Creates image sequences with blend mode transitions, perfect for GIFs and videos. This node allows for smooth transitions between images while applying various blend modes.
- 5 optional image inputs - If connected, will use to create an image batch sized to Total_Frames for the output, with image crossfade transitions controlled by the Transition_Frames input.
- INT - Total_Frames - Defines the total number of frames to process.
- 5 INT - Image_startPoint 01-05 - The start key frame for each image/style. The first image's start point is set to 0, and each key frame must be larger than the previous ones.
- INT - Transition_Frames - The number of frames for the full transition between images. This input controls the pre-transition, transition, and post-transition sizes, allowing for smooth transitions between images/styles.
- STRING - blend_mode - Select from various blend modes: Normal Blend, Dissolve, Overlay, Multiply, Screen, Soft Light.
- IMAGE - Image_Batch_Output - export image batch sized to Total_Frames, with each image spanning its keyframe duration and crossfade transitions between
To create a GIF or video using the DP Image Slide Show node, connect your images to the input slots, set the Total_Frames, and define the start points for each image. Adjust the Transition_Frames to control the duration of transitions and select your desired blend mode for the output.