diff --git a/_data/main.yaml b/_data/main.yaml
index deef3d1..c712cae 100644
--- a/_data/main.yaml
+++ b/_data/main.yaml
@@ -245,3 +245,158 @@ events:
days: 1
event_url: https://mde-network.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Call-for-EOI-workshop-Research-Software.pdf
+ - summary: Cambridge RSE Seminar - Code Execution during peer review with CODECHECK - Daniel Nust
+ description: |
+ Data and software are the foundation for a vast variety and volume of computational
+ research in all scientific disciplines. This is how we make sense of small and huge
+ datasets using everything from one-off scripts to high-performance computing
+ infrastructures. Nowadays, most of these works are eventually presented to a
+ scientific community in form of a paper for the recognition of research outputs and
+ career advancement. Research papers are increasingly accompanied by data and
+ software to ensure transparency, reproducibility, and reusability. This change
+ is driven by shifting community practice as well as by publisher guidelines.
+ However, the actual inspection of these building blocks is not a common part
+ of the publication and peer review process. The CODECHECK initiative tries to make
+ code execution standard practice in peer review using a particular focus and a set
+ of principles. We present variants of CODECHECK and highlight the possibilities
+ for research software engineers to participate in academic peer review as codecheckers.
+ Furthermore, we demonstrate the AGILE conference’s Reproducibility Review as a
+ concrete implementation of CODECHECK . The Reproducible AGILE initiative
+ demonstrates how good scientific and development practices can be encouraged
+ and spread through communication and collaboration.
+ Daniel is a research software engineer and postdoc at the Chair of Geoinformatics,
+ TU Dresden, Germany. He develops tools for open and reproducible geoscientific
+ research and is a proponent for open scholarship and reproducibility in the projects
+ NFDI4 Earth (), OPTIMETA (), and CODECHECK ().
+ location: West Cambridge and online via Zoom
+ begin: 2023-10-19 13:00:00
+ duration: { hours: 1 }
+ event_url: "https://talks.cam.ac.uk/show/index/69831"
+ - summary: "Cambridge RSE Seminar - Fortran 77: It's really C with none of the safeguards - Simon Clifford"
+ description: |
+ Fortran was summoned by IBM ’s warlocks nearly 70 years ago. So should we still be
+ interested in this crusty old programming language?
+ Come with crusty old Simon as he opens the vault and delves into some
+ distinctly not-modern Fortran.
+ GASP as we use pointers in a language that doesn’t have pointers.
+ THRILL as we cast between types without knowing we’re doing it.
+ GROAN as we make whitespace important years before Python thought of it.
+ location: West Cambridge and online via Zoom
+ begin: 2023-10-26 13:00:00
+ duration: { hours: 1 }
+ event_url: "https://talks.cam.ac.uk/show/index/69831"
+ - summary: Cambridge RSE Seminar - Widening Participation in the R Project - Heather Turner
+ description: |
+ The R Project is over 20 years old, but its future is not secure – many of the
+ R Core Team are nearing or post retirement and there are not enough new contributors
+ to sustain the work. In this talk, I will present a number of initiatives, fostered
+ under my EPSRC RSE Fellowship: ‘Sustainability and EDI (Equality, Diversity and
+ Inclusion) in the R Project’, that are designed to encourage and train a new, more
+ diverse, generation of contributors.
+ The initiatives vary from regular support on the R Contributor Slack and in R
+ Contributor Office Hours, to one-off events aimed at new contributors such as a
+ Collaboration Campfire series and a Bug BBQ . I will report back on the recent R
+ Project Sprint 2023, hosted at Warwick University, which brought members of the R
+ Core Team together with both novice and experienced contributors to work in
+ collaboration – the first event of this kind in the R community. I will discuss how
+ we hope to keep the momentum going and how RSEs might contribute to the R Project
+ and other fundamental open source projects.
+ location: West Cambridge and online via Zoom
+ begin: 2023-11-02 13:00:00
+ duration: { hours: 1 }
+ event_url: "https://talks.cam.ac.uk/show/index/69831"
+ - summary: Cambridge RSE Seminar - Sustainability at The Netherlands eScience Center - Niels Drost
+ description: |
+ The Netherlands eScience Center is the Dutch national expertise center for research
+ software. We work with researchers from across the Netherlands and beyond, in all
+ fields of research on creating and using research software, as well as building
+ capacity through teaching, fellowships, and other community efforts.
+ We are passionate about making software sustainable (as in durable) so that it can
+ be used by as many researchers as possible. To facilitate this we created the
+ Research Software Directory (), a service
+ to show the impact of research software.
+ A re-occurring theme in our projects is that of sustainability (as in climate change).
+ Over the years we have contributed to a number of projects and software related to
+ sustainability, including ESM Valtool (), software supporting
+ the evaluation of Earth system models, and used in the latest IPCC report.
+ In my presentation I will explain the structure of the eScience Center and how it
+ came to be, introduce the research software directory, and provide some examples
+ of projects in the area of sustainability we contribute to.
+ Niels Drost is a Research Software Engineer from the Netherlands. He is currently
+ the Programme Manager for Environment and Sustainability at the Netherlands eScience
+ Center. He has a background in Computer Science in the area of High Performance
+ Computing, helped establish the Dutch chapter of the RSE community (NL-RSE,
+ ), and has worked on many different research projects over
+ the years, mostly in the fields of Climate Science and Hydrology.
+ location: West Cambridge and online via Zoom
+ begin: 2023-11-09 13:00:00
+ duration: { hours: 1 }
+ event_url: "https://talks.cam.ac.uk/show/index/69831"
+ - summary: Cambridge RSE Seminar - Teaching RSE for Digital Humanities - Mary Chester-Cadwell
+ description: |
+ Cambridge Digital Humanities (CDH) runs a variety of learning opportunities that
+ introduce RSE practices to students, researchers and staff in the arts, humanities,
+ archives, libraries and museums. The CDH Learning programme offers a 'Best Practices
+ in Coding for Digital Humanities' series and runs a RSE Methods Fellows programme
+ for RSEs (of any discipline) to teach workshops and prepare online tutorials.
+ CDH also hosts a Digital Humanities (DH) RSE Summer School (together with several
+ partner institutions) with the aim of introducing those who code in research to
+ beginner and intermediate RSE practices. This is an exciting time for RSE in DH
+ and these recent initiatives are still in the process of active development. In
+ this talk I will discuss some of the challenges and opportunities of making RSE
+ relevant to the various types of research under the ‘DH umbrella’, how best to
+ engage DH scholars and RSEs from other disciplines in this joint endeavour, and
+ where this might take us next.
+ location: West Cambridge and online via Zoom
+ begin: 2023-11-16 13:00:00
+ duration: { hours: 1 }
+ event_url: "https://talks.cam.ac.uk/show/index/69831"
+ - summary: Cambridge RSE Seminar - How not to write a convection parameterisation code? - Mike Whitall
+ description: |
+ Convection parameterisations are a crucial element of global atmospheric models.
+ They simulate the vertical transport of heat, moisture and momentum by convective
+ clouds, and associated rainfall. The majority of Tropical rainfall is associated
+ with these clouds, which are too small-scale to explicitly resolve on the model’s
+ grid and so need to be parameterised.
+ Most global atmosphere models use a so-called 'mass-flux' form of convection
+ parameterisation, which consists of a diagnostic vertical integral to compute the
+ properties of the clouds and the amount of heat / moisture entrained / detrained
+ at each height. The calculations in a given vertical column of model grid-points
+ are completely independent of those in other neighbouring columns, so it would be
+ simplest to write the code so that it only considers a single column at a time.
+ However, since we are performing a vertical integral the calculations at a given
+ height within each column depend on the results from those calculations at the
+ level below, so the scheme must be structured in a vertically sequential manner
+ considering a single height-level at a time.
+ Considering only a single column and a single height-level at a time amounts to
+ computing only a single grid-point at a time. On CPU architectures, this is
+ extremely inefficient; far greater computation speeds are obtained by doing many
+ identical calculations simultaneously, via vectorisation. Another challenge/opportunity
+ is the sparsity of the required calculations, since convective clouds only occupy a
+ small fraction of the atmosphere’s volume.
+ In this talk I discuss routes to exploiting both vectorisation and shared memory
+ parallelisation, and how to make efficient use of memory given the sparsity, in the
+ comorph convection parameterisation fortran code currently under development at the
+ Met Office.
+ However, current and future changes in software and HPC architectures (such as GPUs)
+ may radically change the optimal code structure. Is there any way to adapt our
+ convection code to these changes without completely rewriting it, or write it in a
+ 'future proof' way?
+ location: West Cambridge and online via Zoom
+ begin: 2023-11-23 13:00:00
+ duration: { hours: 1 }
+ event_url: "https://talks.cam.ac.uk/show/index/69831"