Gen-o-cademy is a one stop solution for the passionate,committed and enthusiastic teachers whose motive is to guide and contribute for the overall academic upliftment of the students especially for the under privileged and poor economic background. This platform is designed to bridge the gap among the mentors and students preparing for various different types of examinations like JEE, NEET, GATE etc. Now each and every child would be able to learn , prepare and get educated which is his/her birth’s right. Now education would be as easily accessible as oxygen. This platform is going to mark the beginning of a new chapter in the Indian education system.
The motto of building this application is to make the Indian education system more stronger and reachable across all horizons. Being a college student we know how overwhelming it is to start exploring something new. Procrastination is the biggest villain of every student’s life . So to tackle it our platform offers study room feature that enables a student to watch lectures of his choice without any distractions or clickbaits. The best part it offers is that it protects students from you tube artificial intelligence recommendations loop. This platform offers one to one mentorship, guidance and problem solving . Students could track their overall progress using the weekly checklist feature. The best part is the student can donate as per their wish to the mentor they like and the student himself could be a mentor once he pass his exams and contribute as a mentor.
Any modern web browser such as Chrome, Firfox, Brave ,Edge etc.
To setup the project locally follow the steps
Setup firebase and chatengine and add the following API key by creating a .env file in the root directory
We used react js in the frontend and used firebase backend as a service. We also used chat engine to establish a protected and secure communication among the mentors and students. Our design was implemented using material ui. As soon as a user signs up or log in , he/she is redirected to the dashboard where he could search for the mentors and visit their profile and attend their classes.
Mentors can schedule classes according to their availability and can fix the number of students he wants to take the class of.This can help the students in one to one and one to many mentorship.
The mentor would be able to view the classes he has scheduled and can edit the timing and details of the classes in case of any emergency.
This feature enables the student to search for mentors using mentor’s name or exam name and easily navigate to mentors profile and join their courses.
This feature enables a student to watch lectures of his choice without any distractions or clickbaits. The best part it offers is that it protects students from you tube artificial intelligence recommendations loop.
Student can browse through all the classes scheduled by the mentors and can attend the class of their choice and need.
This feature enables students to plan and check out their plans on a regular basis. It will help them monitor their overall progress.
If a student wishes he/she may donate as per his/her wish to the mentor he likes.
It is a common platform for all the students and mentors to interact and discuss problems, strategies, tips and tricks at a common place.
Here students and mentors can have one to one interaction as per their needs. This section also allows a mentor to create groups and address the students. It can also be used as an announcement section to keep the students updated.
We faced numerous challenges throughout the journey.
1.First and foremost challenge we faced is to how to chose a correct tech stack to implement a scalable solution.
The biggest accomplishment for us was that we learned so many new things in the past month.We implemented a fully functional scalable educational website that we believe has the potential to completely transform the education system. We were able to overcome all the challenges and were able to create a completely functional prototype the way we had envisioned.It was a great journey building this site and we are most proud of the fact that it will bridge the gap of education between the poorer and richer sections of society.
We learnt to implement our ideas into a real life and scalable project. We pushed our limits to try and learn advanced concepts like state management, authentication and authorization , local storage ,fetching api’s , context api, database management, creating custom hooks , various aspects of styling , protected routing , deployment and most important git work flow.
Following technologies and libraries are used for the development of the website
- React
- Firebase
- Nodejs
- Javascript
- Material UI
- Chat Engine
- RazorPay API
- Figma
- Vercel
This project is going to be the next best education model for the future generation. We are planning to add a lot of features in it such as