#System 1 for Aicyber
##A vector space model approach.
python system_1_baseline.py
The text data is first being processed by tweet tokenizer, emoticons are preserved as tokens, some emoticons are replaced by words , eg :) -> good , :( -> bad
Bag-of-ngram feature is extracted and filtered by a TF-IDF (Salton, 1991) selection.
Resulting feature dimension is around 3800, it is then reduced to 400 by truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) (Klema and Laub, 1980; Halko et al., 2009).
This process is also known as Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) or Vector Space Model (Turney and Pantel, 2010).
Finally a Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) classifier (Hastie et al., 2009) is trained to classify the test data.
##Training and verification
The SemEval 2016 training dataset which contains 3887 tweets are selected to train the TF-IDF,SVD and LDA. Development dataset is used for tuning parameters and develop-test dataset are used for local testing.
Twitter2016 0.4048
Twitter2016 0.4261
Please noted this result is slightly better than the system we submitted (0.4025) during evaluation period, due to an upgrade in tokenizer.
#System 2 an i-vector based system
#FAQ: ##When you join the evaluation? One week before evaluation submission deadline. ##Did you download all the data? No, we only managed to download part of SemEval 2016 tweet data, eg 3887 out of 6000 in the training set. ##Why you can't download more tweet data before submission deadline? Tweet is blocked , we are behind the Great Firewall , it take efforts to download data from tweet.