[DEPRACTED] As of August 5th, rbxscan.js will be depracated due to a roblox API change relating to asset ID creation.
Non-sequential IDs apply only to newly created assets. Universe IDs won’t be impacted, as it is not considered an asset. There will be no collisions between existing and new Asset IDs. The number of digits in the Asset ID will expand from 11 to 14 or more.
You can read more here.
rbxscan.js allows you to easily scan roblox assets using proxies
Run "npm install rbxscan.js"
import { Scanner, Events, Asset } from "rbxscan.js"; // or using the require() funciton
const scanner = new Scanner({
assetsPerScan: 550, // The amount of assets to scan
retryOnError: true, // Rescan an asset (max of 2 rescans, 3 scans total if it still errors) if the request gets errored/ratelimited
abortSignalTimeout: 5000, // The time to abort a request
timeout: 500, // the speed in ms between each scan (optinal)
startId: 34324243242, // The starting asset id of the scanner
proxies: [
protocol: "http",
port: 33,
host: "34.234234.234",
username: "axxx",
password: "xxxx",
], // The proxys
cookies: [
scanner.on(Events.Scan, (asset: Asset) => {
scanner.on(Events.Error, (error: Error) => {
// Makes all errors except unauthorized not throw an exeption