rule : defintion
defines a grammar production rule. -
{ rule }
matches zero or more production rules. -
[ rule ]
matches zero or one production rules -
( var1 | var2 )
matches exactly one of the variants (there can by one or more options)- Parenthesis can be omitted in case of no ambiguity.
matches the exact symbol or keyword. -
Regexes used below
IntegerLiteral: ?[0-9]+ RealLiteral: -?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ BooleanLiteral: true|false Identifier: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* String: \".*\"
Program :
{ SimpleDeclaration | RoutineDeclaration }
SimpleDeclaration :
VariableDeclaration | TypeDeclaration
VariableDeclaration :
"var" Identifier ":" Type [ "is" Expression ] ";"
| "var" Identifier "is" Expression ";"
Expression :
| RealLiteral
| BooleanLiteral
| ModifiablePrimary
| RoutineCall
| "(" Expression ")"
| ( "not" | "-" ) Expression
| Expression ( "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "=" | "/=" | "and" | "or" | "xor" ) Expression
ModifiablePrimary : Identifier | Identifier "." Identifier | Identifier "[" Expression "]"
RoutineCall : Identifier "(" [ Expression { "," Expression } ] ")"
TypeDeclaration : "type" Identifier "is" Type ";"
Type : PrimitiveType | ArrayType | RecordType | Identifier
PrimitiveType : "integer" | "real" | "boolean"
ArrayType : "array" "[" Expression "]" Type
RecordType :
"record" "{" VariableDeclaration { ";" VariableDeclaration } "}" "end"
RoutineDeclaration :
"routine" Identifier "(" Parameters ")" [ ":" Type ] "is" Body "end"
Parameters : ParameterDeclaration { "," ParameterDeclaration }
ParameterDeclaration : Identifier ":" Identifier
Body : { SimpleDeclaration | Statement }
Statement :
Assignment | WhileLoop | ForLoop | IfStatement | ReturnStatement | PrintStatement | ( RoutineCall ";" )
Assignment : ModifiablePrimary ":=" Expression ";"
WhileLoop : "while" Expression "loop" Body "end"
ForLoop : "for" Identifier "in" [ "reverse" ] Expression ".." Expression "loop" Body "end"
IfStatement : "if" Expression "then" Body [ "else" Body ] "end"
ReturnStatement : "return" [ Expression ] ";"
PrintStatement : ( "print" | "println" ) ( Expression | String ) ";"