On the demo page, you can see we do the CRUD (Create read update delete) from the list of items.
First we tried to create the page manually using the array of Nodes encapsulated by ASScrollNode
You can see the code in the ManualLoopVC.swift
and focus on the updateState
private func updateState(state: ManualLoopModel) {
self.state = state
nodes = state.items.map { item in
let node = ManualTextNode(state: item)
node.onTapToggle = { [weak self] in
self?.setSelected(id: item.id)
node.onTapRemove = { [weak self] in
self?.remove(id: item.id)
return node
The code will called everytime you change the state
, to keep the UI sync with the state. This code is not efficient, as if you do something on the state, it'll create the whole new nodes. To improve the code, you need to add extra logic to diffing the old and new value, and only rerender/update on the node that has different value from the old one.
That logic could be difficult and repeated by other feature/developers. This is one of the reason why we create ForEachStoreNode.
ForEachStoreNode is a node that uses store as its backbone and will handle the diffing for you automatically.
Let's try to convert it to use ForEachStoreNode.
First, we set the State.
struct DemoForEachState: Equatable {
var stackData: IdentifiedArrayOf<DemoItemState> = []
var lastId: Int = 0 // used for keep tracking of the last id
struct DemoItemState: Equatable, Identifiable {
var id: Int
var text: String
var isActive: Bool
There is new type of data: IdentifiedArray
IdentifiedArray is commonly used in collection of TCA because it's like the Array with the benefit of accessing the ids like Dictionary.
Let's try it:
var states = DemoItemState.mocks(numberOfMocks: 10)
var identifiedArrayStates = IdentifiedArrayOf(DemoItemState.mocks(numberOfMocks: 10))
// modify states of id 2
if let index2 = states.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == 2 }) {
identifiedArrayStates[id: 2]?.isActive.toggle()
// removing id 3
states.removeAll { $0.id == 3 }
identifiedArrayStates.remove(id: 3)
In regular array the complexity of modify and removing the item by our identifier is O(n), on the other hand, it just O(1) on IdentifiedArray.
We need to conform to Identifiable
protocol to use the IdentifiedArray.
Let's move on to the Action.
enum DemoForEachAction: Equatable {
case didLoad
case shuffle
case addItem
case child(id: Int, action: DemoItemAction)
/// Side Effect
case receiveData([DemoItemState])
We can focus on the case child
, because this is the new pattern that will heavyly used on array of store (ForEachStoreNode).
The pattern is for array of store action, we provide the id, and the node Action.
The type of id is depend on its State id counterpart. (in this case the DemoItemState
's id is Int
, so we make the id Int
The id is needed so you will know in which state the action is performed.
Next, let's implement the reducer:
let demoForEachReducer = Reducer<DemoForEachState, DemoForEachAction, DemoForEachEnvironment> { state, action, env in
switch action {
case .didLoad:
return env.loadData()
case let .receiveData(data):
state.stackData = IdentifiedArray(data)
state.lastId = data.count
return .none
case .shuffle:
return .none
case .addItem:
state.lastId += 1
id: state.lastId,
text: "Data \(state.lastId)",
isActive: true
return .none
case let .child(id, .remove):
state.stackData.remove(id: id)
return .none
case let .child(id, .toggle):
state.stackData[id: id]?.isActive.toggle()
return .none
The logic has been finished. Let's move on the UI DemoItemNode
Let's convert ManualTextNode
to the DemoItemNode, you can copy the implementation to the DemoForEachVC.swift
and change the name of the class to DemoItemNode
Then change the init to using Store<DemoItemState, DemoItemAction>
, then change the binding to use the store.
private func bindState() {
.map { NSAttributedString.body2($0) }
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
.drive(onNext: { [isActiveButton] isActive in
isActiveButton.setTitle(isActive ? "✅" : "❌", with: .body1(), with: .n700A96, for: .normal)
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
private func bindAction() {
.drive(onNext: { [store] in
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
.drive(onNext: { [store] in
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
Let's go to main portion, implementing the ForEachStoreNode
When creating the ForEachStoreNode, we need three things:
public convenience init(
store: Store<State, (State.Element.IdentifierType, Action)>,
layoutSpecOptions: LayoutSpecOptions = .init(),
node: @escaping (Store<State.Element, Action>) -> ASDisplayNode
Let's talk about one by one:
- store:
Store<State, (State.Element.IdentifierType, Action)>
The State
type should be a Collection
(as its stated in the init type constraint). the action is a tuple (State.Element.IdentifierType, Action)
, if you may remember, this is the same pattern we used on the action child
case child(id: Int, action: DemoItemAction)
The id is the State.Element.IdentifierType which is Int
. and the action is DemoItemAction
- layoutSpecOptions is a parameter to configure the layouting (such as spacing, direction, etc)
- node: The closure that convert the given
to the node. The Store type isStore<State.Element, Action>
, in this demo the State.Element isDemoItemState
and the action isDemoItemAction
private lazy var nodes = ForEachStoreNode(
store: self.store.scope(
state: \.stackData,
action: DemoForEachAction.child
layoutSpecOptions: LayoutSpecOptions(stackDirection: .vertical)
) { eachStore in
DemoItemNode(store: eachStore)
You can further simplify the code to:
private lazy var nodes = ForEachStoreNode(
store: self.store.scope(
state: \.stackData,
action: DemoForEachAction.child
layoutSpecOptions: LayoutSpecOptions(stackDirection: .vertical),
node: DemoItemNode.init
We've provide skeleton of the UI. So you can focus on the TCA part.
File: PromoListVC.swift
First, we implement the State and Action
struct PromoListState: Equatable {
var selectedPromoId: String?
var selectedPromoState: PromoState? {
selectedPromoId.flatMap { promos[id: $0] }
var promos: IdentifiedArrayOf<PromoState> = []
enum PromoListAction: Equatable {
case didLoad
case receivePromoListResponse([PromoState])
case promo(id: String, action: PromoAction)
case didTapUsePromo
We use computed property for selectedPromoState
so we don't have redundant data.
Next, go to the PromoNode.swift
and implement the state and action binding
.subscribe(onNext: { [titleNode] in
titleNode.attributedText = .heading2($0)
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
.subscribe(onNext: { [descriptionNode] in
descriptionNode.attributedText = .display3(String("Discount Rp. \($0)"))
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] isSelected in
self?.backgroundColor = isSelected ? .GN50 : .baseWhite
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
// bindAction in didLoad
.drive(onNext: { [store] _ in
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
Next we implement the reducer
let promoListReducer = Reducer<PromoListState, PromoListAction, PromoListEnvironment> { state, action, env in
switch action {
case .didLoad:
return env.getPromoList()
case let .receivePromoListResponse(promos):
state.promos = IdentifiedArrayOf(promos)
state.promos.mutateEach { promoState in
promoState.isSelected = promoState.id == state.selectedPromoId
return .none
case let .promo(id, .didTap):
state.promos.mutateEach {
if $0.id == id {
} else {
$0.isSelected = false
return .none
case .didTapUsePromo:
state.selectedPromoId = state.promos.first(where: \.isSelected)?.id
return .none
And lastly, we create the ForEachStoreNode:
private lazy var promoListNode = ForEachStoreNode(
store: store.scope(
state: \.promos,
action: PromoListAction.promo
node: PromoNode.init
ListStoreNode is a wrapper to our beloved ASCollectionNode (UICollectionView), that make our code cleaner and more declarative.
The implementation is very similar to the ForEachStoreNode
Let's try to change our DemoForEachVC
to use ListStoreNode
PS: You only need to change the VC!
First, you can remove the scrollNode because collection already has one. Then you can directly return the nodes
in the node.layoutSpecBlock
node.layoutSpecBlock = { [weak self] _, _ in
guard let self = self else { return ASLayoutSpec() }
return ASWrapperLayoutSpec(layoutElement: self.nodes)
Then we rename from ForEachStoreNode into ListStoreNode, and remove the layoutSpecOptions
Run the app, the UI is showing but in incorrect layout. The reason is behind the scene, the ListStoreNode will use UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
as its collectionViewLayout
parameter. If you want to make it fully occupied the width of the screen, you can try to use our CustomizableLayout
Please provide the collectionViewLayout
in ListStoreNode initialization.
private lazy var nodes = ListStoreNode(
store: self.store.scope(
state: \.stackData,
action: DemoForEachAction.child
collectionViewLayout: CustomizableLayout.Template.verticalListLayout(spacing: 8, margins: .zero)
) { store in
DemoItemNode(store: store)
How cool is that? You just change 2 lines of code, and the convertion is done 😎
I'll not explaining CutomizableLayout because it's out of scope of this bootcamp.
To get used to the list (ListStoreNode and ForEachStoreNode), we will do the one more exercise of ListStoreNode.
The cart consist of list of products that can be toggled, removed, and change its quantity.
At the bottom it shows total price of the selected products.
As the state is straighforward, let's jump in to the action and the reducer. We can translate the requirement of the feature (what user can do in the page) into the action.
enum ShopProductAction: Equatable {
case didTapToggle
case didTapPlus
case didTapMinus
case didTapDelete
case textDidChange(String)
We hit the API when the page is loaded. Next as usual pattern, we create a product
enum Action inside the CartPageAction
enum CartPageAction: Equatable {
case didLoad
case receiveCartData(Result<[ShopProductState], NetworkError>)
case product(id: Int, action: ShopProductAction)
Then we can implement the reducer:
let cartPageReducer = Reducer<CartPageState, CartPageAction, CartPageEnvironment> { state, action, env in
switch action {
case .didLoad:
return env.getCartData()
case let .receiveCartData(result):
switch result {
case let .success(products):
state.products = IdentifiedArrayOf(products)
return .none
case let .failure(error):
return .none
case let .product(id, .didTapToggle):
state.products[id: id]?.isActive.toggle()
return .none
case let .product(id, .didTapPlus):
state.products[id: id]?.quantity += 1
return .none
case let .product(id, .didTapMinus):
state.products[id: id]?.quantity -= 1
return .none
case let .product(id, .didTapDelete):
state.products.remove(id: id)
return .none
case let .product(id, .textDidChange(string)):
state.products[id: id]?.quantity = Int(string) ?? 0
return .none
For the total price we can leverage the computed property.
struct CartPageState: Equatable {
var products: IdentifiedArrayOf<ShopProductState> = []
var totalPrice: Int {
products.reduce(into: 0) { partialResult, state in
if state.isActive {
partialResult += (state.quantity * state.price)
Then we create the ListStoreNode
private lazy var shopNode = ListStoreNode(
store: store.scope(state: \.products, action: CartPageAction.product),
collectionViewLayout: CustomizableLayout.Template.verticalListLayout(spacing: 0, margins: .zero),
content: ShopProductNode.init
Last, implement the binding for both CartPageVC
and ShopProductNode
// CartPageVC
private func bindState() {
.map {
let string = NumberFormatter.currencyFormatter().string(for: $0) ?? ""
return NSAttributedString.heading2("""
Total Price:
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
// ShopProductNode
private func bindAction() {
.drive(onNext: { [store] in
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
.drive(onNext: { [store] in
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
.drive(onNext: { [store] in
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
.drive(onNext: { [store] _ in
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
.drive(onNext: { [store] text in
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
private func bindState() {
.map { NSAttributedString.heading3($0) }
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
.map {
let string = NumberFormatter.currencyFormatter().string(for: $0) ?? ""
return NSAttributedString.display3(string)
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
If you have lots of item and need Collection functionality, please use ListStoreNode
, otherwise you can choose both of them.
KeyPath is created to make the code more dynamic. We will not explained the detail of the KeyPath here, just a bit introduction before we introduce you to CasePath
Let said we have the SecureModel
struct SecureModel {
var userId: Int
var name: String
var age: Int
var deviceToken: String
When we need to mutate the property, usually we did this:
var model = SecureModel(userId: 1, name: "John Doe", age: 25, deviceToken: "myToken")
// to get value
// to update value
model.deviceToken = "New Updated Token"
The other way to modify the property is by using KeyPath. E.g:
let deviceTokenKeyPath = \SecureModel.deviceToken // type: WritableKeyPath<SecureModel, String>
// to get value
print(model[keyPath: deviceTokenKeyPath])
// to update value
model[keyPath: deviceTokenKeyPath] = "New Updated Token from Keypath" // Write
It's more difficult than the usual way (direct mutate), so what the purpose of KeyPath? The keyword is "dynamic". Let's check our simplified SecureStorage
class that storing the sensitive data in the keychain.
class SecureStorage {
private var model = SecureModel(userId: 1, name: "John Doe", age: 25, deviceToken: "myToken")
func getSecureData() -> SecureModel {
return model
This class/struct is used in many places (networking, user notification, user profile, etc). All the properties is stored in the single model (SecureModel). Let said the UserNotification page want to update the deviceToken. This page doesn't care about other property. If you using usual way of get and mutate the property, you need to add function to mutate the deviceToken inside the SecureStorage class like this.
class SecureStorage {
// ...
func updateDeviceToken(newToken: String) {
model.deviceToken = newToken
and you need to provide function for all the property, such as userId, name, and age. You need N
number of function on N
properties. Previously this can be fixed by change the SecureModel to a dictionary.
class SecureStorage {
var model: [String: Any]
func update(key: String, value: Any) {
model[key] = value
// usage
SecureStorage().update(key: "deviceToken", value: "New Token Value")
But as you may know, the dictionary is not type safe. What happen when the key is not found when you are trying to get? What happen when you make typo, for example you want to update the deviceToken
, but you type devicetoken
(without capital T
in token). What if you store the wrong value in that key? You need to cast to your intended value (such as as? String
or as? MyModel
). The compiler can't check the validity of the type
This is one of the use case I found that is a good candidate to use KeyPath.
class SecureStorage {
private var model = SecureModel(userId: 1, name: "John Doe", age: 25, deviceToken: "myToken")
func getSecureData() -> SecureModel {
return model
func setSecureData<Value>(keyPath: WritableKeyPath<SecureModel, Value>, value: Value) {
print("try to change \(keyPath) to \(value)")
model[keyPath: keyPath] = value
Using KeyPath, the compiler can type check the key and the value, so you'll never get the issue of miss type or miss add/update value on the specific key.
let secureManager = MySecureData()
print(secureManager.getData(keyPath: \.deviceToken))
secureManager.setSecureData(keyPath: \.deviceToken, value: "new Token")
print(secureManager.getData(keyPath: \.deviceToken))
Will print:
try to change Swift.WritableKeyPath<TCABootcamp.SecureModel, Swift.String> to new Token
new Token
The summary is, keyPath is used to store the metadata of Key and Value so we can dynamicly get and update the property.
CasePath is created by PointFree team to achieve the same thing as KeyPath. As Apple still doesn't have the KeyPath for enum.
I still can't find the great usage in my mind to explained to you guys how the CasePath can help with the code.
So I'll explained what the main point of CasePath is by showing this code.
struct ShopRegular {
var shopId: Int
var name: String
struct ShopPowerMerchant {
var shopId: Int
var benefit: [String]
struct ShopOfficialStore {
var shopId: Int
var adminIds: [Int]
var closedTime: String
enum ShopType {
case regular(ShopRegular)
case powerMerchant(ShopPowerMerchant)
case officialStore(ShopOfficialStore)
The CasePath main function is the same as keyPath, which is:
- get (in CasePath, the terminology is
). Youextract
to get theShopRegular
- set (in CasePath, it is
). Youembed
inside theShopType
Let said we want to do something when the shopType is regular. how do you get and set the value to the ShopType
func changeShopNameIfRegular(_ shopType: inout ShopType) {
// get
guard case var .regular(shopRegular) = shopType else { return nil }
shopRegular.name = "UpdatedName"
// set
shopType = .regular(shopRegular)
var regularShopType = ShopType.regular(ShopRegular.mock)
print(regularShopType) // the name will change to "UpdatedName"
var officialStoreType = ShopType.officialStore(ShopOfficialStore.mock)
print(officialStoreType) // will not change
Let's try to use CasePath for the changeShopNameIfRegular
func changeShopNameIfRegular(_ shopType: inout ShopType) {
// get
guard var shopRegular = (/ShopType.regular).extract(from: shopType) else { return nil }
shopRegular.name = "UpdatedName"
// set
shopType = (/ShopType.regular).embed(shopRegular)
The code is similar, so what's the benefit? The same as KeyPath, if you do the specific things, there is no huge benefit of using CasePath. The benefit is more clear when you are doing more broad helper, for example the modify
extension CasePath {
public func modify<Result>(
_ root: inout Root,
_ body: (inout Value) throws -> Result
) throws -> Result {
guard var value = self.extract(from: root) else { throw ExtractionFailed() }
let result = try body(&value)
root = self.embed(value)
return result
That function can be used for every CasePath we have, let's update our changeShopNameIfRegular
to uses the new modify
func changeShopNameIfRegular(_ shopType: inout ShopType) {
try? (/ShopType.regular).modify(&shopType) {
// modify
$0.name = "Updated Name using CasePath modify"
The code is much much simpler, because of the generic CasePath that know how to get (extract) and set (embed), the modify function can do both of them automatically, and you can focus on modifying the value.
The CasePath will used multiple times in our upcoming demos and exercises.
The purposes of pullback is to support composing different reducer. You are like pulling the small reducer into the bigger one.
Example: DemoPullbackVC.swift
First, we create new productCardReducer
that encapsulate all logic related to product card.
let productCardReducer = Reducer<ProductCardState, ProductCardAction, ProductCardEnvironment> { state, action, env in
switch action {
case .didTap:
return env.route(state.url)
case .didTapWishlist:
return .none
Then, rename the demoPullbackReducer
into private let defaultReducer
After that, we combine both reducer into one demoPullbackReducer
let demoPullbackReducer = Reducer<DemoPullbackState, DemoPullbackAction, DemoPullbackEnvironment>.combine(
The code won't compile, and a fresh new error shown in xcode editor:
❌ Cannot convert value of type 'Reducer<ProductCardState, ProductCardAction, ProductCardEnvironment' to expected argument type 'Reducer<DemoPullbackState, DemoPullbackAction, DemoPullbackEnvironment>'
This is expected because the productCardReducer
and defaultReducer
have different signature (State, Action, and even the Environment is different).
The fix is by pullback
the productCardReducer
to the parent reducer. we need to provide three parameters inside the reducer, which are:
state: WritableKeyPath<GlobalState, ProductCardState>,
action: CasePath<GlobalAction, ProductCardAction>,
environment: (GlobalEnvironment) -> ProductCardEnvironment
You can think GlobalState
as DemoPullbackState
, GlobalAction
as DemoPullbackAction
, and GlobalEnvironment
as DemoPullbackEnvironment
Let me explained each parameter:
- State. This is quite similar with scope, but it only accept WritableKeyPath, not a closure. This is because the pullback will do the get and set. You can use
state: \.productCard
- Action. This is the first time you see the CasePath is used. The reason is similar, the reducer will need to get (extract) and set (embed) the action.
action: /DemoPullbackAction.productCard
- Environment. This is where you can transform the given Environment into the needed one.
(GlobalEnvironment) -> ProductCardEnvironment
The productCardReducer
only need route, so we can give it from the parentEnv.
environment: { parentEnv in
ProductCardEnvironment(route: parentEnv.route)
Combine it together, you get the desired Reducer type (same as defaultReducer), so you can combine it now.
let demoPullbackReducer = Reducer<DemoPullbackState, DemoPullbackAction, DemoPullbackEnvironment>.combine(
state: \.productCard,
action: /DemoPullbackAction.productCard,
environment: { _ in
environment: { _ in
That code can run normally, but there is a downside, which is you can't mock that, whatever Environment you gave to the Parent, the ChildEnvironment will always return its own. We discourage you to use this style.
To demonstrate the problem, let's try to use that code, and then move to the unit test of DemoPullbackVCReducerTests
, and add test when tapping the product card.
func testTapTheProduct() {
let testStore = TestStore(
initialState: DemoPullbackState(information: "", productCard: .mock),
reducer: demoPullbackReducer,
environment: .failing
Run the test and the test is succeed eventhough we provide .failing
environment and didTap action call the environment, it is not triggering the Effect.failing.
As described before, because the productCardReducer.pullback always use the mock version, we don't have the ability to change the implementation, or you can say we can't control the world anymore.
Let's change back the implementation to
environment: { parentEnv in
ProductCardEnvironment(route: parentEnv.route)
And rerun the test. We get the expected failed test now 😁
❌ Should not call route - A failing effect ran.
Let's implement the route
in the environment and assert it with the help of routeSink
func testTapTheProduct() {
var routeSink = [String]()
let testStore = TestStore(
initialState: DemoPullbackState(information: "", productCard: .mock),
reducer: demoPullbackReducer,
environment: .failing
testStore.environment.route = { url in
.fireAndForget {
XCTAssertEqual(routeSink, [ProductCardState.mock.url])
The test now run successfully.
✅ The best practice is ParentEnvironment has all the ChildEnvironment property.
You may experiencing error when doing pullback and the error message is not helpful because Xcode can't infer it. My tips to overcome this issue is to refactor your pullback to the variable. Example:
``` ❌ No exact matches in call to instance method 'pullback' ```You can first refactor it to:
let pullbackReducer: Reducer<DemoPullbackState, DemoPullbackAction, DemoPullbackEnvironment> = productCardReducer.pullback(
state: \DemoPullbackState.productCardComputed,
action: /DemoPullbackAction.productCard,
environment: { demoPullbackEnvironment -> ProductCardEnvironment in
ProductCardEnvironment(route: demoPullbackEnvironment.route)
The error will be more informative:
❌ Cannot convert value of type 'WritableKeyPath<DemoPullbackState, ProductCardState?>' to expected argument type 'WritableKeyPath<DemoPullbackState, ProductCardState>'
That error will guide you to know which part that cause the problem.
Exercise: Refactor CounterNode
The CounterNode
has been used twice, in the OrderVC
(on day 1 exercise) and actually CartPageVC
uses the similar UI in it's ShopProductNode
. So let's refactor it.
First, we create CounterNode it's own reducer, named: counterReducer
. Then move all the logic of the counter into that reducer.
// Continue
Demo: Wishlist BottomSheet Exercise: Add Capabilities to choose promo in the CartPage.
Provide 3 Quiz for pullback exercise
// Showing that how forEach/optional/pullback can reduce repeated code
struct ParentState {
var childState: ChildState?
switch action {
case .childOptional(.didTap):
guard let childState = state.childState else { return .none }
// do something with childState
case .childOptional(.didDoX):
guard let childState = state.childState else { return .none }
// do something with childState
// using smaller reducer
switch action {
case .didTap:
state.x // state is already non optional ChildState
Example: DemoForEachVC Let's try to refactor the reducer with array type.
Exercise: CartPageVC
Let said you have several types of cell in the Collection, you can do that too in the ListStoreNode with the help of SwitchCaseStoreNode
Let's modify the PromoListVC, so it can display the ads cell as well. First, we create an enum to stored that different types of cell State.
struct AdsState: Equatable {
var name: String
enum ItemCellType: Equatable, Identifiable {
case promo(PromoState)
case ads(AdsState)
var id: String {
switch self {
case .promo(let promoState):
return promoState.id
case .ads(let adsState):
return adsState.name
The ItemCellType
need to conform to Identifiable because we want to used it as the State type of the ForEachStoreNode/ListStoreNode.
Then we create the simple the AdsAction and the AdsNode
enum AdsAction: Equatable {
case didTap
final class AdsNode: ASDisplayNode {
private let imageNode: ASImageNode = {
let image = ASImageNode()
image.image = UIImage(unifyIcon: .promo_ads_filled)
image.style.preferredSize = CGSize(squareWithSize: 40)
return image
private let titleNode = ASTextNode2()
private let store: Store<AdsState, AdsAction>
init(store: Store<AdsState, AdsAction>) {
self.store = store
automaticallyManagesSubnodes = true
private func bindState() {
.subscribe(onNext: { [titleNode] in
titleNode.attributedText = .heading2("This is Ads for \($0)")
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
override func didLoad() {
let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer()
.drive(onNext: { [store] _ in
.disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
override func layoutSpecThatFits(_ constrainedSize: ASSizeRange) -> ASLayoutSpec {
let stack = ASStackLayoutSpec(direction: .horizontal, spacing: 4, justifyContent: .start, alignItems: .stretch, children: [imageNode, titleNode])
return ASInsetLayoutSpec(insets: UIEdgeInsets(insetsWithInset: 4), child: stack)