A location input with a map and text input.
This requires the Google Maps JavaScript API with the places library enabled. You can find more information about the Maps API here.
You should have the chayns-components
package installed. If that is not the
case already, run
yarn add chayns-components
npm i chayns-components
After the chayns-components
package is installed, you can import the component
and use it with React:
import React from 'react'
import { PositionInput } from 'chayns-components';
// ...
<PositionInput {...} />
The PositionInput
-component takes the following props:
Name | Type | Default | Required |
defaultPosition | { lat: number, lng: number } |
✓ | |
onPositionChange | function |
() => {} |
mapOptions | object |
{ zoom: 15, gestureHandling: 'greedy', disableDefaultUI: true, styles: [ { featureType: 'poi', elementType: 'labels', stylers: [{ visibility: 'off' }], }, ], } |
children | function |
(value, onChange) => ( <Input placeholder="Position" value={value} onChange={onChange} /> ) |
parent | ReactNode |
defaultPosition: { lat: number, lng: number }
The position that will be used as a starting point.
onPositionChange?: function
This will be called when the position selection changes.
mapOptions?: object
An object with options for the Google Map. These options are documented here.
children?: function
A render function for creating a custom input overlay. It receives the currently selected position as its first argument and an onChange-method as its second argument.
parent?: ReactNode
A DOM element that the overlay should be rendered into.