diff --git a/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/exit-html.html b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/exit-html.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8765a317 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/exit-html.html @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ + + + + Open: exit (via embed code) + + + + +

This popup opens on exit intent (via embed code)


If a user wants to navigate away from your page, they usually need to access the browser toolbar.


We detect mouse movement in top part of the page - if the mouse is moving "up", we open the popup.


The popup is opened only once (on first detected exit intent).

+ + +

Technical stuff


This is not available for customization on "Share" page, but the embed lib allows it.

+ + + +
+ + + + diff --git a/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/load-html.html b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/load-html.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..92777af8 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/load-html.html @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + + + + Open: load (via embed code) + + + +

This popup opens on page load (via embed code)


If you see this you very likely already closed the popup.


If the popup did not open automatically something is broken.

+ + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/scroll-html.html b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/scroll-html.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..499e0749 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/scroll-html.html @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ + + + + Open: scroll (via embed code) + + + + +
+ The popup will open at 30%
+ You scrolled 0px, that is 0.00% of the page +

This popup opens on scroll - at 30% (via embed code)


The popup is opened automatically when you scroll past given percentage of the page height.


The popup is opened only once (when you scroll past the given percentage for the first time).

+ + +

Customize the percentage


This can be set on "Share" page as well.

+ + + +
+ + + +

Random text to make the page long


+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra aliquam augue vitae volutpat. Integer eu turpis elit. +


Mauris nec lobortis metus. Quisque commodo quis neque sed volutpat. Integer a bibendum ante, at dapibus arcu.


+ Curabitur at suscipit enim. Aliquam ut urna nunc. Praesent nisl elit, iaculis nec lectus vitae, posuere aliquet velit. +


Aenean id porttitor nisi. Phasellus vel fermentum elit. In ut maximus risus, quis lobortis elit.


+ Phasellus pellentesque placerat turpis ac semper. Duis ligula enim, vulputate sed erat vitae, vehicula bibendum turpis. +


Donec nibh purus, vehicula at mauris volutpat, placerat molestie diam.


Mauris tristique posuere ipsum vitae venenatis. Donec ut orci id massa ullamcorper pulvinar.


+ Morbi pulvinar ante mauris, at sollicitudin lorem molestie sit amet. Morbi tellus nisi, rutrum ut lectus et, luctus + eleifend mi. +


Quisque felis enim, blandit in convallis in, bibendum non metus. Proin consectetur ut ante nec malesuada.


Pellentesque interdum id metus condimentum varius. Nullam fringilla lacinia posuere.


+ Morbi pellentesque ante vitae tellus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Proin leo dolor, molestie quis diam id, tempor ullamcorper + diam. +


Donec sed pulvinar nunc, et posuere purus. Morbi ornare, diam eget blandit molestie, massa leo sollicitudin nisi.


Id tempus ex nisi quis lectus. Etiam laoreet dui est, quis tempus augue pharetra et. Nullam sed elit turpis.


Donec et mi tellus. Aliquam ut interdum dolor. Aliquam dapibus velit non nunc porttitor finibus.


Proin elementum risus et molestie aliquam.


Duis a egestas lectus, sed mattis nisl. Ut ultricies id mi vel varius. Donec nec laoreet orci.


+ Morbi pulvinar ante mauris, at sollicitudin lorem molestie sit amet. Morbi tellus nisi, rutrum ut lectus et, luctus + eleifend mi. +


Quisque felis enim, blandit in convallis in, bibendum non metus. Proin consectetur ut ante nec malesuada.


Pellentesque interdum id metus condimentum varius. Nullam fringilla lacinia posuere.


+ Morbi pellentesque ante vitae tellus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Proin leo dolor, molestie quis diam id, tempor ullamcorper + diam. +


Donec sed pulvinar nunc, et posuere purus. Morbi ornare, diam eget blandit molestie, massa leo sollicitudin nisi.


Id tempus ex nisi quis lectus. Etiam laoreet dui est, quis tempus augue pharetra et. Nullam sed elit turpis.


Donec et mi tellus. Aliquam ut interdum dolor. Aliquam dapibus velit non nunc porttitor finibus.


Proin elementum risus et molestie aliquam.


+ Phasellus sagittis iaculis nisi at molestie. Aliquam id justo orci. Aenean cursus nulla sit amet lectus consequat + vestibulum. +


In volutpat neque at egestas pellentesque. Vivamus in viverra eros, non facilisis mi.


+ Suspendisse sed metus molestie dolor convallis porta eu vitae mauris. Curabitur pharetra, lorem non tincidunt + sollicitudin. +


Odio tortor consequat nisi, et feugiat lectus odio sit amet nisi. Curabitur et tempor purus.


Maecenas commodo lorem augue, sed varius est maximus auctor. Proin finibus justo eu ante bibendum mollis.


Proin laoreet dapibus lorem a euismod. Integer dignissim eleifend efficitur. Pellentesque vitae pellentesque nisl.


Suspendisse vitae sem vitae risus sollicitudin sagittis ac sed urna.


+ In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla sit amet mauris elit. Maecenas consectetur imperdiet nisl, a vestibulum lectus + maximus vel. +


Nulla sagittis tempus arcu id vestibulum. Donec at nulla congue, luctus orci sit amet, scelerisque ante.


Praesent faucibus, lacus et varius cursus, turpis nibh scelerisque est, sit amet lacinia sapien metus vitae tellus.


+ Phasellus pellentesque placerat turpis ac semper. Duis ligula enim, vulputate sed erat vitae, vehicula bibendum turpis. +


Donec nibh purus, vehicula at mauris volutpat, placerat molestie diam.


Mauris tristique posuere ipsum vitae venenatis. Donec ut orci id massa ullamcorper pulvinar.


Mauris aliquam erat feugiat ligula faucibus, eu imperdiet ante molestie.


Donec convallis, nisi at molestie fringilla, mi dolor suscipit risus, vitae gravida nulla libero vitae urna.


+ Vestibulum id nisi mauris. In faucibus vitae massa eget feugiat. Morbi in arcu congue, iaculis eros ac, fermentum purus. +


+ Fusce lectus tortor, facilisis tincidunt varius ac, sodales quis eros. Pellentesque quis nulla a nisl feugiat pretium. +


Duis et magna finibus, hendrerit ligula non, rutrum nunc.


Pellentesque interdum id metus condimentum varius. Nullam fringilla lacinia posuere.


+ Morbi pellentesque ante vitae tellus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Proin leo dolor, molestie quis diam id, tempor ullamcorper + diam. +


Donec sed pulvinar nunc, et posuere purus. Morbi ornare, diam eget blandit molestie, massa leo sollicitudin nisi.


Id tempus ex nisi quis lectus. Etiam laoreet dui est, quis tempus augue pharetra et. Nullam sed elit turpis.


Donec et mi tellus. Aliquam ut interdum dolor. Aliquam dapibus velit non nunc porttitor finibus.


Proin elementum risus et molestie aliquam.


+ Phasellus sagittis iaculis nisi at molestie. Aliquam id justo orci. Aenean cursus nulla sit amet lectus consequat + vestibulum. +


In volutpat neque at egestas pellentesque. Vivamus in viverra eros, non facilisis mi.


+ Suspendisse sed metus molestie dolor convallis porta eu vitae mauris. Curabitur pharetra, lorem non tincidunt + sollicitudin. +


Odio tortor consequat nisi, et feugiat lectus odio sit amet nisi. Curabitur et tempor purus.


Maecenas commodo lorem augue, sed varius est maximus auctor. Proin finibus justo eu ante bibendum mollis.


Proin laoreet dapibus lorem a euismod. Integer dignissim eleifend efficitur. Pellentesque vitae pellentesque nisl.


Suspendisse vitae sem vitae risus sollicitudin sagittis ac sed urna.


+ In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla sit amet mauris elit. Maecenas consectetur imperdiet nisl, a vestibulum lectus + maximus vel. +


Nulla sagittis tempus arcu id vestibulum. Donec at nulla congue, luctus orci sit amet, scelerisque ante.


Praesent faucibus, lacus et varius cursus, turpis nibh scelerisque est, sit amet lacinia sapien metus vitae tellus.


+ Phasellus pellentesque placerat turpis ac semper. Duis ligula enim, vulputate sed erat vitae, vehicula bibendum turpis. +


Donec nibh purus, vehicula at mauris volutpat, placerat molestie diam.


Mauris tristique posuere ipsum vitae venenatis. Donec ut orci id massa ullamcorper pulvinar.


+ Morbi pulvinar ante mauris, at sollicitudin lorem molestie sit amet. Morbi tellus nisi, rutrum ut lectus et, luctus + eleifend mi. +


Quisque felis enim, blandit in convallis in, bibendum non metus. Proin consectetur ut ante nec malesuada.


Pellentesque interdum id metus condimentum varius. Nullam fringilla lacinia posuere.


+ Morbi pellentesque ante vitae tellus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Proin leo dolor, molestie quis diam id, tempor ullamcorper + diam. +


Donec sed pulvinar nunc, et posuere purus. Morbi ornare, diam eget blandit molestie, massa leo sollicitudin nisi.


Id tempus ex nisi quis lectus. Etiam laoreet dui est, quis tempus augue pharetra et. Nullam sed elit turpis.


Donec et mi tellus. Aliquam ut interdum dolor. Aliquam dapibus velit non nunc porttitor finibus.


Proin elementum risus et molestie aliquam.


+ Phasellus sagittis iaculis nisi at molestie. Aliquam id justo orci. Aenean cursus nulla sit amet lectus consequat + vestibulum. +


In volutpat neque at egestas pellentesque. Vivamus in viverra eros, non facilisis mi.


+ Suspendisse sed metus molestie dolor convallis porta eu vitae mauris. Curabitur pharetra, lorem non tincidunt + sollicitudin. +


Odio tortor consequat nisi, et feugiat lectus odio sit amet nisi. Curabitur et tempor purus.


Maecenas commodo lorem augue, sed varius est maximus auctor. Proin finibus justo eu ante bibendum mollis.


Proin laoreet dapibus lorem a euismod. Integer dignissim eleifend efficitur. Pellentesque vitae pellentesque nisl.


Suspendisse vitae sem vitae risus sollicitudin sagittis ac sed urna.


Mauris aliquam erat feugiat ligula faucibus, eu imperdiet ante molestie.

+ + diff --git a/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/time-html.html b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/time-html.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd055d03 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-html/time-html.html @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + + Open: time (via embed code) + + + +

This popup opens in 5 seconds (via embed code)


The popup is opened automatically after the given time has passed.

+ + Open the popup manually instead + + +

Customize the time


This can be set on "Share" page as well.

+ + + +
+ + + + + + diff --git a/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/exit-js.html b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/exit-js.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..982f3c5c --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/exit-js.html @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ + + + + Open: exit (via API) + + + + +

This popup opens on exit intent (via API)


If a user wants to navigate away from your page, they usually need to access the browser toolbar.


We detect mouse movement in top part of the page - if the mouse is moving "up", we open the popup.


The popup is opened only once (on first detected exit intent).

+ +

Technical stuff


This is not available for customization on "Share" page, but the embed lib allows it.

+ + + +
+ + + + diff --git a/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/load-js.html b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/load-js.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d505503 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/load-js.html @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + + + + Open: load (via API) + + + +

This popup opens on page load (via API)


If you see this you very likely already closed the popup.


If the popup did not open automatically something is broken.


+ Popover embed does not have a close button by default and needs to be explicitly provided when embedding via API. + See popup API demo for details. +

+ + + + + diff --git a/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/scroll-js.html b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/scroll-js.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39990c0c --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/scroll-js.html @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ + + + + Open: scroll (via API) + + + + +
+ The popup will open at 30%
+ You scrolled 0px, that is 0.00% of the page +

This popup opens on scroll - at 30% (via API)


The popup is opened automatically when you scroll past given percentage of the page height.


The popup is opened only once (when you scroll past the given percentage for the first time).

+ +

Customize the percentage


This can be set on "Share" page as well.

+ + + +
+ + + + +

Random text to make the page long


+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra aliquam augue vitae volutpat. Integer eu turpis elit. +


Mauris nec lobortis metus. Quisque commodo quis neque sed volutpat. Integer a bibendum ante, at dapibus arcu.


+ Curabitur at suscipit enim. Aliquam ut urna nunc. Praesent nisl elit, iaculis nec lectus vitae, posuere aliquet velit. +


Aenean id porttitor nisi. Phasellus vel fermentum elit. In ut maximus risus, quis lobortis elit.


+ Phasellus pellentesque placerat turpis ac semper. Duis ligula enim, vulputate sed erat vitae, vehicula bibendum turpis. +


Donec nibh purus, vehicula at mauris volutpat, placerat molestie diam.


Mauris tristique posuere ipsum vitae venenatis. Donec ut orci id massa ullamcorper pulvinar.


+ Morbi pulvinar ante mauris, at sollicitudin lorem molestie sit amet. Morbi tellus nisi, rutrum ut lectus et, luctus + eleifend mi. +


Quisque felis enim, blandit in convallis in, bibendum non metus. Proin consectetur ut ante nec malesuada.


Pellentesque interdum id metus condimentum varius. Nullam fringilla lacinia posuere.


+ Morbi pellentesque ante vitae tellus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Proin leo dolor, molestie quis diam id, tempor ullamcorper + diam. +


Donec sed pulvinar nunc, et posuere purus. Morbi ornare, diam eget blandit molestie, massa leo sollicitudin nisi.


Id tempus ex nisi quis lectus. Etiam laoreet dui est, quis tempus augue pharetra et. Nullam sed elit turpis.


Donec et mi tellus. Aliquam ut interdum dolor. Aliquam dapibus velit non nunc porttitor finibus.


Proin elementum risus et molestie aliquam.


Duis a egestas lectus, sed mattis nisl. Ut ultricies id mi vel varius. Donec nec laoreet orci.


+ Morbi pulvinar ante mauris, at sollicitudin lorem molestie sit amet. Morbi tellus nisi, rutrum ut lectus et, luctus + eleifend mi. +


Quisque felis enim, blandit in convallis in, bibendum non metus. Proin consectetur ut ante nec malesuada.


Pellentesque interdum id metus condimentum varius. Nullam fringilla lacinia posuere.


+ Morbi pellentesque ante vitae tellus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Proin leo dolor, molestie quis diam id, tempor ullamcorper + diam. +


Donec sed pulvinar nunc, et posuere purus. Morbi ornare, diam eget blandit molestie, massa leo sollicitudin nisi.


Id tempus ex nisi quis lectus. Etiam laoreet dui est, quis tempus augue pharetra et. Nullam sed elit turpis.


Donec et mi tellus. Aliquam ut interdum dolor. Aliquam dapibus velit non nunc porttitor finibus.


Proin elementum risus et molestie aliquam.


+ Phasellus sagittis iaculis nisi at molestie. Aliquam id justo orci. Aenean cursus nulla sit amet lectus consequat + vestibulum. +


In volutpat neque at egestas pellentesque. Vivamus in viverra eros, non facilisis mi.


+ Suspendisse sed metus molestie dolor convallis porta eu vitae mauris. Curabitur pharetra, lorem non tincidunt + sollicitudin. +


Odio tortor consequat nisi, et feugiat lectus odio sit amet nisi. Curabitur et tempor purus.


Maecenas commodo lorem augue, sed varius est maximus auctor. Proin finibus justo eu ante bibendum mollis.


Proin laoreet dapibus lorem a euismod. Integer dignissim eleifend efficitur. Pellentesque vitae pellentesque nisl.


Suspendisse vitae sem vitae risus sollicitudin sagittis ac sed urna.


+ In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla sit amet mauris elit. Maecenas consectetur imperdiet nisl, a vestibulum lectus + maximus vel. +


Nulla sagittis tempus arcu id vestibulum. Donec at nulla congue, luctus orci sit amet, scelerisque ante.


Praesent faucibus, lacus et varius cursus, turpis nibh scelerisque est, sit amet lacinia sapien metus vitae tellus.


+ Phasellus pellentesque placerat turpis ac semper. Duis ligula enim, vulputate sed erat vitae, vehicula bibendum turpis. +


Donec nibh purus, vehicula at mauris volutpat, placerat molestie diam.


Mauris tristique posuere ipsum vitae venenatis. Donec ut orci id massa ullamcorper pulvinar.


Mauris aliquam erat feugiat ligula faucibus, eu imperdiet ante molestie.


Donec convallis, nisi at molestie fringilla, mi dolor suscipit risus, vitae gravida nulla libero vitae urna.


+ Vestibulum id nisi mauris. In faucibus vitae massa eget feugiat. Morbi in arcu congue, iaculis eros ac, fermentum purus. +


+ Fusce lectus tortor, facilisis tincidunt varius ac, sodales quis eros. Pellentesque quis nulla a nisl feugiat pretium. +


Duis et magna finibus, hendrerit ligula non, rutrum nunc.


Pellentesque interdum id metus condimentum varius. Nullam fringilla lacinia posuere.


+ Morbi pellentesque ante vitae tellus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Proin leo dolor, molestie quis diam id, tempor ullamcorper + diam. +


Donec sed pulvinar nunc, et posuere purus. Morbi ornare, diam eget blandit molestie, massa leo sollicitudin nisi.


Id tempus ex nisi quis lectus. Etiam laoreet dui est, quis tempus augue pharetra et. Nullam sed elit turpis.


Donec et mi tellus. Aliquam ut interdum dolor. Aliquam dapibus velit non nunc porttitor finibus.


Proin elementum risus et molestie aliquam.


+ Phasellus sagittis iaculis nisi at molestie. Aliquam id justo orci. Aenean cursus nulla sit amet lectus consequat + vestibulum. +


In volutpat neque at egestas pellentesque. Vivamus in viverra eros, non facilisis mi.


+ Suspendisse sed metus molestie dolor convallis porta eu vitae mauris. Curabitur pharetra, lorem non tincidunt + sollicitudin. +


Odio tortor consequat nisi, et feugiat lectus odio sit amet nisi. Curabitur et tempor purus.


Maecenas commodo lorem augue, sed varius est maximus auctor. Proin finibus justo eu ante bibendum mollis.


Proin laoreet dapibus lorem a euismod. Integer dignissim eleifend efficitur. Pellentesque vitae pellentesque nisl.


Suspendisse vitae sem vitae risus sollicitudin sagittis ac sed urna.


+ In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla sit amet mauris elit. Maecenas consectetur imperdiet nisl, a vestibulum lectus + maximus vel. +


Nulla sagittis tempus arcu id vestibulum. Donec at nulla congue, luctus orci sit amet, scelerisque ante.


Praesent faucibus, lacus et varius cursus, turpis nibh scelerisque est, sit amet lacinia sapien metus vitae tellus.


+ Phasellus pellentesque placerat turpis ac semper. Duis ligula enim, vulputate sed erat vitae, vehicula bibendum turpis. +


Donec nibh purus, vehicula at mauris volutpat, placerat molestie diam.


Mauris tristique posuere ipsum vitae venenatis. Donec ut orci id massa ullamcorper pulvinar.


+ Morbi pulvinar ante mauris, at sollicitudin lorem molestie sit amet. Morbi tellus nisi, rutrum ut lectus et, luctus + eleifend mi. +


Quisque felis enim, blandit in convallis in, bibendum non metus. Proin consectetur ut ante nec malesuada.


Pellentesque interdum id metus condimentum varius. Nullam fringilla lacinia posuere.


+ Morbi pellentesque ante vitae tellus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Proin leo dolor, molestie quis diam id, tempor ullamcorper + diam. +


Donec sed pulvinar nunc, et posuere purus. Morbi ornare, diam eget blandit molestie, massa leo sollicitudin nisi.


Id tempus ex nisi quis lectus. Etiam laoreet dui est, quis tempus augue pharetra et. Nullam sed elit turpis.


Donec et mi tellus. Aliquam ut interdum dolor. Aliquam dapibus velit non nunc porttitor finibus.


Proin elementum risus et molestie aliquam.


+ Phasellus sagittis iaculis nisi at molestie. Aliquam id justo orci. Aenean cursus nulla sit amet lectus consequat + vestibulum. +


In volutpat neque at egestas pellentesque. Vivamus in viverra eros, non facilisis mi.


+ Suspendisse sed metus molestie dolor convallis porta eu vitae mauris. Curabitur pharetra, lorem non tincidunt + sollicitudin. +


Odio tortor consequat nisi, et feugiat lectus odio sit amet nisi. Curabitur et tempor purus.


Maecenas commodo lorem augue, sed varius est maximus auctor. Proin finibus justo eu ante bibendum mollis.


Proin laoreet dapibus lorem a euismod. Integer dignissim eleifend efficitur. Pellentesque vitae pellentesque nisl.


Suspendisse vitae sem vitae risus sollicitudin sagittis ac sed urna.


Mauris aliquam erat feugiat ligula faucibus, eu imperdiet ante molestie.

+ + diff --git a/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/time-js.html b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/time-js.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a43483d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/demo-html/public/behavioral-js/time-js.html @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ + + + + Open: time (via API) + + + +

This popup opens in 5 seconds (via API)


The popup is opened automatically after the given time has passed.

+ +

Customize the time


This can be set on "Share" page as well.

+ + + +
+ + + + + diff --git a/packages/demo-html/public/popup-html.html b/packages/demo-html/public/popup-html.html index 035a2066..28f0f8cf 100644 --- a/packages/demo-html/public/popup-html.html +++ b/packages/demo-html/public/popup-html.html @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Static HTML Demo + diff --git a/packages/embed/e2e/cypress-utils.ts b/packages/embed/e2e/cypress-utils.ts index b4dbb9c5..519562c0 100644 --- a/packages/embed/e2e/cypress-utils.ts +++ b/packages/embed/e2e/cypress-utils.ts @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ export type Viewport = { height: number } -export const IFRAME_SELECTOR = '[data-qa="iframe"]' export const screenSizeDesktop: Viewport = { width: 1024, height: 768 } export const screenSizeMobile: Viewport = { width: 375, height: 667 } diff --git a/packages/embed/e2e/spec/functional/behavioral-popup.spec.ts b/packages/embed/e2e/spec/functional/behavioral-popup.spec.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4a61c34 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/embed/e2e/spec/functional/behavioral-popup.spec.ts @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +import { open } from '../../cypress-utils' + +const pages = { + '-html': 'embed code', + '-js': 'API', +} + +const getPageUrl = (name: string, suffix: string, query = '') => { + return `/behavioral${suffix}/${name}${suffix}.html?${query}` +} + +Object.keys(pages).forEach((pageSuffix) => { + describe(`Behavioral Embeds using ${pages[pageSuffix]}`, () => { + describe('Open: exit', () => { + before(() => { + open(getPageUrl('exit', pageSuffix, 'threshold=100')) + }) + + it('should not display the popup on mouse movement in the area downwards', () => { + cy.get('body') + .trigger('mousemove', { clientY: 200 }) + .trigger('mousemove', { clientY: 300 }) + .trigger('mousemove', { clientY: 350 }) + cy.get('iframe').should('not.exist') + }) + + it('should not display the popup on mouse movement outside the area', () => { + cy.get('body').trigger('mousemove', { clientY: 120 }).trigger('mousemove', { clientY: 200 }) + cy.get('iframe').should('not.exist') + }) + + it('should display the popup on mouse movement in the area upwards', () => { + cy.get('body') + .trigger('mousemove', { clientY: 90 }) + .trigger('mousemove', { clientY: 80 }) + .trigger('mousemove', { clientY: 70 }) + cy.get('iframe').should('be.visible') + }) + }) + + describe('Open: load', () => { + before(() => { + open(getPageUrl('load', pageSuffix)) + }) + + it('should display the popup', () => { + cy.get('iframe').should('be.visible') + }) + }) + + describe('Open: scroll', () => { + before(() => { + open(getPageUrl('scroll', pageSuffix, 'percent=30')) + }) + + it('should not display the popup', () => { + cy.get('iframe').should('not.exist') + }) + + it('should display the popup after scrolling down', () => { + cy.scrollTo(0, 950) // 950px is over 30% of the page height + cy.get('iframe').should('be.visible') + }) + + it('should display the popup immediately after reloading the page on the same position', () => { + if (Cypress.isBrowser('chrome')) { + cy.reload() + cy.get('iframe').should('be.visible') + } + }) + }) + + describe('Open: time', () => { + const timeout = 1000 // the popup is opened after 1 seconds + + before(() => { + open(getPageUrl('time', pageSuffix, `ms=${1000}`)) + }) + + it('should not display the popup', () => { + cy.get('iframe').should('not.exist') + }) + + it('should display the popup after 1 second', () => { + cy.wait(timeout) + cy.get('iframe').should('be.visible') + }) + }) + }) +}) + +describe('Open: load (via embed code)', () => { + before(() => { + open(getPageUrl('load', '-html')) + }) + + it('should display close button', () => { + cy.get('.typeform-close').should('be.visible') + }) + + describe('when popup is closed', () => { + before(() => { + cy.get('.typeform-close').click() + }) + + it('should not display the popup', () => { + cy.get('iframe').should('not.be.visible') + }) + }) +}) diff --git a/packages/embed/src/factories/create-popup/create-popup.ts b/packages/embed/src/factories/create-popup/create-popup.ts index 28dd93db..9158413c 100644 --- a/packages/embed/src/factories/create-popup/create-popup.ts +++ b/packages/embed/src/factories/create-popup/create-popup.ts @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ import { createIframe, hasDom, isDefined } from '../../utils' import { POPUP_SIZE } from '../../constants' +import { handleCustomOpen } from '../../utils/create-custom-launch-options' import { PopupOptions } from './popup-options' @@ -112,6 +113,10 @@ export const createPopup = (formId: string, userOptions: PopupOptions): Popup => iframe.contentWindow?.location.reload() } + if (options.open && !isOpen(popup)) { + handleCustomOpen(open, options.open, options.openValue) + } + return { open, close, diff --git a/packages/embed/src/factories/create-popup/popup-options.ts b/packages/embed/src/factories/create-popup/popup-options.ts index 64d3a8f9..2b7bccf5 100644 --- a/packages/embed/src/factories/create-popup/popup-options.ts +++ b/packages/embed/src/factories/create-popup/popup-options.ts @@ -39,4 +39,16 @@ export type PopupOptions = UrlOptions & * @type {HTMLElement} */ container?: HTMLElement + /** + * Specify custom launch options for Popup + * + * @type {string} + */ + open?: 'exit' | 'load' | 'scroll' | 'time' + /** + * Specify threshold for trigger custom launch option + * + * @type {string} + */ + openValue?: number } diff --git a/packages/embed/src/initializers/build-options-from-attributes.spec.ts b/packages/embed/src/initializers/build-options-from-attributes.spec.ts index 9a7fa4c3..7c8a6570 100644 --- a/packages/embed/src/initializers/build-options-from-attributes.spec.ts +++ b/packages/embed/src/initializers/build-options-from-attributes.spec.ts @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ describe('build-options-from-attributes', () => { data-tf-on-ready="onTypeformReady" data-tf-on-submit="onTypeformSubmit" data-tf-on-question-changed="onTypeformQuestionChanged" + data-tf-open="exit" + data-tf-open-value="3000" >` it('should load correct options', () => { @@ -30,6 +32,8 @@ describe('build-options-from-attributes', () => { source: 'string', medium: 'string', mediumVersion: 'string', + open: 'string', + openValue: 'integer', hideFooter: 'boolean', hideHeaders: 'boolean', opacity: 'integer', @@ -50,6 +54,8 @@ describe('build-options-from-attributes', () => { onReady: win.onTypeformReady, onSubmit: win.onTypeformSubmit, onQuestionChanged: win.onTypeformQuestionChanged, + open: 'exit', + openValue: 3000, }) }) }) diff --git a/packages/embed/src/initializers/build-options-from-attributes.ts b/packages/embed/src/initializers/build-options-from-attributes.ts index 3bf0d498..77e1e98c 100644 --- a/packages/embed/src/initializers/build-options-from-attributes.ts +++ b/packages/embed/src/initializers/build-options-from-attributes.ts @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ export const buildOptionsFromAttributes = ( source: 'string', medium: 'string', mediumVersion: 'string', + open: 'string', + openValue: 'integer', hideFooter: 'boolean', hideHeaders: 'boolean', opacity: 'integer', diff --git a/packages/embed/src/utils/create-custom-launch-options.spec.ts b/packages/embed/src/utils/create-custom-launch-options.spec.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad7260ff --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/embed/src/utils/create-custom-launch-options.spec.ts @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +import { handleCustomOpen } from './create-custom-launch-options' + +describe('handleCustomOpen', () => { + const mockOpen = jest.fn() + + afterEach(() => { + jest.clearAllMocks() + }) + + describe('on load', () => { + beforeAll(() => { + handleCustomOpen(mockOpen, 'load') + }) + + it('should open the popup', () => { + expect(mockOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) + }) + }) + + describe('on exit', () => { + let handler: any + + beforeAll(() => { + jest.spyOn(document, 'addEventListener').mockImplementation((_event, fn) => { + handler = fn // retrieve the auto-open handler method for testing + }) + jest.spyOn(document, 'removeEventListener') + }) + + it('should not open the popup when mouse moves outside the threshold', () => { + handleCustomOpen(mockOpen, 'exit', 50) + handler({ clientY: 105 }) + handler({ clientY: 110 }) + handler({ clientY: 115 }) + handler({ clientY: 110 }) + handler({ clientY: 105 }) + expect(mockOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) + expect(document.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) + }) + + it('should not open the popup when mouse moves down', () => { + handleCustomOpen(mockOpen, 'exit', 50) + handler({ clientY: 5 }) + handler({ clientY: 10 }) + handler({ clientY: 11 }) + handler({ clientY: 12 }) + expect(mockOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) + expect(document.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) + }) + + it('should open the popup (and remove event listener) when mouse moves up', () => { + handleCustomOpen(mockOpen, 'exit', 50) + handler({ clientY: 10 }) + handler({ clientY: 8 }) + expect(mockOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) + expect(document.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) + }) + }) + + describe('on time', () => { + beforeAll(() => { + jest.useFakeTimers() + handleCustomOpen(mockOpen, 'time', 5000) + }) + + it('should not open the popup right away', () => { + expect(mockOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) + }) + + it('should open the popup after the time has passed', () => { + jest.runAllTimers() + expect(mockOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) + }) + }) + + describe('on scroll', () => { + let handler: any + const win = window as any // Avoid to set any time window as any + beforeAll(() => { + jest.spyOn(document, 'addEventListener').mockImplementation((_event, fn) => { + handler = fn // retrieve the auto-open handler method for testing + }) + jest.spyOn(document, 'removeEventListener') + win.pageYOffset = 0 + win.innerHeight = 500 + Object.defineProperty(window.HTMLHtmlElement.prototype, 'scrollHeight', { value: 1000 }) + }) + + it('should not open the popup when the page has not scrolled past the threshold', () => { + handleCustomOpen(mockOpen, 'scroll', 30) + + win.pageYOffset = 0 + handler() + + win.pageYOffset = 100 + handler() + + win.pageYOffset = 299 + handler() + + expect(mockOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) + expect(document.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) + }) + + it('should open the popup when the page has scrolled past the threshold', () => { + handleCustomOpen(mockOpen, 'scroll', 30) + win.pageYOffset = 300 + handler() + expect(mockOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) + expect(document.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) + }) + + it('should open the popup when the page is scrolled at the end and threshold is beyond the end', () => { + handleCustomOpen(mockOpen, 'scroll', 90) + win.pageYOffset = 500 + handler() + expect(mockOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) + expect(document.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) + }) + }) + + describe('on unknown value', () => { + beforeAll(() => { + handleCustomOpen(mockOpen, 'unknown') + }) + + it('should not open the popup', () => { + expect(mockOpen).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) + }) + }) +}) diff --git a/packages/embed/src/utils/create-custom-launch-options.ts b/packages/embed/src/utils/create-custom-launch-options.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c716299d --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/embed/src/utils/create-custom-launch-options.ts @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +const openOnExit = (exitThreshold: number, open: () => void) => { + let prevY = 0 + const handleMouseMove = (event: MouseEvent) => { + // open popup if the mouse is in top part of the page and moving towards top of the screen + if (event.clientY < exitThreshold && event.clientY < prevY) { + document.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove) + open() + } else { + prevY = event.clientY + } + } + document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove) +} + +const openOnScroll = (scrollThreshold: number, open: () => void) => { + const handleScroll = () => { + const offsetTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop + const clientTop = document.documentElement.clientTop || 0 + const pageHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight + const scrollTopPixels = offsetTop - clientTop + const scrollTopPercentage = (scrollTopPixels / pageHeight) * 100 + const scrolledToTheBottom = scrollTopPixels + window.innerHeight >= pageHeight + + if (scrollTopPercentage >= scrollThreshold || scrolledToTheBottom) { + open() + document.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll) + } + } + document.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll) +} + +export const handleCustomOpen = (open: () => void, openType: string, value?: number) => { + switch (openType) { + case 'load': + open() + break + case 'exit': + value && openOnExit(value, open) + break + case 'time': + setTimeout(() => { + open() + }, value) + break + case 'scroll': + value && openOnScroll(value, open) + break + default: + // do not open automatically + break + } +}