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Solar App Commands


Command Name INS Description
GET_APP_NAME 0xa1 Get the ASCII encoded application name.
GET_VERSION 0xa2 Get the application's version as [MAJOR(1), MINOR(1), PATCH(1)].
GET_PUBLIC_KEY 0xb1 Get the user's PublicKey given a BIP32 path.
GET_ADDRESS 0xb2 Get the user's Solar Address given a BIP32 path and a network.
SIGN_MESSAGE 0xc1 Sign a message given a BIP32 path and an ASCII text message.
SIGN_TX 0xc2 Sign a transaction given a BIP32 path and a serialised transaction.


The GET_APP_NAME instruction will return the app name, "Solar" as an ASCII-encoded value.


CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xe0 0xa1 0x00 0x00 0x00 not used

Note that CData is not used and should remain empty.


For the GET_APP_NAME instruction, both P1 and P2 values are not used and should be set as 0x00.

Parameter Value Description
P1 0x00 not used
P2 0x00 not used


Response length SW RData
5 (bytes) 0x9000 Solar

Example Session

=> e0a1000000
<= 536f6c61729000
   # "Solar", 0x9000


The GET_VERSION instruction will return the Solar App's version as a byte array of [MAJOR(1), MINOR(1), PATCH(1)].


CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xe0 0xa2 0x00 0x00 0x00 not used

Note that CData is not used and should remain empty.


For the GET_VERSION instruction, both P1 and P2 values are not used and should be set as 0x00.

Parameter Value Description
P1 0x00 not used
P2 0x00 not used


Response length SW RData
3 (bytes) 0x9000 [MAJOR(1), MINOR(1), PATCH(1)]

Example Session

=> e0a2000000
<= 0101039000
   # "1 1 3", 0x9000


The GET_PUBLIC_KEY instruction will return the user's PublicKey given a derivation path (e.g., "44'/3333'/0'/0/0"). A chain code used for external key derivation may additionally be requested using P2 as described below.


CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xe0 0xb1 0x00
1 + 4n [len(bip32_path)(1), bip32_path{1}(4), ..., bip32_path{n}(4)]


For the GET_PUBLIC_KEY instruction, the P1 value is used to signify whether or not to display the user's PublicKey on the Ledger device's screen and prompt the user for approval.

0x00Don't display or ask for user confirmation.
0x01Display and ask for user confirmation.

For the GET_PUBLIC_KEY instruction, the P2 value is used to signify whether or not the HD chain code should be included in the response. (see 'BIP-0032: Extended Keys' for more about the chain code).

0x00Don't request the chain code.
0x01Request the chain code.


No Chain Code:

Response length SW RData
34 (bytes) 0x9000 [len(public_key)(1), public_key(33)]

With Chain Code:

Response length SW RData
67 (bytes) 0x9000 [len(public_key)(1), public_key(33), len(chain_code)(1), chain_code(32)]

Example Session

=> e0b1000015058000002c80000d05800000000000000000000000
<= 21033cf83b4df94857a7a782f910e70dd7a777ae6e53f51f31932a8073cdf9caff039000
   # 33, 0x033cf83b4df94857a7a782f910e70dd7a777ae6e53f51f31932a8073cdf9caff03, 0x9000


The GET_ADDRESS instruction will return the user's Address given a derivation path (e.g., "44'/3333'/0'/0/0").


CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xe0 0xb2 0x00
0x3F (mainnet)
0x1E (testnet)
1 + 4n [len(bip32_path)(1), bip32_path{1}(4), ..., bip32_path{n}(4)]


For the GET_ADDRESS instruction, the P1 value is used to signify whether or not to display the user's PublicKey on the Ledger device's screen and prompt the user for approval.

0x00Don't display or ask for user confirmation.
0x01Display and ask for user confirmation.

For the GET_ADDRESS instruction, the P2 value is used to specify which network the Address should be created for.

Value Network Prefix Example Address
0x3F Mainnet S SNAgA2XCRZDKfm5Vu9h4KR1bZw5xn9EiC3
0x1E Testnet D D61mfSggzbvQgTUe6JhYKH2doHaqJ3Dyib


Response length SW RData
35 (bytes) 0x9000 [len(address)(1), base_58_address(34)]

Example Session

=> e0b2013f15058000002c80000d05800000000000000000000000  # (with user approval)
<= 5351424b71716969735933415a59436a63585358334d657133385a6e47644755754b9000
   # "SQBKqqiisY3AZYCjcXSX3Meq38ZnGdGUuK", 0x9000


The SIGN_MESSAGE instruction is used to sign an ASCII text message for a given derivation path (e.g., "44'/3333'/0'/0/0").

First Chunk:

CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xe0 0xc1 0x00 0x80 1 + 4n [len(bip32_path)(1), bip32_path{1}(4), ..., bip32_path{n}(4)]

Note that the first chunk will only contain path information in CData.

nth Chunk:

CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xe0 0xc1 n... 0x80 (more)
0x00 (last)
variable (1...255) [payload_data_chunk]


For the SIGN_MESSAGE instruction, the P1 value is used to represent the chunk's index (i.e., the nth chunk).

There is currently a limit of 8 chunks max.

0x00The first chunk
...nth chunk

For the SIGN_MESSAGE instruction, the P2 value is used to signify whether there are more chunks to be received or if the current chunk is the final chunk of the request session.

0x80More chunks should be expected.
0x00This is the final chunk that should be expected.


Response length SW RData
64 (bytes) 0x9000 [schnorr_signature(64)]

Example Session

=> e0c1008015058000002c80000d05800000000000000000000000
<= 9000
=> e0c101000d48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421  # ("Hello, World!")
<= <signature(64)>, 0x9000


The SIGN_TX instruction is used to sign a Solar transaction for a given derivation path (e.g., "44'/3333'/0'/0/0").


First Chunk:

CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xe0 0xc2 0x00 0x80 1 + 4n [len(bip32_path)(1), bip32_path{1}(4), ..., bip32_path{n}(4)]

Note that the first chunk will only contain path information in CData.

nth Chunk:

CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xe0 0xc2 n... 0x80 (more)
0x00 (last)
variable (1...255) [payload_data_chunk]


For the SIGN_TX instruction, the P1 value is used to represent the chunk's index (i.e., the nth chunk).

There is currently a limit of 8 chunks max.

0x00The first chunk
...nth chunk

For the SIGN_TX instruction, the P2 value is used to signify whether there are more chunks to be received or if the current chunk is the final chunk of the request session.

0x80More chunks should be expected.
0x00This is the final chunk that should be expected.


Response length SW RData
64 (bytes) 0x9000 [signature(64)]

Example Session

=> e0c2008015058000002c80000d05800000000000000000000000
<= 9000
=> e0c2010057ff033f0200000002000a00000000000000034151a3ec46b5670a682b0a63394f863587d1bc97483b1b6c70eb58e7f0aed19200e1f5050000000000030367796d88130a63616374757331353439c40905736c333370c409
<= <signature(64)>, 0x9000

Status Words

SW SW name Description
0x6985 SW_DENY Rejected by user
0x6A86 SW_WRONG_P1P2 Either P1 or P2 is incorrect
0x6A87 SW_WRONG_DATA_LENGTH Lc or minimum APDU length is incorrect
0x6D00 SW_INS_NOT_SUPPORTED No command exists with INS
0x6E00 SW_CLA_NOT_SUPPORTED Bad CLA used for this application
0xB000 SW_WRONG_RESPONSE_LENGTH Wrong response length (buffer size problem)
0xB001 SW_DISPLAY_BIP32_PATH_FAIL BIP32 path conversion to string failed
0xB002 SW_DISPLAY_PUBLICKEY_FAIL PublicKey conversion to string failed
0xB003 SW_DISPLAY_AMOUNT_FAIL Amount conversion to string failed
0xB004 SW_WRONG_TX_LENGTH Wrong raw transaction length
0xB005 SW_TX_PARSING_FAIL Failed to parse raw transaction
0xB006 SW_TX_HASH_FAIL Failed to compute hash digest of raw transaction
0xB007 SW_BAD_STATE Security issue with bad state
0xB008 SW_SIGNATURE_FAIL Signature of raw transaction failed
0xB009 SW_OUT_OF_ORDER_REQ Requests are not in order
0xB010 SW_ENCODE_ADDRESS_FAIL PublicKey to Address conversion failed
0xB011 SW_DISPLAY_ADDRESS_FAIL Address conversion to string failed
0x9000 OK Success