Your enthusiasm for contributing is greatly appreciated, and here are some ways to participate in our project.
If you find a bug that hasn't been reported, please submit a new issue, and we'd love to hear about it.
Please provide as much as information such as the error message, the steps that leads to the error, and your expected behavior.
Feel free to submit a new issue for your suggestion or feedback. This would help us enhance your experience.
If you’re suggesting a new evaluator, please include the relevant paper or code for reference.
Feel free to share your insights and discuss on existing issues.
Please follow the Code of Conduct for GitHub Community during your discussion.
If you fix some bugs or adding new features, welcome to submit them by creating a Pull Request.
Please follow these PR Guidelines when contributing your code:
- One PR, One Purpose: Please do not combine several unrelated contributions in a single PR.
- Test Your Code: Include unit tests for your contribution. If your contribution fixes some bugs, tests should fail without your changes and pass with them.
- Pass All Tests: Before submitting, confirm that all tests are passed.
- Code Quality: Before submitting, please check the code quality by running:
If you haven’t installed
make pre-commit-check
yet, simply runpip install pre-commit