We will perform a controlled rollout of the new version and split the incoming network traffic so that only 20% of requests will be sent to the new version of the application.
We'll deploy the first version of the application to Azure and invoke some APIs to test the application. We will then use Log Analytics to validate that traffic split is working.
To implement the traffic split, in v3_template.bicep add the traffic section on your httpapi app and save the file.
ingress: {
external: true
targetPort: 80
traffic: [
revisionName: 'httpapi--${ContainerApps_HttpApi_CurrentRevisionName}'
weight: 80
latestRevision: true
weight: 20
Effectively, we're asking for 80% of traffic to be sent to the current version (revision) of the application and 20% to be sent to the new version that's about to be deployed.
Once again, let's repeat the deployment command from earlier, now using version 2 of the HTTP API application and with traffic splitting configured
# Deploy Bicep template.
az deployment group create \
-g $resourceGroup \
--template-file v3_template.bicep \
--parameters @v3_parametersbicep.json \
--parameters \
ContainerApps_Environment_Name=$containerAppEnv \
LogAnalytics_Workspace_Name=$logAnalytics \
AppInsights_Name=$appInsights \
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name 'v3_deployment' -TemplateFile .\v3_template.bicep -TemplateParameterFile .\v3_parametersbicep.json -Location $location -ContainerApps_Environment_Name $containerAppEnv -LogAnalytics_Workspace_Name $logAnalytics -AppInsights_Name $appInsights
With the third iteration of our applications deployed, let's try and send another order.
curl -X POST $dataURL?message=item3
And let's check the Store application again to see if the messages have been received
curl $storeURL | jq
"id": "b222d3fd-9776-4631-9f1d-5038055e1541",
"message": "fa7c4a50-a711-48d5-8d7c-b9a9e9b9056e"
"id": "807fd951-7213-4fd7-8a6f-df3a8e064ed9",
"message": "f5a52f7a-67db-4ada-bdab-baa8189af700 -- item3"
Invoke-RestMethod "$($dataURL)?message=item3" -Method Post
And let's check the Store application again to see if the messages have been received
Invoke-RestMethod $storeUrl
id message
-- -------
a62d0fa5-26dd-449a-8c16-2e897c6ac4c1 9b4d6594-0c06-476f-81dd-1c9a7120d60b
a2be1546-7290-49df-9f1b-9dd567b7ce3b f5a52f7a-67db-4ada-bdab-baa8189af700--item3
The traffic split is 80/20 (80% old api, 20 % new api), so you might need to send a few messages before it hits our new revision of httpapi and appends the provided string to the message.
That's looking better. We can still see the original message, but we can also now see our "item3" message with the date and time appended to it.
We configured traffic splitting, so let's see that in action. First we will need to send multiple messages to the application. We can use the load testing tool hey to do that.
hey -m POST -n 25 -c 1 $dataURL?message=hello
# Verify orders in StoreApp
curl $storeURL | jq
hey -m POST -n 25 -c 1 "$($dataURL)?message=hello"
# Verify orders in StoreApp
Invoke-RestMethod $storeURL
Let's check the application logs for the Queue Reader application
| where ContainerAppName_s has "queuereader" and ContainerName_s has "queuereader"
| where Log_s has "Message"
| project TimeGenerated, Log_s
| order by TimeGenerated desc
Looking through those logs, you should see a mix of messages, with some containing "hello" and others still containing a GUID. It won't be exact, but roughly one out of every five messages should contain "hello".
So, is our app ready for primetime now? Let's change things so that the new app is now receiving all of the traffic, plus we'll also setup some scaling rules. This will allow the container apps to scale up when things are busy, and scale to zero when things are quiet.
That will be done as part of Challenge 4
- Challenge 1: Setup the environment
- Challenge 2: Deploy Container Apps Environment and troubleshoot Container Apps
- Challenge 3: Split traffic for controlled rollout
- Challenge 4: Scale Container Apps
- Challenge 5: Configure CI/CD for Container Apps
- Challenge 6: Protect Container App with API Management
- Challenge 7: Enable Container App authentication