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gabrielsomoza edited this page Sep 9, 2014 · 2 revisions

To enable Debug Mode:

  1. Open your browser's Console (here's how).
  2. Type the following command: Strategery.Debug.enabled = true
  3. If you're debugging a communication, you may want to setup the debug level to TRACE as indicated in the next section.

Debug Mode should now be enabled. Debug output will be printed to the Console as you interact with our plugin.

Once you were able to reproduce the error with Debug Mode enabled, copy the output from the console into a file and email it to us at: jira (at) usestrategery (dot) com. If you also reported an issue in this Github space, please include a reference to it.

Debug Levels

Debug output can be filtered into several levels:

  • TRACE (0) - This will log absolutely all communications, including the AJAX requests to the back-end and their responses.
  • INFO (1) - Only basic status information, warnings and errors are displayed.
  • WARN (2) - Only warnings and errors are displayed.
  • ERROR (3) - Only errors are displayed.

To change the debug level: Strategery.Debug.level = Strategery.DebugLevel.TRACE (replace TRACE with the desired level). You can also use the numbers directly: Strategery.Debug.level = 2.

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