Refactors done:
- add node.js module exports
- add sparnatural.js as index file in package.json
- package naming small capital
- set libraryTarget: 'commonjs2', libraryExport: 'default', in the sparnatural webpack config
Sparnatural integration:
- declaration file for jsx element src/declaration.d.ts
The react parent should listen on the 'YasrClickEvent' to catch clicks on IRIs
// registers click listener on YASR
// CustomTable component emits YasrIriClick even on clicks on IRI's
const registerURICliclListener = (yasr:Yasr) => {
let iri = (evt as CustomEvent).detail // need to cast. see:
Focus points:
- Clustering of markers (otherwise messy with markers with same coordinates)
- Controll layer for columns containing geo literals
- Different coloring for columns containing polygon literals.
- creating pop up strings for markers and polygons. For the polygons, if there are more than one with the same coordinates, then it will get rendered again. That's because we can not make assumptions if there are different rdf datas referencing the same polygon. For example: Park_1 -> hasLocation -> wkt_1 && ProtectedArea_1 -> has Location ->wkt_1
- You can add different tilebase layers for leaflet. For example openMap or a custom map from geneva town council.
- Parsing of geo literals is done with the MapPlugin.parsingFunction callback. It is responsible to deliver Polygons and Points
I need to import geoman plugin or otherwise leaflet in sparnatural crashes because attribute doesn't get initialized
The selection currently follows a very basic search where all the objects are tried to be matched against all the possible fabs. Maybe that can be replaced with a Constract where Values{objects} query?
it seems to work if it is not loaded from plugins IMPORTANT: the types between the plant twin and the plugins needs to be the same. for example @types/n3 AND also the same version of REACT react only as peer dependency see: facebook/react#15315 Current solution is to load react as file from the component
Was fehlt für plugins wäre permissions liste wie für eine app in android. wo sie im manifest die permissions festlegt.
NEW: Currently it's not possible to call a statehook in the fabs. that's due that they are loaded as normal JSX.Elements and the statehook is like the statehook of the fabloader. The fabs will always be loaded twice. Then if it's loaded the second time it calls the statehook in the fab component. This call will be accounted for in the FABHOLDER and will therefore have a different number of hook calls. That's not allowed
possible solution
With Linked Data, it becomes easy to share data structures for nonsql databases for example mongoose on MongoDB
-What is the advantage or disadvantage?