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Geographica is a GeoSPARQL Benchmark for Geospatial RDF Stores made by George Garbis,Kostis Kyzirakos and Manolis Koubarakis.

Geographica (Introduction )

Geospatial extensions of SPARQL like GeoSPARQL and stSPARQL have recently been defined and corresponding geospatial RDF stores have been implemented. However, there is no widely used benchmark for evaluating geospatial RDF stores which takes into account recent advances to the state of the art in this area. We have developed a benchmark, called Geographica, which uses both real-world and synthetic data to test the offered functionality and the performance of some prominent geospatial RDF stores. Our benchmark is composed by two workloads with their associated datasets and queries: a real-world workload based on publicly available linked data sets and a synthetic workload.

This Guide

Hi and welcome to the unofficial guide of Geographica !. This guide explain and describe (in detail ? :-) ) how to use Geographica to experiments (benchmarking) four Geospatial RDF Store:


To test and experiment Geopsatial performance of an RDF Store, Geographica executes a serie of Geospatial (GeoSPARQL) queries on specific data.

The data using to perform those queries are provided by six datasets:

Datasets specifications:

Datasets Size Triples # of Points # of Lines # of Polygons
GAG 33MB 4K - - 325
CLC 401MB 630K - - 45K
LGD (only ways) 29MB 150K - 12k -
GeoNames 45MB 400K 22K - -
DBpedia 89MB 430K 8K
Hostspots 90MB 450K - - 37K

Datasets Graph URI:

Dataset URI
GAG ""
CLC ""
LGD (only ways) ""
GeoNames ""
DBpedia ""
Hotspots ""


The Geographica workload uses real-world publicly available linked geospatial data. This workload consists of a micro benchmark and a macro benchmark.

Micro Benchmark

The Micro Benchmark aims at testing the efficiency of primitive spatial functions in state of the art geospatial RDF stores. Thus, we use simple SPARQL queries which consist of one or two triple patterns and a spatial function. We start by checking simple spatial selections. Next, we test more complex operations such as spatial joins. We test spatial joins using the topological relations defined by stSPARQL [9] and the Geometry Topology component of GeoSPARQL. Apart from topological relations, we test non topological functions (e.g., geof:buffer), defined by the Geometry extension of GeoSPARQL, which construct a new geometry object. Additionally, we test the metric function strdf:area which is only defined in stSPARQL. The aggregate functions strdf:extent, and strdf:union of stSPARQL are also tested by this benchmark. GeoSPARQL does not define aggregate functions. We include aggregate functions in Geographica since they are present in all geospatial RDBMS.

Macro Benchmark

In the macro benchmark we aim to test the performance of the selected RDF stores in the following typical application scenarios: reverse geocoding, map search and browsing, and two scenarios from the Earth Observation domain.

  • Reverse Geocoding.

    Reverse geocoding is the process of attributing a readable address or place name to a given point. Thus, in this scenario, we pose SPARQL queries which sort retrieved objects by their distance to the given point and select the first one.

  • Map Search and Browsing.

    This scenario demonstrates the queries that are typically used in Web-based mapping applications. A user first searches for points of interest based on thematic criteria. Then, she selects a specific point and information about the area around it is retrieved (e.g., POIs and roads).

  • Rapid Mapping for Wild Fire Monitoring.

    In this scenario we test queries which retrieve map layers for creating a map that can be used by decision makers tasked with the monitoring of wild fires. This application has been studied in detail in project TELEIOS [7] and the scenario covers its core querying needs. First, spatial selections are used to retrieve basic information of interest (e.g., roads, administrative areas etc.). Second more complex information can be derived using spatial joins and non-topological functions. For example, a user maybe interested in the segment of roads that may be damaged by fire. We point out that this scenario is representative of many rapid mapping tasks encountered in Earth Observation applications.


The Experiments are measured through the execution of GeoSPARQL queries depending on the type of benchmark performed:

Micro Benchmark (29 queries)

Non-topological construct functions

Query Operation Description
Q1 Boundary Construct the boundary of all polygons of CLC
Q2 Envelope Construct the envelope of all polygons of CLC
Q3 Convex Hull Construct the convex hull of all polygons of CLC
Q4 Buffer Construct the buffer of all points of GeoNames
Q5 Buffer Construct the buffer of all lines of LGD
Q6 Area Compute the area of all polygons of CLC

Spatial selections

Query Operation Description
Q7 Equals Find all lines of LGD that are spatially equal with a given line
Q8 Equals Find all polygons of GAG that are spatially equal a given polygon
Q9 Intersects Find all lines of LGD that spatially intersect with a given polygon
Q10 Intersects Find all polygons of GAG that spatially intersect with a given line
Q11 Overlaps Find all polygons of GAG that spatially overlap with a given polygon
Q12 Crosses Find all lines of LGD that spatially cross a given line
Q13 Within polygons Find all points of GeoNames that are contained in a given polygon
Q14 Within buffer of a point Find all points of GeoNames that are contained in the buffer of a given point
Q15 Near a point Find all points of GeoNames that are within specific distance from a givenpoint
Q16 Disjoint Find all points of GeoNames that are spatially disjoint of a given polygon
Q17 Disjoint Find all lines of LGD that are spatially disjoint of a given polygon

Spatial joins

Query Operation Description
Q18 Equals Find all points of GeoNames that are spatially equal with a point of DBpedia
Q19 Intersects Find all points of GeoNames that spatially intersect a line of LGD
Q20 Intersects Find all points of GeoNames that spatially intersect a polygon of GAG
Q21 Intersects Find all lines of LGD that spatially intersect a polygon of GAG
Q22 Within Find all points of GeoNames that are within a polygon of GAG
Q23 Within Find all lines of LGD that are within a polygon of GAG
Q24 Within Find all polygons of CLC that are within a polygon of GAG
Q25 Crosses Find all lines of LGD that spatially cross a polygon of GAG
Q26 Touches Find all polygons of GAG that spatially touch other polygons of GAG
Q27 Overlaps Find all polygons of CLC that spatially overlap polygons of GAG

Aggregate functions

Query Operation Description
Q28 Extension Construct the extension of all polygons of GAG
Q29 Union Construct the union of all polygons of GAG

Macro Benchmark (11 queries)

Reverse Geocoding

Query Description
RG1 Find the closest populated place (from GeoNames)
RG2 Find the closest street (from LGD)

Map Search and Browsing

Query Description
MSB1 Find the co-ordinates of a given POI based on thematic criteria (from GeoNames)
MSB2 Find roads in a given bounding box around these co-ordinates (from LGD)
MSB3 Find other POI in a given bounding box around these co-ordinates (from GeoNames)

Rapid Mapping for Fire Monitoring

Query Description
RM1 Find the land cover of areas inside a given bounding box (from CLC)
RM2 Find primary roads inside a given bounding box (from LGD)
RM3 Find detected hotspots inside a given bounding box (from Hotspots)
RM4 Find municipality boundaries inside a given bounding box (from GAG)
RM5 Find coniferous forests inside a given bounding box which are on fire (from CLC andHotspots)
RM6 Find road segments inside a given bounding box which may be damaged by fire (fromLGD and Hotspots)


There are seven main experiments, each one coded as a Java Class:

Micro Benchmark

Experiment Queries Class
MicroNonTopological Q1-Q6 gr.uoa.di.rdf.Geographica.experiments.MicroNonTopologicalExperiment
MicroSelections Q7-Q17 gr.uoa.di.rdf.Geographica.experiments.MicroSelectionsExperiment
MicroJoins Q18-Q27 gr.uoa.di.rdf.Geographica.experiments.MicroJoinsExperiment
MicroAggregations Q28-Q29 .gr.uoa.di.rdf.Geographica.experiments.MicroAggregationsExperiment

Macro Benchmark

Experiment Queries Class
MacroReverseGeocoding RG1-RG2 gr.uoa.di.rdf.Geographica.experiments.MacroReverseGeocodingExperiment
MacroMapSearch MSB1-MSB3 gr.uoa.di.rdf.Geographica.experiments.MacroMapSearchExperiment
MacroRapidMapping RM1-RM6 gr.uoa.di.rdf.Geographica.experiments.MacroRapidMappingExperiment

Each experiment take six parameters:

  • sut (SystemUnderTest)
  • repetitions: Repetitions for experiments (default: 5)
  • timeoutSecs: Timeout (seconds) for experiments (default 30mins)
  • runTimeInMinutes: Run time (minutes) for experiments (Macro scenarios) (default: 2hours)
  • queriesToRun: List of query number to run
  • logPath: The path for the experiment (each experiment create his own directory with his name, ex:) where all queries results are saved