Releases: TrueFiEng/useDApp
Patch Changes
- 7d56483: Change chainId in mockConnector
Patch Changes
- b54a568: Export mockWeb3Wrapper and mockConnector
Patch Changes
- 47652a3: 💥 Fix useLocalStorage for serverSide rendering
Patch Changes
- 3bd807f: add localhost to chainIds
Patch Changes
- 99ffafd: Update yarn.lock and add missing dependencies
Minor Changes
67b2dda: 🧷 Reorder token hooks arguments
7a74be4: New features:
✈️ Add hook for sending transactions to blockchain
📬 Add useNotifications and useTransactions hooks
🥧 Add shortenTransactionHash helperDocs:
🎤 Create transactions and notifications example
📄 Add activate method in getting-started guide
🚤 Update config exampleBreaking changes:
🧷 Reorder token hooks argumentsFixes:
💪 Move ethereum-waffle to devDependencies
Patch Changes
Patch Changes
- feff916: Move ethers to dependencies
Minor Changes
67b2dda: 🧷 Reorder token hooks arguments
7a74be4: New features:
✈️ Add hook for sending transactions to blockchain
📬 Add useNotifications and useTransactions hooks
🥧 Add shortenTransactionHash helperDocs:
🎤 Create transactions & notifications example
📄 Add activate method in getting-started guide
🚤 Update config exampleBreaking changes:
🧷 Reorder token hooks argumentsFixes:
💪 Move ethereum-waffle to devDependencies