Location of files /home/cnc/.designer/plugins/python
find the lcation
import PyQt5 print(PyQt5.file)
copy to paste the files
sudo xdg-open PyQt5
print(PyQt5.file) /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyQt5/ /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/qtvcp/plugins/
run designer -qt=5
ii python3-pyqt5.qsci 2.13.3+dfsg-3 amd64 Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 5
this package is very import for linuxcnc if any error reinstall it
main window --- > create remove manubar and statusbar
linuxcnc - Controller
Goto search ----> opt ScreenOption ---> drag to centralwidget then select Mainwindow ---> right click ---> lay out --> lay out in a Grid then select centralWidget ---> layout --> All Margin and Spacing value = 0
Goto search ----> frame ---> drag to screen_options ---> change the size what you need
Goto search ----> GcodeGr ---> drag to screen_options ---> right click ---> lay out --> lay out in a Grid
Goto search ----> Push Button ---> drag to drop in frame ---> 4 buttons ---- > arrange the properly then select frame ---> layout --> All Margin and Spacing value = 0
then select Mainwindow then goto Property --- > geometry --> width = 1200 height = 700
then change PushButton values ---- > z , clear , + , -
then select gcodegraphics ----> then goto Property ---> _view = z , _dro = check, _dtg =uncheck, background_color = 0,0,0