A statement of the problem you are solving and/or a high level description of the project. I want to create a platform where players can sign up, and join an ongoing session of poker. the main code will be on shared memory between players, matchmaking/joining a game, and creating accounts for players (and storing them in files).
A description as to how the project will be used (describe the user interface).
Players will ssh onto a lab computer, run the program, they will be prompted with a sign-in page, or guest they then will placed in a lobby, waiting for a round of a game to finish or for more players to be in the lobby for a game to start.
A description of your technical design. This should include:
How you will be using the topics covered in class in the project.
How you are breaking down the project and who is responsible for which parts. I (Filippos) am responsible for everything What data structures you will be using and how. I will be using arrays (), structs (for some game mechanics), and csv's (for storing player stats) What algorithms and /or data structures you will be using, and how.
A timeline with expected completion dates of parts of the project. by monday (13) have the game(server) set up. By Wednesday have coded the game entirely, so it is playable.