- Issue and exact description of task is being created
- You create a new branch referencing the issue (with #<nr>)
- Work on the new branch
- If you changed things in the Architecture, or implemented them in a way differing from the specification, tell fkarg to get the Architecture updated fast.
- Specification of the Issue and the Architecture are to be fulfilled as much as reasonable.
- Pull-Request (with message closes #<nr>) (this is important for the waffle board)
- This PR is getting reviewed at some point from someone with write-acess (if it builds on travis) Now, if your Review was sucessful, the Reviewer will merge your PR in the project If it wasnt:
- Answer the asked questions and fix what was required
Happy hacking! :)
(Warning: This only applies to external members not part of the SoPra18-07-Team)
Todo: maybe take a few things from here