- Push Button Sensor
- Boolean
- If you don't know what a button is please look it up
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- Double (Floating Point)
- Outputs distance in Centimeters
- Constructor has (port, cmPerVolt) where cmPerVolt is the number of Centimeters (cm) in every volt output
- It appears to be 2V per Centimeter so just make a constant (final) for that
- Different than WPILib's Analog Sensor
- Check MaxBotix documentation for more information on the specific sensor intended for use
- Hall Effect Sensor
- Boolean
- Detects Magnet
- RightSight Industrial Sensor
- Boolean
- Diffuses light and outputs signal if any light returns to the housing
- 500mm range, appears to be 5-degree FOV
- Seems to not need retro-reflective material to detect object presence but it probably helps
- Does not measure distance, only object presence within ranging area
- NavX MXP Gyroscope
- Floating point Yaw value for rotation
- Multiple ways to return wanted Yaw value from gyroscope