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Getting started

To start developing and contributing to HoneyBadgerMPC:

  1. Fork the HoneyBadgerMPC repository.

  2. Clone your fork:

    $ git clone --branch dev<username>/HoneyBadgerMPC.git
  3. Add the remote repository initc3/HoneyBadgerMPC:

    $ git remote add upstream


The remote name upstream is just a convention and you are free to name your remotes whatever you like.

See :ref:`git-remotes` for more information about remotes.

  1. Install pre-commit to use a pre-commit hook to automate formatting the code using black:

    $ pip3 install --user pre-commit
    $ pre-commit install
    pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit

    See for other ways to install pre-commit.

Next step: :ref:`setup a development environment <devenv>`.

Development environment

You are free to manage your development environment the way you prefer. Two possible approaches are documented:

Using docker-compose has the advantage that you do not need to manage dependencies as everything is taking care of in the Dockerfile.

You are encouraged to consult the Your Development Environment section in the The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python for tips and tricks about text editors, IDEs, and interpreter tools.

  1. Install Docker. (For Linux, see Manage Docker as a non-root user) to run docker without sudo.)

  2. Install docker-compose.

  3. Run the tests (the first time will take longer as the image will be built):

    $ docker-compose run --rm honeybadgermpc

    The tests should pass, and you should also see a small code coverage report output to the terminal.

If the above went all well, you should be setup for developing HoneyBadgerMPC!


You may find it useful when developing to have the following 3 "windows" opened at all times:

  • your text editor or IDE
  • an ipython session for quickly trying things out
  • a shell session for running tests, debugging, and building the docs

You can run the ipython and shell session in separate containers:

IPython session:

$ docker-compose run --rm honeybadgermpc ipython

Shell session:

$ docker-compose run --rm honeybadgermpc bash

Once in the session (container) you can execute commands just as you would in a non-container session.

Running a specific test in a container (shell session) As an example, to run the tests for, which will generate and open 1000 zero-sharings, N=3 t=2 (so no fault tolerance):

Run a shell session in a container:

$ docker-compose run --rm honeybadgermpc bash

Run the test:

$ pytest -vs tests/


$ python -m honeybadgermpc.mpc

About code changes and building the image

When developing, you should not need to rebuild the image nor exit running containers, unless new dependencies were added via the Dockerfile. Hence you can modify the code, add breakpoints, add new Python modules (files), and the modifications will be readily available withing the running containers.

  1. Install pipenv.

  2. Install the GMP, MPC and MPFR development packages:

    .. tabs::
        .. tab:: Debian
            .. code-block:: shell-session
                $ apt install libgmp-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev
        .. tab:: Fedora
            .. code-block:: shell-session
                $ dnf install gmp-devel libmpc-devel mpfr-devel
        .. tab:: Mac OS X
            .. code-block:: shell-session
                $ brew install gmp libmpc mpfr
        .. tab:: Windows
            Should not be needed as `pre-compiled versions
            <>`_ of ``gmpy2`` are
            available on PyPI. See `gmpy2 docs for Windows`_ for more information.
  3. Install honeybadgermpc in editable mode for development:

    $ cd HoneyBadgerMPC/
    $ pipenv install -e .[dev]
  4. Activate a virtualenv:

    $ pipenv shell
  5. Run the tests to check that you are well setup:

    $ pytest -v --cov

The tests should pass, and you should also see a small code coverage report output to the terminal.

Useful resources on Pipenv

Running the tests

The tests for honeybadgermpc are located under the :file:`tests/` directory and can be run with pytest:

$ pytest

Running in verbose mode:

$ pytest -v

Running a specific test:

$ pytest -v tests/

When debugging, i.e. if one has put breakpoints in the code, use the -s option (or its equivalent --capture=no):

$ pytest -v -s
# or
$ pytest -v --capture=no

To exit instantly on first error or failed test:

$ pytest -x

To re-run only the tests that failed in the last run:

$ pytest --lf

See pytest --help for more options or the pytest docs.

Code coverage

Measuring the code coverage:

$ pytest --cov

Generating an html coverage report:

$ pytest --cov --cov-report html

View the report:

$ firefox htmlcov/index.html

Coverage configuration file

Configuration for code coverage is located under the file :file:`.coveragerc`.

Code coverage tools

The code coverage is measured using the pytest-cov plugin which is based on The documentation of both projects is important when working on code coverage related issues. As an example, documentation for configuration can be first found in pytest-cov configuration but details about the coverage config file need to be looked up in configuration docs.

Code quality

In order to keep a minimal level of "code quality" flake8 is used. To run the check:

$ flake8

Flake8 configuration file

Configuration for flake8 is under the :file:`.flake8` file.

Building and viewing the documentation

Documentation for honeybadgermpc is located under the :file:`docs/` directory. Sphinx is used to build the documentation, which is written using the markup language reStructuredText.

The :file:`docker-compose.yml` can be used to quickly build the docs and view them.

To build the docs:

$ docker-compose up builddocs

To view the docs:

$ docker-compose up -d viewdocs

Visit http://localhost:58888/ in a web browser.


To view the port mapping you can use the command:

$ docker-compose port viewdocs 80

or, alternatively

$ docker-compose ps viewdocs


One may get a 403 Forbidden error when trying to view the docs at http://localhost:58888/. This may because the generated html docs were removed. Using the make clean command under the :file:`docs/` directory, e.g.:

$ docker-compose run --rm builddocs make -C docs clean

wipes out the :file:`_build/` directory, and one has to restart the viewdocs (nginx) service, i.e.:

$ docker-compose restart viewdocs

and then re-build the docs:

$ docker-compose up builddocs

Or vice-versa: build the docs and restart the server.

Alternative ways to build and view the docs

To build the documentation, one can use the :file:`Makefile` under the :file:`docs/` directory:

$ make -C docs html


$ cd docs
$ make html

The :file:`Makefile` makes use of the sphinx-build command, which one can also use directly:

$ sphinx-build -M html docs docs/_build -c docs -W --keep-going

It is possible to set some Sphinx environment variables when using the :file:`Makefile`, and more particularly SPHINXOPTS via the shortcut O. For instance, to treat warnings as errors and to keep going with building the docs when a warning occurs:

$ O='-W --keep-going' make html

By default the generated docs are under :file:`docs/_build/html/` and one can view them using a browser, e.g.:

$ firefox docs/_build/html/index.html