This project relies on Nodejs, the backend used by React. Therefore,
operations such as installing dependencies, starting a development server, running a production build, etc., use
the Node Package Manager npm
. To use npm
you must use a terminal or shell. These instructions
assume that you are working on a UNIX system. If you are using Windows consider using something like Gitbash.
Project scripts are declared in a file called package.json located in the root of the project under a section called "scripts":
"scripts": {
"dev": "next lint && next dev",
"build": "next build",
"export": "next export",
"start": "next start",
"lint": "next lint",
"info": "next info",
"demo": "next build && next start",
"save": "git add pages public && git commit -m 'saving content (/public & /pages)'",
"revert": "git reset HEAD -- .",
"upload": "git push"
To run these scripts you would type in your shell:
npm run dev
creates a production build and starts the server, useful for a demo with local config (usesenv.production.local
runs a development server to demo changes live (usesenv.development.local
runs a development server to write new code or test what your article would look like (usesenv.development.local
creates a local production build to simulate what this would look like in production (usesenv.production.local
runs the local production build which is useful for demoslint
runs the Javascript code through eslint- other scripts are not as useful to describe
saves changes made to thepublic/
folder containing markdown and imagesrevert
removes the last change that was savedupload
pushes your changes to your remote branch on Github or similar
This is what the components.json
file should contain when interacting with shadcn via CLI such as when installing new UI components or updating existing ones.
NOTE: Placed in the project root only when running CLI operations, delete once done. Otherwise it will interfere with imports from components/ folder:
"$schema": "",
"style": "new-york",
"rsc": false,
"tsx": false,
"tailwind": {
"config": "tailwind.config.js",
"css": "global.css",
"baseColor": "stone",
"cssVariables": false,
"prefix": ""
"aliases": {
"components": "components/",
"utils": "utils/"