In this repository, we will build machine learning models to detect sentiments (i.e. detect whether a sentence is positive or negative) using IMBD Large Movie Review Dataset. We will use three types of models for this purpose: recurrent models, convolutional models and models based entirely on the attention mechanism. See this notebook for more details.
- Python 3
- NumPy
- PyTorch
- torchtext
- transformers
- spacy : after installing spacy, run this in your terminal :
python -m spacy download en
from src.model import RNN, LSTM, CNN, CNN1d, BERTGRUSentiment, Trainer
api means `any positive integer`
rnn_model = RNN(
input_dim = api, dimension of the one-hot vectors, which is equal to the vocabulary size, will be update to len(dataset["TEXT"].vocab) during compilation
embedding_dim = 100, # size of the dense word vectors
hidden_dim = 256, # size of the hidden states
output_dim = 1 # usually the number of classes, however in the case of only 2 classes the output value is between 0 and 1 and thus can be 1-dimensional, i.e. a single scalar real number.
lstm_model = LSTM(
vocab_size = api, # vocabulary size, will be update to len(dataset["TEXT"].vocab) during compilation
embedding_dim = 100, # size of the dense word vectors
hidden_dim = 256, # size of the hidden states
output_dim = 1, # usually the number of classes, however in the case of only 2 classes the output value is between 0 and 1 and thus can be 1-dimensional, i.e. a single scalar real number.
n_layers = 2, # number of layers
bidirectional = True, # bidirectional or not
dropout = 0.5, # we use a method of regularization called dropout. Dropout works by randomly dropping out (setting to 0) neurons in a layer during a forward pass.
pad_idx = api # index of <pad> token in th vocabulary, will be update to dataset["TEXT"].vocab.stoi[dataset["TEXT"].pad_token] during compilation
# CNN1d if we want to run the 1-dimensional convolutional model, noting that both models give almost identical results.
cnn_model = CNN(
vocab_size = api, # vocabulary size, will be update during compilation to len(TEXT.vocab) during compilation
embedding_dim = 100, # size of the dense word vectors
n_filters = 100, # number of filters
filter_sizes = [3,4,5], # size of the filters or kernel, is going to be [n x emb_dim] where n is the size of the n-grams.
output_dim = 1, # usually the number of classes, however in the case of only 2 classes the output value is between 0 and 1 and thus can be 1-dimensional, i.e. a single scalar real number.
dropout = 0.5, # we use a method of regularization called dropout. Dropout works by randomly dropping out (setting to 0) neurons in a layer during a forward pass.
pad_idx = api # index of <pad> token in th vocabulary, will be update during compilation to TEXT.vocab.stoi[TEXT.pad_token]
from transformers import BertModel
bert_model = BERTGRUSentiment(
bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased'), # load the pre-trained model, making sure to load the same model as we will do for the tokenizer.
hidden_dim = 256, # size of the hidden states
output_dim = 1, # usually the number of classes, however in the case of only 2 classes the output value is between 0 and 1 and thus can be 1-dimensional, i.e. a single scalar real number.
n_layers = 2, # number of layers
bidirectional = True, # bidirectional or not
dropout = 0.25 # we use a method of regularization called dropout. Dropout works by randomly dropping out (setting to 0) neurons in a layer during a forward pass.
2) Create his trainer and pass him the model thanks to the model parameter of Trainer.init. The dump_path parameter of the same method allows to define the folder where the data will be stored after processing and the models after training.
trainer = Trainer(
model = "your model",
dump_path="your dump path"
- optimizer (torch.optim, default = Adam) : model optimizer (use to update the model parameters)
- criterion (function, default = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss) : loss function
- seed (int, default = 1234) : random seeds for reproducibility
- train_n_samples (int, defaulf = 25000) : number of training examples to consider (0 < train_n_samples <= 25000)
- split_ratio (float between 0 and 1, default = 0.8) : ratio of training data to use for training, the rest for validation
- test_n_samples (int, defaulf = 25000) : number of test examples to consider (0 < test_n_samples <= 25000)
- batch_size (int, default = 64) : number of examples per batch
- max_vocab_size (int, default = 25000) : maximun token in the vocabulary
# load the data, build the optimizer and the loss function, and update the model parameters if necessary.
optimizer = "Adam", # or SGD
criterion = "BCEWithLogitsLoss",
train_n_samples = 25000,
seed = 1234,
split_ratio = 0.8,
test_n_samples = 25000,
batch_size = 4,
max_vocab_size = 25000
stats = trainer.train(
max_epochs = 50, # maximun number of epochs
improving_limit = 2, # If the precision of the model does not improve during `improving_limit` epoch, we stop training and keep the best model.
eval_metric = "accuracy_score", # evaluation metric : 'loss', 'binary_accuracy', 'accuracy_score', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1-score'
dump_id = "" # identifier to distinguish models in the serialization folder, is by default equal to the name of the base model
trainer.plot_statistics(statistics = stats, figsize=(20,3))
y, y_pred = trainer.test(dump_id = "")
predict = trainer.get_predict_sentiment()
# example negative review...
print(predict(sentence = "This film is too scary, too much gunfire and blood spilled inside. I can't watch bad movies like this anymore."))
# example positive review...
print(predict(sentence = "Among these actors, I prefer the most romantic one, he likes what he does, is positive about chess and knows how to celebrate victories."))
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