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282 lines (134 loc) · 6.08 KB

File metadata and controls

282 lines (134 loc) · 6.08 KB



A simple projects manager/creator I use for myself and grow little by little, it may not work sometimes. type "python -m pmanager -h" to get a simple introduction

the default ide used by the script is VScode, use "python config" to change it.

example : if you are using visual studio code, open the configuration menu, select change default ide and type "code" in the prompt. (because the shell command to open vscode is : "code [yourfolder]" )

The project manager is based on personnalisable modules, they are all in the modules folder and called when you specify them at the creation/add module action of a project.

Usage : ( you can omit the project name if you already are in its directory )

  • pmg new < project name > [module]

    Create a new project with de desired module configuration

  • pmg < project name > add [module]

    Add a module to an existing project

  • pmg delete < project_name > all/[module]

    Delete all project or only a list of modules

  • pmg share < project name >

    Open a tiny webserver to share your project source code over the network

  • pmg config

    Start pmanager configuration script : - global default ide - global default terminal - global default projects path - global default projects archiving path - reset all settings except projects/archiving path

  • pmg add < project name > [module]

    add a module/list of modules to an existing project

  • pmg open < project name >

    open a project

  • pmg modlist

    get a list of all available modules

  • pmg projects

    get a list of all projects

  • pmg archive < project name >

    archive a specific project (default archives folder is /projects_archive)

  • pmg term < project name >

    open your default terminal at the specified project folder

  • pmg import

    start the assistant to create a custom project creation module

  • pmg ide < project name >

    start the assistant to replace the default ide command by your custom manual startup command for the specified project

  • pmg add_run < project name > < command >

    add a run command that will be executed when you use "pmg < project name > run" (you can add as many commands as you want !)

  • pmg run < project name >

    run all the commands you have specified with the command above (chronological order)

  • pmg edit_conf < project name >

    open the configurations xml file for a specified project in your default code editor, so you can directly edit run and startup commands.

  • pmg version

    display installed version versus lastest version published on pip

  • pmg clone < git_remote_url > < project_name >

    clone a remote git repository and create a project with.

  • pmg remame < old_name > < new_name >

    rename a project

  • pmg changelog

    read the changelog

  • pmg edit_module < module_name >

    open the source files of an existing module so you can personalize it

  • pmg add_github < owner >/< repo > < project_name >

    link a github repository to a project

  • pmg issues < project_name >

    display all open issues and their html link of a project. Needs to be linked to a github repo with the command just above.

  • pmg zip < project_name > to pack your whole project into a zip archive, available at your project's root as < project_name >.zip

  • example :

  • pmg new my_project python flask

  • pmg open my_project

  • pmg delete my_project all

  • pmg term my_project

additional informations:

  • no need to put python -m before pmanager, a binary is already in the package and put in path

A module is constitued of two files :

  • A python script that contain a initialize() and recursive() functions that must begin by this code :
from pmanager.res import *
from os import mkdir,path
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

def recursive(root,path):
    for item in root:

        if item.tag == "folder":
            sub_path = item.attrib['path']
            print(f"folder : {path}{sub_path}")

        elif item.tag == "file":
            fname = item.attrib['name']
            print(f"file : {path}{fname}")
            with open((path+fname),"w") as f:

def initialize(project_name):
    if not path.exists("config/default_path.conf"):
        dirpath = get_home_dir_path()+"/projects/"+project_name
        with open("config/default_path.conf","r",encoding="utf-8") as f:
            dirpath ="/"+ project_name

    if not path.exists(dirpath):
    module_name = path.basename(__file__).replace(".py","")

    root = ET.parse(f"pmanager/modules/{module_name}.xml",).getroot()

  • And a < modulename >.xml file that has the same name as the module and script and basically store the content of the files and the folder architecture for your module . (template tag can be empty)

It must looks like this (obviously adapt the file name and the template content):

<?xml version="1.0"?>


    <folder path="c++_files">

        <file name="main.cpp">
#include &lt;iostream&gt;

int main() {
    std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Hello World!&quot;
    return 0;

        <folder path="headers">
            <file name="header_file.hpp">




/!\ Don't forget to escape :

" to  &quot;
' to  &apos;
< to  &lt;
> to  &gt;
& to  &amp;

If you like pmanager, don't forget to leave a star on my github repo ;)