layout | title |
default |
Weapons Workshop |
{% include pagetitle.html level="2" anchor="WeaponsWorkshop" %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include navbutton.html anchor="index.html" name="Main Page" %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include grayheader.html level="3" anchor="TripleWideRoom" name="Triple Wide Room"%} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include image.html file="t3images/tripleweaponsroom.jpg" alt="tripleweaponsroom" %} {% include emptyline.html %} Tier | Name | Cost | Upgrade Cost | Destruction Value ------|------|------|------|------|------ 1 | Weapons Workshop | 800 [2] | 8,000 [1] | 160 2 | Weapon Factory | | 60,000 [1] | 1600 3 | Weapon Plant | | | xxx
{% include emptyline.html %} {% include note.html note="[1] Upgrading From Teir 1 requires you have 45 dwellers. Upgrading from Teir 2 requires you have 75 dwellers." %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include note.html note="The second one will cost 1400." %}
{% include emptyline.html %} {% include note.html note="To craft a Pipe Rifle 5-7 damage, it will take 1h 42m." %} {% include emptyline.html %} {% include navbutton.html anchor="#Armory" name="Top Of Page" %}