake up the waiting fiber.
Since the whole fiber suspends, we don't need a boundary
anymore to delineate the limit of a continuation, so the async
can be defined as follows:
private def async(body: Async ?=> Unit): Unit =
class FutureAsync(...) extends Async:
def await[T](src: Async.Source[T]): T = ...
body(using FutureAsync(...))