Id | Title |
CS0019 | Operator 'operator' cannot be applied to operands of type 'type' and 'type'. |
CS0021 | Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'type'. |
CS0023 | Operator 'operator' cannot be applied to operand of type 'type'. |
CS0029 | Cannot implicitly convert type 'type' to 'type'. |
CS0030 | Cannot convert type 'type' to 'type'. |
CS0037 | Cannot convert null to 'type' because it is a non-nullable value type. |
CS0069 | An event in an interface cannot have add or remove accessors. |
CS0077 | The as operator must be used with a reference type or nullable type ('type' is a non-nullable value type). |
CS0080 | Constraints are not allowed on non-generic declarations. |
CS0101 | The namespace 'namespace' already contains a definition for 'type'. |
CS0102 | The type 'type name' already contains a definition for 'identifier'. |
CS0103 | The name 'identifier' does not exist in the current context. |
CS0106 | The modifier 'modifier' is not valid for this item. |
CS0107 | More than one protection modifier. |
CS0108 | 'member1' hides inherited member 'member2'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. |
CS0109 | The member 'member' does not hide an inherited member. The new keyword is not required. |
CS0112 | A static member 'function' cannot be marked as override, virtual or abstract. |
CS0114 | 'function1' hides inherited member 'function2'. To make the current method override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword. |
CS0115 | 'function': no suitable method found to override. |
CS0119 | 'identifier' is a 'construct', which is not valid in the given context. |
CS0120 | An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property 'member'. |
CS0123 | No overload for 'method' matches delegate 'delegate'. |
CS0126 | An object of a type convertible to 'type' is required. |
CS0127 | Since 'function' returns void, a return keyword must not be followed by an object expression. |
CS0128 | A local variable named 'variable' is already defined in this scope. |
CS0131 | The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer. |
CS0132 | 'constructor': a static constructor must be parameterless. |
CS0133 | The expression being assigned to 'variable' must be constant. |
CS0136 | A local variable named 'var' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'var', which is already used in a 'parent or current/child' scope to denote something else. |
CS0139 | No enclosing loop out of which to break or continue. |
CS0152 | The switch statement contains multiple cases with same label value. |
CS0161 | 'method': not all code paths return a value. |
CS0162 | Unreachable code detected. |
CS0163 | Control cannot fall through from one case label ('label') to another. |
CS0164 | This label has not been referenced. |
CS0165 | Use of unassigned local variable 'name'. |
CS0168 | The variable 'var' is declared but never used. |
CS0173 | Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between 'class1' and 'class2'. |
CS0177 | The out parameter 'parameter' must be assigned to before control leaves the current method. |
CS0191 | A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or a variable initializer). |
CS0192 | Readonly field 'name' cannot be used as ref or out value (except in a constructor). |
CS0201 | Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement. |
CS0214 | Pointers and fixed size buffers may only be used in an unsafe context. |
CS0216 | The operator 'operator' requires a matching operator 'missing_operator' to also be defined. |
CS0219 | The variable 'variable' is assigned but its value is never used. |
CS0221 | Constant value 'value' cannot be converted to a 'type' (use 'unchecked' syntax to override). |
CS0225 | The params parameter must be a single dimensional array. |
CS0238 | 'identifier' cannot be sealed because it is not an override. |
CS0246 | The type or namespace name 'type/namespace' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?). |
CS0260 | Missing partial modifier on declaration of type 'type'; another partial declaration of this type exists. |
CS0262 | Partial declarations of 'type' have conflicting accessibility modifiers. |
CS0266 | Cannot implicitly convert type 'type1' to 'type2'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?). |
CS0267 | The partial modifier can only appear immediately before 'class', 'struct', or 'interface'. |
CS0275 | 'accessor': accessibility modifiers may not be used on accessors in an interface. |
CS0305 | Using the generic type 'generic type' requires 'number' type arguments. |
CS0401 | The new() constraint must be the last constraint specified. |
CS0403 | Cannot convert null to type parameter 'name' because it could be a non-nullable value type. Consider using default('T') instead. |
CS0405 | Duplicate constraint 'constraint' for type parameter 'type parameter'. |
CS0407 | 'return-type method' has the wrong return type. |
CS0409 | A constraint clause has already been specified for type parameter 'type parameter'. All of the constraints for a type parameter must be specified in a single where clause. |
CS0428 | Cannot convert method group 'identifier' to non-delegate type 'type'. Did you intend to invoke the method? |
CS0441 | 'class': a class cannot be both static and sealed. |
CS0442 | 'property': abstract properties cannot have private accessors. |
CS0449 | The 'class' or 'struct' constraint must come before any other constraints. |
CS0450 | 'type parameter name': cannot specify both a constraint class and the 'class' or 'struct' constraint. |
CS0451 | The 'new()' constraint cannot be used with the 'struct' constraint. |
CS0472 | The result of the expression is always 'value1' since a value of type 'value2' is never equal to 'null' of type 'value3'. |
CS0500 | 'class member' cannot declare a body because it is marked abstract. |
CS0501 | 'member function' must declare a body because it is not marked abstract, extern, or partial. |
CS0507 | 'function1': cannot change access modifiers when overriding 'access' inherited member 'function2'. |
CS0508 | 'type1': return type must be 'type2' to match overridden member 'member name'. |
CS0513 | 'function' is abstract but it is contained in nonabstract class 'class'. |
CS0515 | 'function': access modifiers are not allowed on static constructors. |
CS0524 | 'identifier': interfaces cannot declare types. |
CS0525 | Interfaces cannot contain fields. |
CS0527 | Type 'type' in interface list is not an interface. |
CS0531 | 'member': interface members cannot have a definition. |
CS0539 | 'member' in explicit interface declaration is not a member of interface |
CS0541 | 'declaration': explicit interface declaration can only be declared in a class or struct. |
CS0549 | New virtual member in sealed class. |
CS0558 | User-defined operator 'operator' must be declared static and public. |
CS0567 | Interfaces cannot contain operators. |
CS0568 | Structs cannot contain explicit parameterless constructors. |
CS0573 | 'field declaration': cannot have instance field initializers in structs. |
CS0574 | Name of destructor must match name of class. |
CS0575 | Only class types can contain destructors. |
CS0579 | Duplicate 'attribute' attribute. |
CS0592 | Attribute 'attribute' is not valid on this declaration type. It is valid on 'type' declarations only. |
CS0621 | 'member': virtual or abstract members cannot be private. |
CS0628 | member' : new protected member declared in sealed class. |
CS0659 | 'class' overrides Object.Equals(object o) but does not override Object.GetHashCode(). |
CS0660 | 'class' defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.Equals(object o). |
CS0661 | 'class' defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.GetHashCode(). |
CS0678 | 'variable': a field can not be both volatile and readonly. |
CS0693 | Type parameter 'type parameter' has the same name as the type parameter from outer type 'type'. |
CS0708 | 'field': cannot declare instance members in a static class. |
CS0710 | Static classes cannot have instance constructors |
CS0713 | Static class 'static type' cannot derive from type 'type'. Static classes must derive from object. |
CS0714 | Static class cannot implement interfaces. |
CS0718 | 'type': static types cannot be used as type arguments. |
CS0750 | A partial method cannot have access modifiers or the virtual, abstract, override, new, sealed, or extern modifiers. |
CS0751 | A partial method must be declared in a partial class or partial struct. |
CS0753 | Only methods, classes, structs, or interfaces may be partial. |
CS0756 | A partial method may not have multiple defining declarations. |
CS0759 | No defining declaration found for implementing declaration of partial method 'method'. |
CS0766 | Partial methods must have a void return type. |
CS0815 | Cannot assign 'expression' to an implicitly typed local. |
CS0819 | Implicitly typed locals cannot have multiple declarators. |
CS0822 | Implicitly typed locals cannot be const. |
CS1002 | ; expected. |
CS1003 | Syntax error, 'char' expected. |
CS1004 | Duplicate 'modifier' modifier. |
CS1012 | Too many characters in character literal. |
CS1023 | Embedded statement cannot be a declaration or labeled statement. |
CS1031 | Type expected. |
CS1057 | 'member': static classes cannot contain protected members. |
CS1061 | 'type' does not contain a definition for 'member' and no extension method 'name' accepting a first argument of type 'type' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?). |
CS1100 | Method 'name' has a parameter modifier 'this' which is not on the first parameter. |
CS1105 | Extension methods must be static. |
CS1106 | Extension methods must be defined in a non-generic static class. |
CS1503 | Argument 'number' cannot convert from 'type1' to 'type2'. |
CS1522 | Empty switch block. |
CS1526 | A new expression requires (), [], or {} after type. |
CS1527 | Elements defined in a namespace cannot be explicitly declared as private, protected, protected internal or private protected. |
CS1591 | Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'name'. |
CS1597 | Semicolon after method or accessor block is not valid. |
CS1609 | Modifiers cannot be placed on event accessor declarations. |
CS1615 | Argument 'number' should not be passed with the 'keyword' keyword. |
CS1620 | Argument 'number' must be passed with the 'keyword' keyword. |
CS1621 | The yield statement cannot be used inside an anonymous method or lambda expression. |
CS1622 | Cannot return a value from an iterator. Use the yield return statement to return a value, or yield break to end the iteration. |
CS1623 | Iterators cannot have ref or out parameters. |
CS1624 | The body of 'identifier' cannot be an iterator block because 'type' is not an iterator interface type. |
CS1643 | Not all code paths return a value in method of type 'type'. |
CS1674 | 'T': type used in a using statement must be implicitly convertible to 'System.IDisposable'. |
CS1689 | Attribute 'attribute' is only valid on methods or attribute classes. |
CS1715 | 'type1': type must be 'type2' to match overridden member 'member'. |
CS1717 | Assignment made to same variable; did you mean to assign something else? |
CS1722 | Base class 'class' must come before any interfaces. |
CS1737 | Optional parameters must appear after all required parameters. |
CS1743 | Cannot specify a default value for the 'this' parameter. |
CS1750 | A value of type 'type1' cannot be used as a default parameter because there are no standard conversions to type 'type2. |
CS1751 | Cannot specify a default value for a parameter array. |
CS1955 | Non-invocable member 'name' cannot be used like a method. |
CS1983 | The return type of an async method must be void, Task or Task<T>. |
CS1988 | Async methods cannot have ref or out parameters. |
CS1994 | The 'async' modifier can only be used in methods that have a body. |
CS1997 | Since 'RemoveReturnKeywordOrReturnExpression.FooAsync()' is an async method that returns 'Task', a return keyword must not be followed by an object expression. Did you intend to return 'Task<T>>'? |
CS3000 | Methods with variable arguments are not CLS-compliant. |
CS3001 | Argument type 'type' is not CLS-compliant. |
CS3002 | Return type of 'method' is not CLS-compliant. |
CS3003 | Type of 'variable' is not CLS-compliant. |
CS3005 | Identifier 'identifier' differing only in case is not CLS-compliant. |
CS3006 | Overloaded method 'method' differing only in ref or out, or in array rank, is not CLS-compliant. |
CS3007 | Overloaded method 'method' differing only by unnamed array types is not CLS-compliant. |
CS3008 | Identifier 'identifier' is not CLS-compliant. |
CS3009 | Base type 'type' is not CLS-compliant. |
CS3016 | Arrays as attribute arguments is not CLS-compliant. |
CS3024 | Constraint type 'type' is not CLS-compliant. |
CS3027 | 'type_1' is not CLS-compliant because base interface 'type_2' is not CLS-compliant. |
CS8050 | Only auto-implemented properties can have initializers. |
CS8070 | Control cannot fall out of switch from final case label ('default'). |
CS8112 | 'function' is a local function and must therefore always have a body. |
CS8139 | Cannot change tuple element names when overriding inherited member. |
CS8340 | Instance fields of read-only structs must be read-only. |
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