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The goal of ete is to provide an interface to the Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems (ETE) Program database.


You can install the released version of ete from GitHub with:



Loading ETE Data

The first step to using ETERnity is to load the library, and then use the load_ete_data function to donwload the latest verion of ETE data from Figshare, and load it into 6 tables.


data_tables <- load_ete_data(download_if_missing = TRUE)
#> Downloading version 1 of the data...
#> trying URL '[...]'
#> Content type 'application/zip' length 53537971 bytes (51.1 MB)
#> ==================================================
#> downloaded 51.1 MB
#> Unzipping file to /Users/[username]/.ete...

#> [1] "dataset_table"      "occurrence_table"   "sites_table"       
#> [4] "sitetrait_table"    "species_table"      "speciestrait_table"

User Functions

We have created a suite of user functions that allow you to pull data out of the ETE tables by provider. You can pull out yours or anyone else’s.

geteteoccur(provider): Get your occurrence table in long format.

amatangelo_occur <- geteteoccur(data_tables, 'Amatangelo')
#>   occurid        sitekey  sitename speciesid observed  sid timeybp
#> 1  849237 Amatan_3034_10 3034_2000    ABIBAL        1 3034      10
#> 2  849238 Amatan_3034_10 3034_2000    ACERUB        0 3034      10
#> 3  849239 Amatan_3034_10 3034_2000    ACESAC       28 3034      10
#> 4  849240 Amatan_3034_10 3034_2000    BETALL        0 3034      10
#> 5  849241 Amatan_3034_10 3034_2000    BETPAP        1 3034      10
#> 6  849242 Amatan_3034_10 3034_2000    CARCAR        0 3034      10
#>         datasetname latitude longitude duration spaceextent   provider
#> 1 Amatan_WI_Pla_Mod 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04 Amatangelo
#> 2 Amatan_WI_Pla_Mod 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04 Amatangelo
#> 3 Amatan_WI_Pla_Mod 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04 Amatangelo
#> 4 Amatan_WI_Pla_Mod 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04 Amatangelo
#> 5 Amatan_WI_Pla_Mod 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04 Amatangelo
#> 6 Amatan_WI_Pla_Mod 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04 Amatangelo

geteteoccurDataset(dataset): Get your occurrence table in long format for one timebin

amatan_wi_occur <- geteteoccurDataset(data_tables, 'Amatan_WI_Pla_Hist')
#>   occurid        sitekey  sitename speciesid observed  sid timeybp
#> 1  851577 Amatan_3034_60 3034_1950    ABIBAL        1 3034      60
#> 2  851578 Amatan_3034_60 3034_1950    ACERUB        1 3034      60
#> 3  851579 Amatan_3034_60 3034_1950    ACESAC       31 3034      60
#> 4  851580 Amatan_3034_60 3034_1950    ACESPI        0 3034      60
#> 5  851581 Amatan_3034_60 3034_1950    BETALL        2 3034      60
#> 6  851582 Amatan_3034_60 3034_1950    BETPAP        8 3034      60
#>          datasetname latitude longitude duration spaceextent
#> 1 Amatan_WI_Pla_Hist 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04
#> 2 Amatan_WI_Pla_Hist 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04
#> 3 Amatan_WI_Pla_Hist 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04
#> 4 Amatan_WI_Pla_Hist 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04
#> 5 Amatan_WI_Pla_Hist 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04
#> 6 Amatan_WI_Pla_Hist 44.96245 -87.19103        1       5e-04

unmelt2specXsite(table): Put your occurrence table in P/A matrix format

PAtable <- unmelt2specXsite(amatan_wi_occur)
#>        Amatan_1_60 Amatan_10_60 Amatan_1000_60 Amatan_1002_60
#> ABIBAL         NaN          NaN            NaN            NaN
#> ACENEG           0            0              0              0
#> ACERUB           0            0              0              1
#> ACESAC          11           11             37              0
#> ACESPI         NaN          NaN            NaN            NaN
#>        Amatan_1003_60
#> ABIBAL            NaN
#> ACENEG              0
#> ACERUB              0
#> ACESAC              0
#> ACESPI            NaN

getlatlon(provider): Get a list of your sites and their coordinates

wing_sites <- getlatlon(data_tables, 'Wing')
#>         sitekey sitename latitude longitude
#> 1 Wing_16-4_73m    BCR15  43.8527  -107.536
#> 2 Wing_17-0_73m    BCR16  43.8527  -107.536
#> 3 Wing_17-9_73m    BCR17  43.8524  -107.535
#> 4 Wing_18-0_73m    BCR18  43.8524  -107.535
#> 5 Wing_18-1_73m    BCR19  43.8523  -107.536
#> 6 Wing_18-2_73m    BCR20  43.8523  -107.535

getages(provider): Get a list of your sites and their ages

ages <- getages(data_tables, "Behrensmeyer1")
#>                sitekey  timeybp
#> 1 Behren_D0025_10.474m 10474000
#> 2 Behren_D0027_10.474m 10474000
#> 3 Behren_D0062_10.066m 10066000
#> 4 Behren_GB001_10.768m 10768000
#> 5 Behren_GB002_10.876m 10876000
#> 6 Behren_KL017_10.568m 10568000

getsitetraits(provider): Get your site traits matrix

sitetraits <- getsitetraits(data_tables, "Blois")
#>      sitekey  variablename   numvar discvar
#> 1 Blois_1_1k ANN_PRECIP_MM 283.7258        
#> 2 Blois_1_2k ANN_PRECIP_MM 283.2045        
#> 3 Blois_1_3k ANN_PRECIP_MM 282.3187        
#> 4 Blois_1_4k ANN_PRECIP_MM 282.2152        
#> 5 Blois_1_5k ANN_PRECIP_MM 275.3530        
#> 6 Blois_1_6k ANN_PRECIP_MM 275.3668

getspptraits(provider): Get your species trait matrix

spptraits <- getspptraits(data_tables,"Lyons")
#>   speciesid traitname numvalue discvalue
#> 1   Ago_pac    AFR_MO     10.5          
#> 2   Ago_pac    AFR_MO     10.5          
#> 3   Ago_pac    AFR_MO     10.5          
#> 4   Ago_pac    AFR_MO     10.5          
#> 5   Ago_pac    AFR_MO     10.5          
#> 6   Ago_pac    AFR_MO     10.5


If you use the ETERnity package, please cite accordingly:


The dataset download and load functions all borrowed heavily from portalr.

  • JOSS publication:

    Erica M. Christensen, Glenda M. Yenni, Hao Ye, Juniper L. Simonis, Ellen K. Bledsoe, Renata M. Diaz, Shawn D. Taylor, Ethan P. White, and S. K. Morgan Ernest. (2019). portalr: an R package for summarizing and using the Portal Project Data. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(33), 1098,