Tuya Android UI BizBundle is a vertical business bundle that contains logic modules and UI pages. It's designed to provide customers with the ability to quickly access the Tuya business module based on the Tuya Smart Home SDK.
Tuya Android BizBundle currently offered includes:
- H5 Mall
- Device Configuration
- Deivce Control
- IPC BizBundle
- Scene BizBundle
- FAQ BizBundle
- Message Center BizBundle
Tuya Android UI BizBundle is opened in a service-oriented manner, and all function access is provided in the form of Service
Obtain the instance which implement the service protocol provided by the BizBundle through BizCore, then call its service method to achieve the business purpose
Service <|.. BizBundle : BizBundle implement servcie protocol
Service .. BizCore
BizCore <.. YourClass : Get instance of service
class Service{
class BizCore{
+findServiceByInterface() id~Service~
class BizBundle{
class YourClass{
+id~Service~ serviceImpl
Some BizBundle depend on services that are not implemented, At this time, you can provide your own class to implement the corresponding service, and register it to BizCore
to improve the BizBundle functions
Service <|.. YourClass : implement servcie protocol
BizCore <.. YourClass : Register your service implement class or instance
Service .. BizCore
BizCore <.. BizBundle
class BizBundle{
class Service{
class BizCore{
+registerService(Protocol, Class)
class YourClass{