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File metadata and controls

303 lines (197 loc) · 15.9 KB


Ecosys is a engine made to provide files synchronisation in real time or not between linked devices. It automatically detects linked devices on the same network and make sync the wanted folders transparently. Its name comes from the french word écosysteme (transparent as it is "Ecosystem" in english). Ecosys also support one-time files transferts (called "Largage Aerien" in reference to AirDrop). In the long term, the goal is to provide a support for a symbiosis between devices and applications states so one can use any of its devices indistinctly.

The way ecosys is behaving, by opportunity of exchange, can be defined by the term "synchronisation opportuniste" or, in english, "opportunistic synchronization".

For now, Ecosys is not optimized. I intend to see if I can find a good market fit (even thougth everything is free) before putting to much time into it.

On desktop os : We may achieve this goal by making a Ecosys addons market where people puts json files with details about how each files is stored in each OS of a specific app. This would allow Ecosys to adapt and synchronise existing apps.

On Android : As you may know, android has some very strict policies on apps data, so it cannot be accessed by others applications. To know more about how we can still use files to sync applications data, see

In what is Ecosys different from a basic synchronisation

As in real life, being opportunistic and independant from a central authority can cause some problems of versionning with your peers. And it can be exposed in such way :

  • You have three devices all forming an ecosystem with let's say only one sync task.
  • you modify the targeted filesytem on one device
  • a second device has the opportunity to connect to the one you modified and exchange all the news and gossip
  • in the hypothesis of the third device not being able to connect to the same network as the first one and you are modifying the second device, the third one could be in a situation where if it connects and exchange with the second one first the timeline of modification of the affected files is broke and the binary deltas the third device is receiving are not adapted to its more ancien state.

Here is a schematic made with chagpt to visualize the problem :

How I am trying to fix this problem with Ecosys :

One way we could fix this is when two devices are syncing, also get a list of wich devices are offline and by so, still not updated by the current patch. By doing this, any device could store the patch and spread it. When a device already patched by another one would meet one that didn't send its patches to it, it could just compare the current files versions of its filesystem and the one targeted by the patch being received. If the version targeted is outdated, it could just sent a [MODOFICATION_DONE] event without actually modifying anything.

The implementation is not yet finished but this is going good. I still have to think about better ways to do it that could avoid the presence of duplicates events and by so reduce the database size.

Ecosys "Magasin" :

We project to make a store where anyone can publish and/or download Ecosys addons (named "grapins" in all my frenchness bc it grabs apps data ) and Ecosys apps (named "tout en un" or 'all in one' in english).

To sync apps from one device to another, the best is to install the app on both and then take one to link on the other via Ecosys synchronisations list.

# How do I know that Ecosys already has linked my app from another device ? Wether you are on android or on desktop, when you download an app you can everything is made for you, from the creation of the folder where you put the files you want to sync to the registration of your app in Ecosys database. The only thing you must do is on android, as the usage of an alternative app store is not user friendly, you must start Ecosys app from a specific intent to let it know that the user installed an app that works with Ecosys. This procedure is specified in the file

More details on how to write an android app that works with Ecosys in the file

## The following description is usefull for everyone but the examples are for desktop apps

Ecosys "grapins" :

Addons are really simple but may evolve as time passes. You must provide a json object with those informations :

type GrapinConfig struct {
	AppName               string
	AppSyncDataFolderPath string
	NeedsFormat           bool
	SupportedPlatforms    []string
	AppDescription        string // well that's the app's descriptions
	AppIconURL            string

The supported platform must be within ["Linux","Win32","Android"] NeedsFormat is a flag telling Ecosys to replace some parts of the application path contextually such as :

  • %username% for the user's name
  • %version% for an app specific version ( In first versions Ecosys will just walk in the parent folder and take the first child. This behavior could change if someone find a better one.)
  • %any% Ecosys will just walk in the parent folder and take the first child.

Path separator must be "/"

## Ecosys "tout en un" :

### On PC : "Tout en un" is the ultimate integration with Ecosys, you can develop your app and integrate Ecosys capabilities to sync all the data you want across the user's devices. This is really simple, all the files you want to be synchronised must be within the folder specified by the json description of your app, you are free to use it to do whatever you want. Publish your app on our store and Ecosys will take care of the rest.

By default, the app will be installed to <Ecosys_installation_root>/apps/<app_name> If the folder where the files to sync is not created after we check (and started if any) the installer, Ecosys will create it. /!\ The folder name you will provide as sync task root is relative to <Ecosys_installation_root>/apps/<app_name>

You can specify informations about your app in a json format matching : All the path asked are relative to your app's root, except if your app is not portable. Then you need to provide absolute path to your executables. The sync data folder path is always relative your private Ecosys app root, as Ecosys set this as the current working directory before starting your binary. So you just have to recover the cwd at start of your app to konw where to write your files that needs to be sync.

type ToutEnUnConfig struct {
	AppName               string // well... the app's name ?
	AppDownloadUrl        string // the url where to download the app
	NeedsInstaller        bool   // if we need to run the binary installer
	AppExecutableName       string // the name of to the main executable of your app, 
	// if the app does not have an installer, it will be <app_name.exe> (spaces replaced by '_')
	AppInstallerPath      string // the installer/package file name (like installer.msi or app.deb)
	AppUninstallerPath    string // the uninstaller path
	AppSyncDataFolderPath string // the folder where the data to synchronize is stored, relative to you app's root
	AppDescription        string // well that's the app's descriptions
	AppIconURL            string
	SupportedPlatforms    []string // ['Android','Linux','Windows'...]


For examples, see magasin_database.json

On android :

We use ContentProviders to let apps modify content on their assigned folder in the Ecosys private directory. We list Ecosys friendly apps on a specific tab in the Ecosys app, clicking on it will open its play store page or open the app if already installed. Apps are listed as normal synchronisations, just the name is the app's name and the string "(application)" is present to let the user know that this is a sync task used by an app.


Ecosys "Largage Aérien"

An airdrop-like one time upload that the other device will accept or not.

In this feature, the binary delta is built the same way as the others event, just it will contain a full file. All the file path fields in the data structure of the event must be only the file's name. Ecosys recieve the file in its dedicated folder (<Ecosys_root>/largage_aerien). If the user do not want to receive it, nothing is wrote as the file is kept in RAM as a binary delta. The flag used for the event is "[OTDL]"

### Multiples largages aeriens Like the usual "Largage Aeriens" but to send a whole folder under the flag [MOTDL] and will be untar at the end.

Backup mode

You can activate a backup mode to any synchronisation, it will allow you to delete anything subject to the said synchronisation on your device without the deletion being recorded and sent to others devices. It is usefull for cases like backing up your pictures and save space on your smartphone.

communications :

  • Each device uses mDNS with a unique device_id as additionnal data

    • service name : ._Ecosys._tcp
  • When a device is finding a Ecosys zeroconf service, it checks its own database to see if the given device_id corresponds to a/some sync task(s)

  • When the zeroconf service library gets a service close event, we set de device is_connected state to false

  • if a device that was previously marked as not connected is here, we update the database and set is_connected to true

  • Hop in bitch ! We are sending him an Hello packet

  • If the Hello packet succeed,

  • Then, we send all pending updates in the "retard" table that mentions this device_id

  • We remove the concerned device_id from all mentions on "retard" table

  • Those actions are actually made one version-delta update with one retard mention erase etc...

  • Else we set his is_connected state to false

We don't need to maintain the socket between events, we close it and the machine that needs to say something will connect to the other if it is still marked as connected.

Each request will contain an header of 256 bit that will represents the device_id of the sender

The typical request must look like :

3354HJfjysqgydfk6778Yhgqdsièfoiuhkj(device_id);2556ZJfjgfotydfk6778Yhdddsaèfoiuhkj(secure_id);OTDL;file(filetype);ab(delta instruction),112(data),114,111,117,116,10,0;test(deltafilepath);test(filepath);(newfilepath);(secure_id->redundancy field not used)

/!\ these fields are repurposed in some events to transport usefull values when their primary purpose is not usefull


  • first, we check if any device is updating this filesystem by checking the receiving_update field of the linked_devices table join sync table


  • if not :

  • we loop throught the linked_device table join the sync table and check if a device that is connected is linked for this sync task

  • We are sending him the update

  • Else, an error occurred or the device is not marked as connected, we add a line in the "retard" table if it does not already exists for this event, if it already exists we just append the device_id to the devices_to_patch list


  • loop through the targets ids
  • loop through each event of the queue
  • lock the network for the current targeted device
  • send the event
  • wait for the lock to be released ( by a [MODIFICATION_DONE] event )
  • continue the loop


  • If we haven't done it by a zeroconf event, we set the device is_connected state to true if it is on the linked_devices table AND WE SET THE RECEIVING_UPDATE VARIABLE TO TRUE SO THAT ALL MODIFICATIONS EVENT ARE IGNORED WHILE WE ARE PATCHING THE FILESYSTEM

  • then we patch the filesystem

  • and we release the lock by setting the receiving_update variable of the given device to false


  • add this device and its id to the database
  • if we link a sync task, create it on the new end
  • if we link an app :
    • determine with the timestamp sent wich end has the older task
    • if it's the remote one ( relative to the machine recieving the link request )
      • change the secure_id of its task
      • ask for a setup queue
    • else, ignore the link request and send one in the other way ( from this machine to the originally asking one)
  • this procedure is made to avoid erasing our data by accident by linking the newer task to the old one


  • remove this device from database


  • Loop through all required files and build a setup download queue for the target distant machine

To avoid all conflicts of path, the secure_id is shared between when you link a device and will be used to identify the correct sync task


when a request is treated by the backend and it necessitate an user input, it creates a ".btf" file with a context inside that can be displayed to the user. You just have to append write the user response directly after the context(no newline in between). As example, here is a program that shows a bit how it is working :

	// backend
	go func() {
		// here, "test" will be the event flag
		user_data := backendapi.AskInput("test", "Hey ! I need you to write me your name !")
		fmt.Println("user_data : ", user_data)

	// let the backend ask the user input (overkill)
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	// get context outside of the callback function (will crash if no inputs are asked)
	fmt.Println("contexte outside of callback: ", backendapi.ReadInputContext("test"))

	// mostly used : using callback functions
	callbacks := make(map[string]func(string))

	// the map keys are the flag ! don't put anything random
	callbacks["test"] = func(context string) {
		fmt.Println("context in callback : ", context)
		// give to backend the user response
		backendapi.GiveInput("test", "Josette")

	backendapi.WaitEventLoop(callbacks) // can be put into a goroutine

events flag (files to watch):

  • CHOOSELINKPATH triggered when user has to choose a path that to receive the files of a sync task on another device

  • [OTDL]/MODTL trigerred when user has to choose to accept or not an incoming largage aerien

  • ALERT_USER used to alert the user of something


  • gomobile n'aime pas les passages par valeur de structures
  • gomobile n'aime pas les slice
  • j'abandonne gomobile c'est plus simple de tout réécrire en java
  • bordel de merde les parser de json sont lent de fou, j'ai du utiliser ma propre serialisation de données

/!\ we called the sync task id secure_id just because it should avoid collision and path problems, not because it is "secure"


  • trouver un moyen de faire démarrer Ecosys au démarrage du telephone/pc
  • trouver un nouveau nom pour QAgenda
  • trouver pourquoi l'écriture des gros fichiers sur pc est super lente


  • Faire le téléchargement et maj de l'executable principal
  • verifier pourquoi l'installateur de l'app n'est pas supprimé
  • tester la suppression des applications