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OCI Designer Toolkit Installation Guide

Although OKIT can simply be downloaded and the command line executed it is recommended that it be executed within a docker container that can be built using the Dockerfile within this repository. This will guarantee that all the required python modules are installed and in addition provide a simple flask server that will present the web based application on http://localhost/okit/designer.

Table of Contents

  1. Clone Repository
  2. Docker Compose
  3. Docker
    1. Build Docker Image
    2. Start Docker Image
  4. Vagrant
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Copy the .oci folder
    3. Build Vagrant Image

Clone Repository

Before the building either the Docker or Vagrant Images the project will nee to be cloned from the Git Repository (or downloaded) and it is recommended that the latest Stable Release be cloned. The latest stable version number if shown in the README and the associated Release tag is in the format vX.Y.Z hence for the version 0.8.0 the Release tag will be v0.8.0. The command shows how this can be cloned to the local machine.

git clone -b v0.8.0 --depth 1


git clone -b v0.8.0 --depth 1


If you do not have git installed locally the current release of OKIT can be retrieved by downloading it as a zip file from

OCI Config File

Before executing any of the docker container scripts OKIT requires an OCI connection configuration file. This file contains the connection information used by OKIT when executing queries or exporting to Resource Manager.

Note: The key_file entry must not be an Absolute path on the host machine. The config directory will be mounted to the docker, linux, root user ~/.oci directory.

If you have already installed the OCI SDK/CLI on you machine then you will have already created this file. If you do not have the sdk or cli installed then we will need to create a config as defined in the next section.

Creating the Config File

Create the directory <OKIT_ROOT_DIR>/containers/oci and within it a file called config with contents similar to that below.


Your pem key associated with your OCI Tenancy / Account should now be copied to the <OKIT_ROOT_DIR>/containers/oci/oci_api_key.pem.

Further information on the config file can be found on the OCI sdk page SDK and CLI Configuration File.

Docker Compose

The docker image is the recommended runtime server OKIT provides a simple Docker Compose script to build and start the container.

cd oci-designer-toolkit/containers/docker
docker-compose up


The docker image is the recommended runtime server and can be built and started using the scripts in the docker sub directory. It should be noted that the current Docker script is designed for development purposes and mounts the source directories at runtime.

  • OKIT_ROOT_DIR : Absolute Root Directory of the extracted / cloned OKIT repository
  • OCI_CONFIG_DIR : Directory containing the OCI config file (OKIT_ROOT_DIR/containers/oci)

Build Docker Image

cd oci-designer-toolkit
docker build --tag okit --file ./containers/docker/Dockerfile --force-rm .

The <OKIT_ROOT_DIR>/containers/scripts contains helper scripts for Linux/Mac and Windows PowerShell.

  • Linux/Mac :
  • Windows PowerShell : build_docker_image_win.ps1

Start Docker Image

cd oci-designer-toolkit
docker run -d --rm -p 443:443 -p 80:80 \
           --name okit \
           --hostname okit \

The <OKIT_ROOT_DIR>/containers/scripts contains helper scripts for Linux/Mac and Windows PowerShell.

  • Linux/Mac :
  • Windows PowerShell : start_okit_server_win.ps1

If you want to run the image in and interactive mode then replace to -d in the above command with -it.



  1. Install Oracle VM VirtualBox
  2. Install Vagrant

Copy the OCI_CONFIG_DIR folder

Copy the contents of the OCI_CONFIG_DIR directory to the oci-designer-toolkit/containers/vagrant/oci folder.

The vagrant should now have these folders & files:

  • Vagrantfile
  • oci folder

Build Vagrant Image

cd oci-designer-toolkit/containers/vagrant/
vagrant up; vagrant ssh

NOTE: This step takes about 30 minutes on my mac when you build the VM, a little longer the first time as the Vbox image is downloaded from github. Once the VM is built the vagrant up should just take a few seconds.

After the Vagrant VM is built the vagrant users home folder should have folders from the cloned oci-designer-toolkit repository exposed in the Vagrant vm in the vagrant users home directory (/okitweb, /visualiser & /output). The OKIT app should also be running. To access the app the ports have been forwarded to the host and you should be able to access OKIT on http://localhost/okit/designer from the host.

It should be noted that the current Vagrantfile script is designed for development purposes and and mounts the source directories at runtime.