description | cover | coverY |
Find a double free vulnerability within REplay |
../../../../../../../.gitbook/assets/1_X7OK5T-GkCrtzxkW8nM8Sg.webp |
0 |
{% hint style="info" %} If you do not know what Double Free or DOUF is, refer to {% endhint %}
I am sure by now, you have also explored how to find functions such as 'free' and 'malloc'. If not, then check out the page linked below to demonstrate how we can find and trace functions like the ones listed above.
{% content-ref url="../../../../../../replay-extras/reverse-engineering-other-theory-s/tracing-externs/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}
This section is not going to be too heavy, but similar to vuln-integer-overflow, I decided that I was going to also separate this one quite a bit. This is mainly due to my own thought organization- but these writeups are only meant to be short guides to finding the questions and in depth educational materiel on how the answer was verified.