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Kotlin Json Builder (DSL)

API structure

Node types

Classes: Text, Image, Text.Range, Dimension, FixedSize etc.

  • Responsible for storing the layout description
  • Responsible for serialization to json format
  • Fundamental types for all library signatures
  • Can be created using factory methods (see below)

Div types

Classes: Text, Image, Container, Pager, Indicator etc.

  • Subset of node types
  • Conforms to Div node type
  • Have extended syntax (compared with other node types)
  • Can be the root elements of the layout
  • Similar to View in Android and UIView in iOS.

Node properties

Classes: Text.Properties, Image.Properties etc.

  • Auxiliary entities for operations with node properties
  • Contains all non-constant node properties
  • Can be created using factory methods


Classes: DivScope, TemplateScope

  • Provides access to factory methods
  • Provides access to enum values
  • Accumulates templates used while layouting
  • Accumulates supplements used while layouting (see below)

Node factory methods

Functions: text(...), image(...) etc.

  • Available for all node types except abstract types
  • Accessible only within DivScope or TemplateScope
  • Signature contains all non-constant node properties
  • Each argument should be literal property value (String, Int, Text.Range, FixedSize etc.)
  • Requires call with named arguments (except forced properties)
  • Some methods supports calls with partially unnamed parameters (ex. text("Hello, world!")

Alternative factory methods

Functions: column, row etc. Some node types has alternative factories with adjusted semantic. For example type Container has factory column means container with vertical orientation and type EdgeInsets has same named factory edgeInsets with single argument all.

Properties factory methods

Functions: textProps(...), imageProps(...) etc.

  • Available for all node property types
  • Accessible only within DivScope or TemplateScope
  • Signature contains all non-constant node properties
  • Each argument should be literal property value (String, Int, Text.Range, FixedSize etc.)
  • Requires call with named arguments (no exceptions)

References factory methods

Functions: textRefs(...), imageRefs(...) etc.

  • Available for all node property types
  • Accessible only within TemplateScope
  • Signature contains all non-constant node properties
  • Each argument should be a reference property value (Reference<String>, Reference<Size> etc.)
  • Requires call with named arguments (no exceptions)

Enum values

Read only properties: horizontal, verical, start, bottom etc.

  • The names matches with values (start -> "start" in json)
  • Accessible only within DivScope or TemplateScope


Class: Template

  • Incapsulates layout invariants
  • Body must be invariant (pure randomless function)
  • Name must be unique among all templates used in actual div-json
  • Can be created using method template(...)


Class: Component

  • Holds template reference and template properties
  • Conforms to Div node type
  • Can be created using method render(...)


Interface: Supplement

  • Allows to accumulate supplementary data while layouting
  • Can be provided using supplement(...) method inside DivScope or TemplateScope


Class: Divan

  • Holds card data, templates used in card and layout supplements
  • Responsible for div-json serialization
  • Can be created using method divan { ... }

DSL Syntax

Entry point

Method divan provides access to DivScope so all syntax available only within divan { ... } body. The result of divan method call is object of type Divan with fields card: Div (layout), templates: Map<String, Div> (used templates) and supplements: Map<SupplementKey<*>, Supplement>.

val divan = divan {
    // Your layout data here

Layout data

Root of layout tree is data method with required logId and list of layout states. List of states can be created via listOf(root(...), root(...)) for multiple state layout with explicit stateId or via singleRoot(...) for single state layout with implicit stateId = 0.

val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = listOf(
            root(stateId = 1, div = ...),
            root(stateId = 2, div = ...)


val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleRoot(
            div = ...

Layout tree

Layout is a tree of DSL or extension method calls with arguments.

val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleRoot(
            div = column(
                width = wrapContentSize(),
                height = wrapContentSize(),
                margins = edgeInsets(left = 10, right = 10, top = 5, bottom = 5),
                items = listOf(
                    text("Hello, world!", fontSize = 18),

Layout decomposition

Decomposition is a great technique for working with complex layout. To carry out part of the layout into a method, it is enough to create an extension for DivScope.

val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleRoot(
            div = column(
                items = listOf(
                    header("Hello, world!"),

fun DivScope.header(title: String) = text(
    text = title,
    fontWeight = bold,
    fontSize = 24,
    lineHeight = 28

fun DivScope.body(...) = ...

Property composition

Composition is a great technique for reusing parts of layout. Each node can be composed with relevant properties. It's convenient to set the element location parameters at the element integration point, and it's style in a separate method. To allow this approach DSL provides syntax div + divProps.

val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleRoot(
            div = column(
                items = listOf(
                    header("Hello, world") + textProps(margins = edgeInsets(top = 10)),
                    body(...) + containerProps(margins = edgeInsets(all = 8))

Property overriding

Alternative way to change node properties is override extension method. Signature of this method contains all non-constant properties of node.

val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleRoot(
            div = column(
                items = listOf(
                    header("Hello, world").override(margins = edgeInsets(top = 10)),
                    body(...).override(margins = edgeInsets(all = 8))


DivKit implements templates approach to allow deduplication of repeated layout parts. Type Component<T : Div> allows to inline templates in layout. Component can be created by method render from specified template and bindings.

  • Method reference allows to create deferred layout properties which should be resolved with render call.
  • Method <node>Refs allows to create property references.
  • Method defer allows to override node properties by specified property references.
  • Method render allows to "bake" template with bindings into Component.
// Template attributes
private val titleRef = reference<String>("title")
// Template layout
private val headerTemplate = template("header-template") {
        fontWeight = bold,
        fontSize = 24,
        lineHeight = 28
    ) + textRefs(text = titleRef) // or .defer(text = titleRef)
// Component signature for usage inside layout tree
fun DivScope.header(title: String) = render(headerTemplate, titleRef bind title)

// Component usage example
val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleRoot(
            div = column(
                items = listOf(
                    header("Hello, world!") + textProps(width = matchParentSize()),

Enum values

DSL allows to inline enum values in layout. You can just start typing value of enum (and even select value from suggest). Check available enum values in documentation.

val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleRoot(
            div = container(
                orientation = horizontal, // Enum value = "horizontal"
                items = listOf(
                    text("Hello, world!", fontWeight = bold) // Enum value = "bold"

Property values

DSL contains 3 types of properties: literals, references and expressions. Base class of all properties is Property<T>.

  • Methods value and valueOrNull allows to create literal.
  • Method reference allows to create reference (can be resolver later in layout).
  • Method expression allows to create expression (evaluates in runtime).


Method expression<T> allows to create evaluable property. Most types has evaluable properties. If type has no evaluate method, there is no evaluable properties. In common case expressions are used together with variables. Variables can be declared in data object (property variables).

val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleState(
            div = column(
                items = listOf(
                    text("Hello, world!").evaluate(alpha = "@{toNumber(alpha_var) / 255.0}"),
                        minValue = 0,
                        maxValue = 255,
                        thumbValueVariable = "alpha_var",
        variables = listOf(
            integerVariable(name = "alpha_var", value = 0)


Developer wants to understand structure of layout as fast as possible. The most influential to structure of layout type is container. But "container" don't suggests how layout looks like (it depends on orientation parameter). To enhance readability DSL provides shortcuts column, row and stack.

val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleRoot(
            div = column( // Container
                items = listOf(
                    row(...), // Container
                    stack(...) // Container

Container shortcuts has vararg signature for items property so the children can be specified without named parameter.

val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleRoot(
            div = column(
                // Set other properties below children
                margins = ...,
                background = ...

As List

A lot of properties in DivKit is a collections (for example background: List<Background>). However property background has more than one element in rare cases. Method listOf() in starting part of value distracts from matter part of value. To solve this issue DSL provides method asList() for each node type.

val divan = divan {
        logId = "my-layout-id",
        states = singleState(
            div = text(
                text = "Hello, world!",
                background = solidBackground(color("#ffffff")).asList()