- JavaScript: Getting Started 🔥
- JavaScript: Data types and variables 🔥
- JavaScript: Execution Context ⭐
- JavaScript Hoisting - Explained EASILY
- JavaScript: Function Declaration vs Function Expression and Much More🔥
- JavaScript: undefined vs Not defined🔥
- JavaScript: Scope and Lexical Scope 🔥
- JavaScript: Types of Errors 🤡
- JavaScript: Block Scope & Shadowing🔥
- JavaScript: Closures 🔥
- JavaScript: Callback Functions 🔥
- JavaScript: Working of Async Code 🔥
- How JavaScript Engine Works 🚂💨
- JavaScript: Callbacks Problems 🔥
- JavaScript: Promises 🔥
- JavaScript: Promise APIs 🔥🔥
- JavaScript: Async/Await 🔥
- JavaScript:
keyword 🔥 - JavaScript: "use strict" 🔥
- JavaScript: call(), apply(), bind() 🔥
- JavaScript: Currying 🍛 🔥
- JavaScript: Prototype 🔥🔥
- JavaScript: OOP Introduction🔥
- JavaScript: Inheritance 🔥👨👦
- JavaScript: Abstraction and Encapsulation 🔥
- JavaScript: Static Properties and Methods 🔥
- JavaScript: Event Bubbling & Capturing 🔥
- JavaScript: Event Delegation 🔥
- JavaScript: Script Loading 🔥
- JavaScript: Coercion 🔥🔥🔥
- JavaScript: Coercion Day 2 🔥🔥
- JavaScript: Coercian Day 3 🔥🔥
- JavaScript: Coercion Last Day 🔥🔥🔥
- JavaScript: == 🆚 ===
- JavaScript: NaN (Not a Number) 🥵
- Debouncing and Throttling 🔥
- How to loop over objects? 🤔👀
Before diving into JavaScript, let's get acquainted with ECMAScript, the standard on which JavaScript is based.
- ES1 - 1997 (First release)
- ⭐ ES6 - 2015 (Major changes introduced)
- ES13 - 2022 (Latest version)
JavaScript is a versatile scripting language primarily used for web development. Here's a brief overview:
- Purpose: Used to add interactivity and dynamic effects to web pages.
- File Extension:
- Usage: Initially designed for client-side development, but now also used in server-side development.
- Typing: Dynamically typed (no need to specify data types).
- Concurrency Model: Asynchronous single-threaded language.
- Frontend Frameworks: React, Angular, Vue, etc.
- Backend Frameworks: Express, Node.js
To run JavaScript, we need a JavaScript engine that executes and compiles JS into native machine code.
- Chrome: V8
- Firefox: SpiderMonkey
- Safari: JavaScriptCore
- Edge (IE): Chakra
JavaScript can be executed outside the browser using Node.js.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It's commonly used for:
- Server-side applications
- Command-line tools
- Scalable network programs
This guide provides a brief introduction to JavaScript and its related technologies. For a deeper dive, consider exploring each topic in more detail.
Variables are like a container that store some data.
In JavaScript we can declare variables in three ways that is using var, let, and const.
General Rules for variable names:
- cannot start with a number
- names are case sensitive
- names can only contains letters, digits and underscores _
In JavaScript we can classify data types in two types
- Primitive Data Types [ simple ]
- Numbers
- Strings
- Booleans
- Null
- Undefined
- Big Int
- Symbol
- Objects:
- Object stores data in key-value pairs
- They are mutable (can be modified)
- Considered as complex Data structure [ Example: Object, Array, Date Object ]
- introduced in early days
- limitations: it is function scoped not block scoped
Means - variables are accessible within entire function in which they are declared, rather than just within the block of code they appear
- introduced in es6
- block scoped
- value can be reassigned
- introduced in es6
- block scoped
- value can not be reassigned
- must assign value while declaration
When the JS engine scans code, it creates an environment called the Execution Context.
- Global EC: Created when JS code first starts to run and represents the global scope in JS.
- Function EC: Created when a function in the code starts executing.
- Allocates location to variables and functions.
- Stores variables with value as
and function references (i.e., the complete function definition).
- Starts through the entire code line by line.
- Assigns values to variables in memory.
- For functions, when invoked, JS creates a new function EC.
- When a function returns a value, the function EC is destroyed.
Once the entire code execution is done, the Global EC will be destroyed as well.
- To keep track of contexts, JS uses a call stack.
- A call stack has a fixed size depending on the system or browser.
- Exceeding the size limit causes a stack overflow error.
We will explore more about scopes and how the JS engine works internally in later posts. So stay tuned ✨
- JavaScript Execution Process
- Basic knowledge of Scope
Hoisting is a behavior in JavaScript where all declarations of a function, variable, or class go to the top of the scope they are defined in.
This whole process is done during the Memory Creation Phase. Let's see what actually happens with:
: Variables are hoisted but with a default value ofundefined
: Hoisted but inaccessible before default initialization. [Gives Error when accessed before initialization]
Functions become accessible even before the line they are declared. Hoisting does not occur in function expressions, it occurs only in function declarations.
- Hoisting happens based on the scope. It sets variables and functions to the top of the scope.
- Area where variables are hoisted but inaccessible until they are initialized with a value. [Applies to
, not tovar
- Watch this video: Akshay Saini's video 🚀
- Read this freeCodeCamp Article: freeCodeCamp Article
- Named function where you declare a name after the
function myFunc() {
// function body
- Anonymous functions, where we use the
keyword without a name, then assign it to a variable.
const myFunc = function () {
// function body
- Here you can use
as well.- If
is used, it will storeundefined
in the memory creation phase. - If
are used, it will throw an error: we cannot access them before initialization.
- If
- Cannot be accessed before initialization.
- Needs to be assigned to be used later.
- Anonymous functions are useful for anonymous operations, e.g., IIFEs, callback functions, etc.
We can also have named function expressions like this:
const print = function x() {
// function body
But here x
is not accessible.
Parameters: In function definition.
function myFunc(param1, param2) { // function body }
Arguments: While calling functions.
let sum = add(arg1, arg2);
- Ability to use functions like values.
In JavaScript, we can:
- Assign a function to a variable.
- Pass a function as an argument.
- Return a function from another function.
So, JavaScript functions are first class 🔥
- Predefined global variable that represents the value assigned to a variable during the memory creation phase.
- Means the variable has not been declared at all. Accessing such a variable results in a reference error.
A variable that has been declared but not assigned a value is undefined
, and a variable that has not been declared at all is not defined
This post is content-heavy.
- Area where an item (variable or function) is visible and accessible to other code.
- A place where all the variables and functions of a parent lie. This scope is passed to the children scope (nested scope).
Consider this code and call stack:
let name = "Tapesh";
function a() {
function b() {
function c() {
| C() |
| B() |
| A() |
| GEC |
has access to variables and functions in its own scope + lexical scope of its parent (B()
has access to its own scope + lexical scope of its parent (A()
has access to its own scope + lexical scope of its parent (Global Execution Context).- Global Execution Context (GEC) has access to its own scope + parent (since it has no parent, it points to
- Determines the hierarchy where JS code must go through to find the lexical scope (origin) of a specific variable.
As in the above example:
- Code first finds the
variable inC
's scope. - If not found, it goes to its lexical scope (that is
's scope). - If not found, it goes to
's scope. - If not found, it goes to GEC (found ✔).
- If not found, it returns a "not defined" error.
C -> B -> A -> GEC
Three types of errors you can see in JavaScript:
When you attempt to use a variable (or a reference) that has not been declared.
- Accessing undeclared variables.
- Accessing a variable outside of its scope.
When code does not conform to the structure or syntax rules of the JavaScript language.
- Incorrect use of language constructs.
- Missed or extra punctuations.
When an operation is performed on a value of an unexpected type.
- Trying to call a function that is not a function.
- Accessing properties or methods of
Which type of error will this snippet give?
function testFunction() {
- Block
- Block Scope
- Shadowing
- Illegal Shadowing
A block is defined by curly braces {...}
- Used to combine multiple JavaScript statements into one group.
- We can use it where JavaScript expects one single statement.
if (true) {
// block
- Scope in which we can access all variables and functions of that block. Lexical scope also works here.
are block scoped, meaning they cannot be accessed outside the block.var
is globally scoped.
- If we have the same named variable outside the block, then the block variable shadows the outside variable.
let a = 1; // shadowed
let a = 2;
console.log(a); // 2
Because let
and const
variables are stored in different memory locations: in the block object for block variables, and in the script object for global variables.
In short:
- Global: reserved for
- Script: for
(outside block) - Block: separate memory for variables (
) inside scope
- When an outside variable is declared with
, but inside the block, it is declared withvar
. - If a variable is shadowing any outside variable, it should not cross the boundary of its scope.
let a = 10;
var a = 20; // illegal shadowing
var a = 10;
let a = 20; // works fine since let creates a separate block
A closure is the combination of a function bundled together with a reference to its lexical environment.
In JavaScript, a closure is a function that remembers its outer variables and can access them even when called independently.
- Data handling / encapsulation
- State retention
- Currying (will study later)
- Memoization
- Asynchronous programming
- Event handling
- Variables declared inside a closure are not garbage collected.
- Garbage collection is done when function execution gets completed. All the variables are deleted from memory.
- Too many closures can slow down your application, caused by duplication of code in memory.
In JavaScript, callback functions are functions passed as arguments to another function, enabling asynchronous behavior.
- Asynchronous JavaScript: Callback functions aid in the development of asynchronous JavaScript code.
- Execution Control: Ensures that a function does not execute until a specific task is completed, but rather runs immediately after task completion.
- Event Handling: Callback functions are commonly used for event handling.
- Web APIs: Utilized with functions such as
. - Data Fetching: In scenarios like fetching data from external sources.
See the image below for visual representation:
- Event Listener Optimization: Removing event listeners when not in use can optimize memory usage, preventing potential slowdowns on websites.
- When tasks that take a lot of time (e.g., API calls, image processing) are executed in the main thread, they block the call stack or main thread until completion.
- Issue: Blocking the main thread can lead to performance issues.
Solution: Async Callbacks
- All callbacks are registered in the Web API with their attached timer and event.
- Meanwhile, other code continues to execute.
- When the timer expires or the callback is ready, it is pushed to the task queue but is not executed immediately.
- The event loop checks if the call stack is empty.
- If empty, it looks into the microtask queue and task queue for pending callbacks.
- If a pending callback exists, the event loop pushes it to the top of the call stack for execution.
- Introduced in ES6.
- Used for promises and MutationObserver (changes in the DOM tree).
- Has higher priority than the task queue.
- The task queue must wait until the microtask queue is empty.
- Occurs when resolved promises keep adding to the microtask queue, preventing the task queue callbacks from executing.
- This can delay task queue callbacks indefinitely.
During Event Listener usage, the original callback remains in the Web API environment indefinitely because the event may occur again. Therefore, it is recommended to remove listeners when not in use to allow the garbage collector to free up memory.
Q. When does the Event Loop actually start?
A. The event loop is always running and doing its job.
Q. Are only async callbacks registered in the Web API?
A. Yes, only async code moves to the Web API.
Q. Does the Web API store only callback functions and push the same to the queue?
A. Yes, callback functions are stored and a reference is scheduled in queues.
Q. What if setTimeout
delay is 0 ms?
A. Even with a 0 ms delay, the callback goes through the whole process and waits for the call stack to be empty.
A browser has two main components:
- JavaScript Engine
- Rendering Engine
The JavaScript Engine executes and compiles JavaScript into native machine code.
- Chrome: v8 🔻
- Firefox: SpiderMonkey 🐒
- Safari: JavaScriptCore 💥
- Edge (IE): Chakra ✳️
The Rendering Engine is responsible for rendering DOM trees, styles, events, etc. It paints the content on your screen.
- Not a machine: It's a program written in a low-level language.
- Function: Takes high-level code (JavaScript) and converts it into machine-level code.
- Parsing
- Compilation
- Execution
- Process: Reads code line by line.
- Steps:
- Breaks down code into tokens.
- Passes tokens to a syntax parser.
Syntax Parser: Converts the code into an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree).
AST: Represents code as a tree-like structure.
JavaScript uses JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation, involving both an interpreter and a compiler.
- Process:
- AST goes to the interpreter (converted to high-level code).
- Byte code then goes for execution.
During step 1, the compiler helps optimize the code at runtime.
Execution is not possible without the memory heap and call stack.
- Memory Heap: Where all variables and functions are assigned to memory. It also includes a garbage collector to free up memory space whenever possible.
Garbage Collector: Uses the mark-and-sweep algorithm to free up memory. 🚮
All browsers work differently, but the above steps are used by v8 and most engines work similarly.
- Callback Hell
- Inversion of Control
Callback hell occurs when multiple callbacks are nested within a function.
- The shape of the code resembles a pyramid ("pyramid of doom").
- This makes the code difficult to maintain and understand.
Inversion of control means losing control over the code when using callbacks.
- Control is given to another nested callback function, increasing dependency.
- Essentially, we don't know what's happening behind the scenes.
Promises 🔥
A Promise is an assurance or guarantee that something will happen in the future.
It can have two outcomes:
- Fulfillment
- Failure
In JavaScript, a Promise is an object that will produce a single value after some time in the future.
- If successful: resolved value
- If failed: reason
Promises can have 3 possible states:
- Pending: default state
- Fulfilled: if successful
- Rejected: if failed
Promise transitions from:
- pending -> fulfilled OR
- pending -> rejected
When using Promises, we have full control over the logic, allowing us to solve the inversion of control problem using promises.
method:- It takes two callbacks:
- If resolved
- If rejected
.then((value) => {}, (reason) => {})
- It takes two callbacks:
Always returns another promise, facilitating easy chaining.
Chaining helps solve the callback hell problem.
- Using
method:- If anything goes wrong in the promise, this method catches the reason for the error.
- Using catch, errors no longer remain uncaught.
- Method that always runs, regardless of whether resolved or rejected.
- Here we can handle the result of promises whether rejected or resolved.
Promises in JavaScript are used to handle asynchronous operations. There are several Promise APIs that allow you to work with multiple promises efficiently.
- Used to run multiple promises in parallel.
- Takes an iterable (array) of promises as an argument.
- If all promises are fulfilled, returns an array of values after resolving.
- If any promise is rejected, stops running and returns the error immediately.
- Implements fail-fast behavior.
- Introduced after ES2020.
- Returns an array of all settled promises, whether fulfilled or failed.
- Each array value is an object with properties:
: Indicates whether the promise was fulfilled or rejected.value
: Contains the resolved value or rejection reason, respectively.
- Returns a single promise as output.
- Returns the promise that settles first (either fulfilled or rejected).
- If the fastest promise is resolved, it stops there, and other promises are not executed.
- If the fastest promise is rejected, it will not get any error if other promises failed or not because they will not get executed.
- Returns a single promise that resolves when any of the provided promises resolves.
- If no promise is fulfilled, returns an aggregate error.
- Aggregate Error: Represents several errors wrapped in a single error. It provides the reasons for rejection of all promises in an array.
These Promise APIs provide powerful tools for handling asynchronous operations and managing multiple promises effectively.
Next Topic: Async/Await 🔥
Async/Await is syntactical sugar over .then()
and .catch()
chains, making promises handling more elegant.
- Keyword to create an asynchronous function.
- This function always returns a promise. If we don't explicitly return a promise, JavaScript automatically wraps the returned value in a promise.
- Keyword that makes JavaScript wait until the promise is resolved or rejected.
- Whenever the JavaScript engine encounters the
keyword, it suspends the complete function call from the call stack and continues with other work. - Once the promise is settled, the function comes back in the call stack and continues executing.
As time, tide, and JavaScript wait for none 😉
- No need for nested callbacks.
- Simplified syntax.
- No chaining required.
- Use
for error handling with Async/Await.
try {
// Try to resolve promise here
} catch (error) {
// Do work when an error occurs
} finally {
// Run regardless of whether the promise is resolved or rejected
always refers to an object.- The object it refers to will vary depending on how and where
is being called. - It's not a variable, but a keyword (its value is not changed or reassigned).
- Refers to the global object:
in the browserglobal
in Node.js
The value depends on strict/non-strict mode (will discuss in the next post):
- In strict mode:
refers toundefined
. - In non-strict mode:
refers to the global object. Why?- It also depends on how it is being called:
function () {}
.window.function() {}
because it got a reference to the window.
- It also depends on how it is being called:
- In strict mode:
This substitution:
- If
, thethis
keyword will be replaced with the global object in non-strict mode.
- If
- Refers to the object.
- Arrow functions do not have their own
. - They take
from their enclosing lexical environment.
- Refers to the element where called:
<button onclick="console.log(this)"></button>
- Prints the button element.
- Will see later.
"use strict" was introduced in ES5 and it makes JavaScript code execute in strict mode. It can be declared at the beginning of a script or a function.
- Easier to Write Secure JavaScript: It helps catch common coding errors and unsafe actions, making code more robust.
- Throws Errors for Bad Syntax: It throws errors for practices that are not considered good or safe.
- Using variables/objects without declaring them using
, orconst
. - Deleting variables and function names.
- Having duplicate parameters in a function.
- Using octal numeric literals.
- Writing to read-only properties.
- Deleting undeletable properties.
- Using certain keywords (
, etc.) as variable names. - Declaring variables using the
function. - This behaves differently inside functions.
- Purpose: Change the context of the invoking function, allowing the replacement of the value of 'this' inside a function with any desired value.
- Syntax:
func.call(newThisObj, arg1, arg2, ...)
: Value to replace 'this' inside the function. If not provided, the global object is considered.args
: Other required arguments for the function, if any.
- Purpose: Similar to
, but arguments are passed as an array. - Syntax:
func.apply(newThisObj, [arg1, arg2, ...])
- Purpose: Creates a copy of a function with a new value of 'this', which can be invoked later.
- Syntax:
newFunc = func.bind(newThisObj, arg1, arg2, ...)
: New function with the specified 'this' context.newThisObj
: Value to replace 'this' inside the function.args
: Other required arguments for the function.
Transforms a function with multiple arguments into a nested series of functions, each taking a single argument.
f(a, b, c) -> f(a)(b)(c) ☠️
- helps avoid passing the same variable again and again
- helps to create Higher Order Functions
- fewer errors and side effects
[enables checking method: checks if you have all the required things before you proceed]
See the examples in the below image 🖼
- In currying, nested functions are equal to arguments, means each function must have a single argument.
f(a, b, c) -> f(a)(b)(c)
- Partial Application transforms a function into another function with smaller arguments (less args).
f(a, b, c) -> f(a)(b, c)
- For currying, we can also use the bind function and separate the args in separate functions
- because bind returns a new function.
curry = func.bind(this, arg1);
☠️ This topic needs a video reference to understand properly, so do YouTube
In JS, objects can inherit properties from another object.
The object from where these properties are inherited is called Prototype.
All methods that are built-in within strings, arrays, and objects data structure.
If we are accessing any property from a string/array/function, the property is not only searched in itself but also in the prototype. This chain continues until it reaches null.
string --prototype-> object --prototype-> null
array --prototype-> object --prototype-> null
function --prototype-> object --prototype-> null
👀 Every object in JavaScript has an internal private property [[𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞]]
- not accessible directly in code
But to find [[𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞]] we can use 👇🏻
// or
The ability of JS objects to inherit properties from another object.
Example: Array can access to all the properties of an object. Sure, here's the text converted directly into Markdown code:
JS is prototype based procedural language which means both functional and object oriented programming.
- Constructor Function
- Class keyword (ES6, syntactic sugar over constructor function)
See the image below to compare syntaxes 🖼
We can create multiple instances of the same class using the new
const obj = new SomeClass();
- Some common methods declared in the constructor function get duplicated in every instance, which is not memory efficient.
So we need to put this common method in the prototype of the constructor function.
Initially, SomeClass.prototype
is an empty object.
SomeClass.prototype.commonMethod = function () {}
📍 Here we can't use arrow function, because we need this
referring to the class to access other class variables and methods.
In class keyword syntax, methods are automatically put inside the prototype.
We can inherit properties and methods of a parent class in a child class.
- To get properties: call the Parent constructor function with Child
. - To get methods: link the prototypes.
function Child(name) {
Parent.call(this, name); // Pass the required args
Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);
- Make sure to write it above all child prototypes.
- Use
keyword. super
keyword used to call the constructor of Parent.
class Child extends Parent {
constructor(name) {
super(name); // Pass all the required args
We can make properties and methods private so that no one outside the class can access these properties.
Use #
before property or method name to declare it as a private entity.
The process of hiding and securing properties of objects. We need to provide another mechanism to access these private properties.
Using Getters and Setters, since we can access private properties within the class.
Look at the image below showcasing two different syntaxes 🖼
These are shared by all instances of a class.
class MyClass {
static count = 0;
static getCount() {
return MyClass.count;
- Can access static properties using class name or
. - Cannot access from class instances.
- Static properties and methods are inherited.
- Static properties are initialized only once.
const obj = new MyClass();
console.log(obj.count); // undefined
console.log(MyClass.count); // 0
- We can create a static block which will run the first time a static method is used.
static {
// ...
Propagation refers to how an event travels through the DOM.
- Bubbling
- Capturing
For simplicity, we are using the click event to understand.
- Propagation of an event from the target (clicked element) to the root (highest level parent of the target).
If the target is a child:
- First, the child is clicked.
- Second, the parent is clicked.
- Third, the grandparent is clicked.
- And so on, until the root element where the last event occurs.
- Propagation of an event from the root to the target.
If the target is a child:
- First, the grandparent is clicked.
- Second, the parent is clicked.
- Third, the child is clicked.
We can trigger bubbling/capturing and control over the propagation.
ele.addEventListener(event, callback, useCapture);
- useCapture: optional boolean value.
- Default:
(bubbling) true
- Default:
These propagations take time and increase workload.
- Prevents further propagation.
- Stops all the parent event listeners but not other handlers on the target 🎯.
- Stops all the parent event listeners and other event listeners on the target as well.
Event delegation is a technique in JavaScript where we delegate the responsibility of handling an event to a parent element.
By doing so:
☑️ We avoid attaching multiple event listeners to individual child elements.
☑️ Performance improvement.
☑️ Dynamic (adding new elements will automatically have event listeners).
☑️ Code simplification.
Three ways to load scripts:
- HTML file will be parsed until the script file is hit.
- At that point parsing will stop and a request will be made to fetch the file (if external).
- Then script will be executed.
- Then HTML parsing resumes.
<script async>
- Downloads the file during HTML parsing.
- After download, parsing will pause to execute JavaScript.
- Then HTML parsing resumes.
<script defer>
- Downloads the files during HTML parsing.
- But only executes JavaScript after parsing has completed.
- Defer scripts are also guaranteed to execute in the order that they appear in the code.
- If the script is modular and does not rely on other scripts, then use
. - If the script relies on other scripts, then use
. - If the script is small and is relied upon by an
script, then use<script>
with no attributes placed above theasync
💗 Ultimate Type Conversion Guide 💗
Coercion - Type conversion
✌ Types
Implicit: when the language automatically converts types.
Explicit: when we manually command to convert types.
Example: toString(1)
-> "1"
- Operations/functions which are not available for end users to use.
- JS internally uses them and these are mentioned in the official documentation.
Example: ToPrimitive
, ToNumber
, ToString
, ToBoolean
, etc.
- JS uses this when we subtract to a number.
2 - "1"
// ToNumber(2) - ToNumber("1")
// 2 - 1
// 1
☑️ Subtraction always converts both operands to Number.
----------->(True -> 1, False -> 0)
-----------> (if all digits - number, else -NaN
-----------> will see later.
Today, we'll see ToString()
Abstract Operation.
- Use '+' operator to mimic this operation.
- If any operand is a string, JS will convert both operands to a string and do string concatenation.
'2' + 2 = '22'
- Else, both operands will be converted to a number.
2 + true = 3
-----------> Char by char to stringsymbol
-----------> TypeError
"Tapesh" + "Dua" = "TapeshDua"
undefined + "xyz" = "undefinedxyz"
"5" + null = "5null"
"ab" + true = "abtrue"
->" "
[1, 2, 3]
->"1, 2, 3"
[[], [], []]
->", ,"
[ , , , , ]
->", , , , "
Understand at your own risk ☠️
- It tries to convert an object into a primitive data type.
- If it can't, it throws an error.
- Creates a hint variable and sets it to the preferred conversion type.
Hint can be Number
or String
If the hint is string:
- Call
method on the input object. - If the result is non-object, return it.
- If the result is still an object:
- Call
. - If the result is non-object, return it.
- Else, return an error.
- Call
const obj = {a: 2, toString() => {return '1'}};
'2' + obj = '21' // (Addition converts obj to string since one operand is already a string)
If the hint is number:
- Call
method on the input object. - If the result is non-object, return it.
- If the result is still an object:
- Call
. - If the result is non-object, return it.
- Else, return an error.
- Call
const obj = {a: 2, valueOf => {return 1}};
2 - obj = 1 // (Subtraction converts obj to number)
📍 Here, .valueOf()
and .toString()
are not abstract operations; we can call them.
By default:
- returns the same obj.obj.toString()
- returns'[object Object]'
𝗘𝗮𝘀𝘆 + 𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 = 💗
- Converts the given type to a boolean.
- To mimic, we can use the logical not operator (
----------->- if (+0, -0, NaN) then
- else
- if (+0, -0, NaN) then
----------->- if empty string then
- else
- if empty string then
Myth: Double equals doesn't check type 🤡
Reality: Both check types 🗿
Let's study them in detail 😎
If we write x == y
- Check the type of
.- If
are of the same type, then go to the strict equality algorithm (===
). - If not the same type, do type conversion.
- If
Let's consider each case 🧐:
- If
is a number andy
is a string, it returnsx == ToNumber(y)
. - If
is a string andy
is a number, it returnsToNumber(x) == y
. - If
, it returns true. - If
is a boolean, it returnsToNumber(x) == y
. - If
is a boolean, it returnsToNumber(y) == x
. - If
is a primitive andy
is an object, it returnsToPrimitive(y) == x
, and vice versa.
- Doesn't perform type conversion.
Checks if both operands are of the same type:
- If not, return false.
- If yes, check their equality.
- If
, return false.- That's why
NaN === NaN
returns false.
- That's why
- If
have the same value, return true. - If
, return true, and vice versa. - Else, return false.
NaN doesn't mean "Not a Number"; rather, it gives the notion of an invalid number.
🕯 Type NaN is 'number'.
🕯 NaN === NaN
is false.
NaN is the only primitive value in JS that doesn't follow the identity property and is not equal to itself.
To check if something is NaN:
- It converts
to a number and then checks ifx
is NaN or not.
isNaN(2) // false
isNaN(true) // false
isNaN("abc") // true, why? Because it is trying to convert this string into a number and then checking if it is NaN or not.
Another Method:
It doesn't convert type.
Number.isNaN("abc") // false
📍 Debouncing and throttling are performance optimization techniques in JavaScript for managing event handlers.
🐢 Debouncing ensures that an event handler is not triggered multiple times or too quickly within a short time window, preventing excessive function calls.
It waits for a specified time delay after the last event occurrence before executing the event handler.
🐢 Throttling immediately triggers the event handler upon the first occurrence and then executes it at predefined intervals thereafter, preventing rapid consecutive invocations.
- Ensures that functions are only executed after a specified delay.
- Reduces unnecessary function calls and improves performance.
- Limits the frequency of function invocations, particularly useful for events like scrolling where rapid firing could degrade user experience.
There are multiple ways to loop over objects in JavaScript.
🔥 for...in loop
This loop iterates over all enumerable properties of an object, including inherited ones.
🔥 Object.keys() method
This method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property names.
🔥 Object.values() method
This method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property values.
🔥 Object.entries() method
This method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs.
🔥 Object.getOwnPropertyNames() method
This method returns an array of all properties (including non-enumerable properties) found directly upon a given object.
🔥 Using a for...of
loop with Object.entries()
This loop iterates over the values of an array, which is produced by Object.entries().