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This repository was archived by the owner on Jul 3, 2022. It is now read-only.

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109 lines (77 loc) · 6.06 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (77 loc) · 6.06 KB


  • Adds support for Swift 5.6 and Xcode 13.3.
  • Adds support for awaiting a Future's value.
  • Adds support for @dynamicMemberLookup.



  • Fixes an issue that broke Swift Package Manager support. (#208, thanks slessans!)


Adds support for Swift 5 and Xcode 10.2. Previous versions of Swift are no longer supported.

  • Migrated from antitypical/Result to the new Result type in the standard library
  • Removed NoError in favor of Never from the standard library

Thanks to kimdv for doing most of the migration work!


  • Updates Result dependency to 4.1 compatible versions. (#203 , thanks Jeroenbb94!)
  • Fixes an issue related to the threadDictionary on Linux (#204, thanks jgh-!)


Adds support for Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.


Adds support for Swift 4.1 and Xcode 9.3 (tested with beta 4).


Adds support for Swift 4 and Xcode 9


Adds support for Swift 3.1 and Xcode 8.3


Adds support for Swift 3 and Xcode 8


Adds support for Swift 2.3 and Xcode 8 (tested with beta 4)



BrightFutures 4.0.0 is compatible with Swift 2.2 and Xcode 7.3.

  • [BREAKING] NoError has been removed from BrightFutures.
  • [Breaking] SequenceType.fold(_:zero:f:) and methods that use it (such as SequenceType.traverse(_:f:) and SequenceType.sequence()) are now slightly more asynchronous: to prevent stack overflows, after a certain number of items, it will perform an asynchronous call.
  • [FIX] Fixed stack overflow when using sequence() or traverse() on large sequences.


  • Added three new variants of the future free function that enables easy wrapping of completionHandler-based API. Thanks @phimage!

Note: some versions are missing here


  • The implementation of mapError now explicitly uses ImmediateExecutionContext, fixing unnecessary asynchronicity
  • Adds delay(interval: NSTimeInterval) on Async, which produces a new Async that completes with the original Async after the given delay
  • All FutureUtils free functions are now functions in extensions of the appropriate types (e.g. SequenceType)
  • InvalidationToken instances now have a validContext property which is an ExecutionContext that can be passed to any function that accepts an ExecutionContext to make the effect of that function depend on the validity of the token.
  • Added support for NSOperationQueue as an ExecutionContext


  • Adds an implementation of flatMap that allows a function to be passed in immediately. Thanks @nghialv!


This release is compatible with Swift 2. It is a direct port of 2.0, meaning it makes no use of new Swift 2 features yet.

  • Removed our homegrown 'ErrorType' with Swift 2's native one
  • The 'Box' dependency is gone. Swift 2 removed the need for boxing associated values in enums!

Because antitypical/Result has not yet released a Swift 2 compatible release on CocoaPods, this version of BrightFutures can not yet be built using CocoaPods.


  • Replaced homegrown Result and Box types with Rob Rix' excellent types.

  • Futures & Promises are now also parametrizable by their error type, in addition to their value type: Future<ValueType, ErrorType>. This allows you to use your own (Swifty) error type, instead of NSError!

  • Adds BrightFuturesError enum, containing all three possible errors that BrightFutures can return

  • Renames asType to forceType to indicate that it is a dangerous operation

  • Adds missing documentation (jazzy reports 100% documentation coverage!)

  • Adds a lot of tests (test coverage is now at 97%, according to SwiftCov!)


  • Updated README to reflect the pre-1.0.0 change from FutureUtils functions to free functions


  • The FutureUtils class has been removed in favor of a collection of free functions. This allows for a nicer function type signature (e.g. accepting all sequences instead of just arrays)


Note: The overview for this release is incomplete

  • Changed ExecutionContext from a protocol to a function type. This allows for better composition. It does mean that a Queue cannot be used directly as an ExecutionContext, instead use the context property (e.g. Queue.main.context) or the toContext function (e.g. toContext(Queue.main)).


Note: this overview is incomplete

  • TaskResultValueWrapper has been renamed to the conventional name Box
  • TaskResult has been renamed to the conventional name Result


This release marks the state of the project before this changelog was kept up to date.