ProTECT attempts to predict the neo-antigens in the patient's tumor that are most likely to stimulate a T-cell based response. Ideally, ProTECT runs using a "trio" of input files, namely Illumina sequencing data from paired Tumor DNA (WGS or WXS), Normal DNA (WGS or WXS), and Tumor RNA. In this mode, the samples are all aligned using the same genome reference and annotation, and somatic mutants are called using a panel of callers. The samples are haplotyped and the potential neoepitopes are assayed against the alleles in the HLA haplotype for binding. The neoepitopes are finally subjected to a rank boosting approach to identify the most immunogenic in the list.
Advanced run modes allow the user to run ProTECT using pre-aligned bam files, or even a pre-computed vcf of mutations. These modes however put a certain degree of responsibility on the user regarding the annotations used for mapping and integrity of input files. If any of the input fastqs is not provided, a corresponding haplotype must be provided in the form of a tar.gz archive (See below).
NOTE: Input fastq files from multiple lanes and libraries should be combined to yield just 2 files per sample type (T_DNA, N_DNA, T_RNA) having the standard naming convention -- XYZ1.fq and XYZ2.fq. Currently ProTECT only supports paired-end runs and only accepts one pair of fastqs per analyte type.
ProTECT is implemented in the Toil framework and fully runs the workflow described in protect/Flowchart.txt.
This manual is a quick adaptation for an adaptation of ProTECT to py3
ProTECT requires Toil and we recommend installing ProTECT and its requirements in a virtualenv.
ProTECT also requires s3am version 2.0.1 to download and
upload files from S3. We recommend installing s3am in its own virtualenv using the directions in
the s3am manual, then putting the s3am binary on your $PATH. ProTECT will NOT attempt to install
s3am during installation.
currently WIP. for now, only references to local files will work. anything that requires access to s3am (s3 buckets) will fail.
Lastly, ProTECT uses docker to run the various sub-tools in a reproducible, platform independent manner. ProTECT will NOT attempt to install docker during installation.
Method 1 - Using PIP (recommended)
This will install ProTECT in an editable mode.
Obtain the source from Github
git clone
Create and activate a virtualenv in the project folder (Important since the Makefile checks for this and will fail if it detects that you are not in a virtual environment)
cd protect
virtualenv --python=python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install Toil and pytest
make prepare
Install the python3 conversion of bd2k and s3am. s3am is untested as I am running locally
make special_install
Install ProTECT
make develop
Method 3 - Using Docker
Running ProTECT requires you to have activated the virtualenv where it was installed.
Activate the virtualenv with
source ~/venvs/protect/bin/activate
source ~/protect/venv/bin/activate
Running ProTECT is as simple as:
ProTECT --config /path/to/config.yaml --workDir /path/to/a/workdir JobStore
a) /path/to/config.yaml is the absolute path to the config file for the run. If a relative path is
provided, ProTECT will attempt to make it an absolute path, however this might be an issue on
OSX because folders like /tmp
are symlinks to /private/tmp
b) /path/to/a/workdir points to a directory to use as a working directory. This directory is where all the worker sandboxes (temp directories) will be set up during the run. If this option is omitted, Toil will setup workdir in the system $TMPDIR
c) JobStore is the job store used for the Toil run. The job store can either be a path to a directory on the system (e.g. /home/probox/toil/jobstore), or an aws bucket as aws:< region >:< bucket_name > (e.g. aws:us-west-2:ProTEST). Refer to the Toil manual for more information regarding job stores.
NOTE: The workdir MUST be on a device that has enough space to run a genomics pipeline.
STAR indexes for a human genome are usually 25Gb and running star usually takes ~60Gb per sample
(for hg19). You need enough space on this device such that concurrent jobs do not run into
Unable to free up enough space for caching
errors. If the job store being used is the file job
store (points to a directory on the system), and if the device hosting the job store is the same
one hosting the working directory, you need to ensure the device can handle the concurrent writes
and the persistent job store files as well.
NOTE: It is advisable to setup Docker such that it runs off a large volume as well. The following link contains information on how to setup docker such that it stores images and containers on another volume.
TL;DR: Use large volumes for workdir, job store and Docker.
Alternatively, the Dockerized pipeline can be run from Dockstore ( The protect.cwl file in the /docker/ directory describes the necessary inputs and outputs and should be used if running via Dockstore.
A config file pre-filled with references and options for an HG19 run can be generated with
ProTECT --generate_config
The file ProTECT_config.yaml
will be created in the current working directory.
The config file contains all the relevant information required for a run. The file is written in the
YAML format and should be relatively simple to fill in. The file
is split into a number of element groups that describe the important flags passed to different tools
in the pipeline, and the information on the input samples. Elements before a :
are keys in the
dictionary read into ProTECT and should NOT be modified (Barring the patient ID key in the
patients dictionary). Only values to the right of the :
should be edited.
Every required reference file is provided in the AWS bucket protect-data
under the folder
or protect/hg38_references
file in the same location
describes in detail how each file was generated. To use a file located in an s3 bucket, replace
in the following descriptions with s3://<databucket>/<folder_in_bucket>
The following section describes the arguments that can be provided to ProTECT via the config file.
The first group of elements is the list of patients to be processed in the run. There is no limit to the number of patients that can be run in the same workflow and each patient group is marked with a patient ID, an optional flag describing whether the file is encrypted with sse-c in an aws bucket (only relevant if files are on s3), and has file combinations that meet the following conditions:
The group contains 3 values which correspond to the forward fastq read file for the Tumor DNA, Normal DNA, and Tumor RNA samples respectively. The file extensions for fastqs can be .fq, .fq.gz, .fastq, or .fastq.gz. If only an
flag is passed (without a corresponding<analyte_type>_fastq_2
flag), the file names should be symmetrically named<prefix>1.extn
. This is the ideal way to run the pipeline. -
The group contains a pre-aligned bam (and optionally the corresponding bai file) OR fastq(s) for each of the analyte types. If any of the input files is not a fastq, the user must also provide a tar.gz archive with the
flag that contains 2 files enclosed in a folder (mhci_alleles.list and mhcii_alleles.list). Each alleles.list file should contain one input MHC allele (4 digit resolution) per line. NOTE: If RNA-seq fastqs are not provided, the 2 bams, one with RNA-seq reads mapped to the correct human reference genome build, and one with reads mapped to a transcriptome inferred from the correct annotation must be provided. -
The group contains a pre-computed vcf (In lieu of input sequences) and either a trio of fastqs (for haplotyping the patient), or a pre-computed haplotype bundle and an rna-seq fastq (or pair of bams; for expression estimation and variant filtering).
In addition to local and AWS S3 hosted files, input bams and vcfs can be pulled form the NCBI GDC using gdc:// as the value for the coresponding key. Since GDC bams are indexed, the .bai from the data bundle will be used.
patients: -> This is the group name. Do not modify this
PRTCT-01: -> A string describing a unique Identifier for the patient. This is the only key
that can be modified by the user.
tumor_dna_fastq_1: /path/to/Tum_1.fq
tumor_dna_fastq_2: /path/to/Tum_2.fq
tumor_dna_bam: /path/to/Tum.bam
tumor_dna_bai: /path/to/Tum.bam.bai
normal_dna_fastq_1: /path/to/Norm_1.fq.gz
normal_dna_fastq_2: /path/to/Norm_2.fq.gz
normal_dna_bam: /path/to/Norm.bam
normal_dna_bai: /path/to/Norm.bam.bai
tumor_rna_fastq_1: /path/to/Rna_1.fq.gz
tumor_rna_fastq_2: /path/to/Rna_2.fq.gz
tumor_rna_bam: /path/to/Rna.bam
tumor_rna_bai: /path/to/Rna.bam.bai
tumor_rna_transcriptome_bam: /path/to/RNA_transcriptome.bam
hla_haplotype_files: /path/to/hla_haplotypes.tar.gz
mutation_vcf: /path/to/mutations.vcf
tumor_type: STAD # closest TCGA tumor type
ssec_encrypted: False # Are the files for this patient encrypted with ssec? (Optional)
filter_for_OxoG: False # Should the samples be processed for filtering OxoG artefacts (optional)
Encrypted data will be decrypted using per-file SSE-C keys hashed from a master sse-key
(see Universal_Options
). The backend download and upload from S3 is done using
These describe options that are used universally by most tools/jobs in the workflow.
dockerhub: aarjunrao -> All tools used in the pipeline are dockerized to
allow for easy reproducibility across operating
systems. ProTECT was tested using the hub owned
by `aarjunrao` but will work with any hub given
it contains the required tools described in
java_Xmx: 20G -> The default Java heap space to be provided to
tools. Per-tool heap space can be specified for
some tools to override this value.
reference_build: hg19 -> The reference build used in this run. Can be
hg19, hg38, GRCh37 or GRCh38.
sse_key: /path/to/master.key -> Used to create per-file SSE-C keys for decrypting
S3 hosted input files. It is highly recommended
that the files be uploaded to S3 using s3am using
the --sse-key-is-master flag. This file should be
present at the same location on all workers in
the workflow.
sse_key_is_master: True -> Were the sample files all encrypted with sse_key
(`False`), or were they encrypted with individual
per-file keys hashed from the master sse_key
gdc_download_token: /path/to/token.txt -> If any of the input files are being pulled from
the NCBI GDC, this token is required to access
the data. This file should be present at the same
location on all workers in the workflow.
storage_location: aws:protect-out -> Should the intermediate files be stored locally
(`Local`) or in an Amazon S3 bucket using SSE-C
per-file encryption from the provided master sse
key (`aws:<bucket_name>`)?
output_folder: /path/to/out -> A path to a folder where intermediate, and output
files (mutation calls, MHC haplotype, etc). This
folder will be created if it doesn't exist.
However, files in the folder from a previous run
will not be overwritten with updated values.
mail_to: -> Optionally send a success email to the specified email
address. Ensure that
is in your address book.
In reality, for the inexperienced user, these are the only values that need to be modified for a
run. Experienced users can provide their own references below for better control over the results.
Look at the help for each tool for details. All ProTECT provided indexes were generated using
Gencode release 19 for hg19. Any and all paths can
be substituted with S3 links. Descriptions for creating all files can be found in the file
cutadapt: -> RNA-Seq QC
a: AGATCGGAAGAG -> Adapter for trimming forward
A: AGATCGGAAGAG -> Adapter for trimming reverse
version: 1.2
star: -> RNA-Seq Alignment
type: star -> Can be `star` or `starlong`
depending on the read size.
Refer to the STAR manual for
index_tar: /path/to/star_index.tar.gz -> The indexes to use for STAR.
Protect provides indexes
created using edge sizes 50,
75, 100, 150 and 250 in the S3
bucket `cgl-protect-data`
under the folder
version: 2.4.2a
bwa: -> DNA-Seq alignment
index_tar: /path/to/bwa_index.tar.gz -> The indexes to use for bwa.
Protect provides indexes in the
S3 bucket `cgl-protect-data`
under the folder
version: 0.7.9a
post: -> Post-alignment processing tools
samtools: -> Indexing, sam to bam conversion,
version: 1.2
picard: -> Fixing bam headers
version: 1.135
index_tar: /path/to/rsem_index.tar.gz -> The indexes to use for rsem.
Protect provides indexes in the
S3 bucket `cgl-protect-data`
under the folder
version: 1.2.0
chromsosomes: canonical, canonical_chr, chr1, Y -> A list of chromosomes to process.
This options overrides the
chromosomes in the fai and dict
files. canonical implies
1,2,..21,22,X,Y and canonical_chr
is the same but with the chr
prefix. Cannot have a mix of
chr and non-chr. This value is
genome_fasta: /path/to/hg19.fa.tar.gz -> The genome fasta to use for the
mutation callers.
genome_fai: /path/to/hg19.fa.fai.tar.gz -> The corresponding .fai file for
the genome fasta
genome_dict: /path/to/hg19.dict.tar.gz -> The corresponding .dict file
for the genome fasta
cosmic_vcf: /path/to/CosmicCodingMuts.vcf.tar.gz -> The Cosmic Coding vcf
cosmic_idx: /path/to/CosmicCodingMuts.vcf.idx.tar.gz -> The corresponding .idx file for
the Cosmic vcf
dbsnp_vcf: /path/to/dbsnp_coding.vcf.gz -> The dbSNP vcf
dbsnp_idx: /path/to/dbsnp_coding.vcf.idx.tar.gz -> The corresponding .idx file for
the dbSNP vcf
dbsnp_tbi : /path/to/dbsnp_coding.vcf.gz.tbi -> The tabix index for dbsnp.gz
java_Xmx: 5G -> The heap size to use for MuTect
per job (i.e. per chromosome)
version: 1.1.7
version: 1.0rc_submission_b391201
radia: -> Radia uses perchrom bed files in
folders as references.
cosmic_beds: /path/to/radia_cosmic.tar.gz
dbsnp_beds: /path/to/radia_dbsnp.tar.gz
retrogene_beds: /path/to/radia_retrogenes.tar.gz
pseudogene_beds: /path/to/radia_pseudogenes.tar.gz
gencode_beds: /path/to/radia_gencode.tar.gz
version: bcda721fc1f9c28d8b9224c2f95c440759cd3a03
version: 1.0.4
samtools: -> pileup reads
version: 0.1.8
bam_readcount: -> obtain readcounts
version: 0.7.4
version: 1.0.15
config_file: /path/to/strelka_config.ini.tar.gz -> The Strelka config file for a
bwa run (modified for a WXS run
if necessary)
run: True -> Switch to skip fusion calling
version: 1.0.0
run_trinity: True -> Switch to skip de novo transcript assembly
version: 1.0.1
index_tar: /path/to/snpeff_index.tar.gz -> The indexes to use for snpeff.
Protect provides indexes in the
S3 bucket `cgl-protect-data`
under the folder
java_Xmx: 5G -> The heap size to use for SnpEFF
version: 3.6
mutation_translation: -> Translate events from genomic to
proteomic space
gencode_peptide_fasta: /path/to/gencode.faa -> The peptide file for the
gencode gtf used in the
analysis. (If not gencode, the
file must be made to follow the
gencode format for fasta record
gencode_transcript_fasta : /path/to/gencode_transcripts.faa -> The transcript file for the gencode gtf.
gencode_annotation_gtf : /path/to/gencode_annotation.gtf -> The gencode genome annotation file.
genome_fasta : /path/to/hg19.faa -> The gencode genome fasta file
version: 2.2.2
index_tar: /path/to/snpeff_index.tar.gz -> The indexes to use for PHLAT.
Protect provides indexes in the
S3 bucket `cgl-protect-data`
under the folder
method_file: /path/to/mhci_restrictions.json.tar.gz -> A json list of allowable MHCs
each predictors can handle.
pred: IEDB_recommended -> The IEDB method to use.
version: 2.13
method_file: /path/to/mhcii_restrictions.json.tar.gz -> A json list of allowable MHCs
the predictors can handle.
pred: IEDB_recommended -> The IEDB method to use.
version: 2.13
version: 3.1
mhci_args: -> Weights for the mhci ranking
npa: 0.0 -> Number of peptides in an IAR
nph: 0.0 -> Number of "good" (top 1%)
peptides in an IAR
nMHC: 0.32 -> Number of MHCs stimulated by
the IAR
TPM: 0.0 -> Expression of the gene
containing the IAR
overlap: 0.68 -> Number of 9/10-mer overlap
events in the IAR
tndelta: 0.0 -> The number of "good" (>1.5%)
altered-self events seen in the
mhcii_args: -> Weights for the mhci ranking
npa: 0.2
nph: 0.2
nMHC: 0.2
TPM: 0.2
tndelta: 0.2
version: 2.0.1
mhc_pathways_file: /path/to/mhc_pathways.tsv.tar.gz -> A tsv file containing information
about the various genes in the MHC
pathway and their mean TCGA and GTEX
itx_resistance_file: /path/to/itx_resistance.tsv.tar.gz -> A tsv file containing information
about the mean TCGA and GTEX values
for genes involved in immunotherapy
resistance pathways.
immune_resistance_pathways_file: /path/to/immune_resistance_pathways.json.tar.gz
-> A json file containing information
about immunotherapy resistance
car_t_targets_file: /path/to/car_t_targets.tsv.tar.gz -> A tsv file containiing information
about various genes investigated as
possible targets for CAR T cell gene
therapy, including DOI for scientific
literature and clinical trials IDs.
If you installed from source, we provide a way to specify default values for all entries in the
config file (except for the patients
tab). The file src/protect/pipeline/defaults.yaml
will be
used to fill in default values for config entries if the user does not specify them in the input
config file.
ProTECT uses dockerized versions of every tool used during the run to ensure reproducibility of
results. Every docker image required for the run is described in required_docker_tools.txt. Every
required tool is also hosted freely on the dockerhub aarjunrao
(Hence the default value in the
config). If you wish to use a personal repo instead, ensure that every required version of every
tool is made available on the repo.
ProTECT is registered on and can be run using Dockstore with the following command:
dockstore tool launch --debug --entry<version tag> --json protect.json
The example protect.json file provided in this repo describes a run where the input reference files
are on the local file system at /home/ubuntu/protect-work/protect-reference-files/hg38-reference-files
and the input fastqs are in /home/ubuntu/protect-work/samples/
If you see
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/mnt/dstew/protect/", line 6, in <module>
from packaging.version import LegacyVersion as _LegacyVersion
ImportError: No module named packaging.version
Then it is mostly due to a version of setuptools >= 39.0.1. The fix for this is to run the following line before reattempting to install protect.
pip install packaging
Since ProTECT is written in TOIL, the error printed on a failed job is the logfile for the worker that failed to execute the python function that was the failed job.
An example error is shown here with line numbers manually added at the beginning for annotation purposes:
01: The job seems to have left a log file, indicating failure: 'merge_mhc_peptide_calls' g/f/jobO4yiE4
02: g/f/jobO4yiE4 ---TOIL WORKER OUTPUT LOG---
03: g/f/jobO4yiE4 INFO:toil:Running Toil version 3.8.0-4c83830e4f42594d995e01ccc07b47396b88c9e7.
04: g/f/jobO4yiE4 INFO:toil.fileStore:Starting job ('merge_mhc_peptide_calls' g/f/jobO4yiE4) with ID (972acf421c864831d756dec528bb9cc2a4d3c281).
05: g/f/jobO4yiE4 INFO:toil.fileStore:LOG-TO-MASTER: Merging MHC calls
06: g/f/jobO4yiE4 Traceback (most recent call last):
07: g/f/jobO4yiE4 File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/dev/toil_clean/src/toil/", line 340, in main
08: g/f/jobO4yiE4 job._runner(jobGraph=jobGraph, jobStore=jobStore, fileStore=fileStore)
09: g/f/jobO4yiE4 File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/dev/toil_clean/src/toil/", line 1289, in _runner
10: g/f/jobO4yiE4 returnValues = self._run(jobGraph, fileStore)
11: g/f/jobO4yiE4 File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/dev/toil_clean/src/toil/", line 1234, in _run
12: g/f/jobO4yiE4 return
13: g/f/jobO4yiE4 File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/dev/toil_clean/src/toil/", line 1406, in run
14: g/f/jobO4yiE4 rValue = userFunction(*((self,) + tuple(self._args)), **self._kwargs)
15: g/f/jobO4yiE4 File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/protect_toil_clean/local/lib/python3/site-packages/protect/binding_prediction/", line 566, in merge_mhc_peptide_calls
16: g/f/jobO4yiE4 raise RuntimeError('No peptides available for ranking')
17: g/f/jobO4yiE4 RuntimeError: No peptides available for ranking
18: g/f/jobO4yiE4 ERROR:toil.worker:Exiting the worker because of a failed job on host sjcb10st7
19: g/f/jobO4yiE4 WARNING:toil.jobGraph:Due to failure we are reducing the remaining retry count of job 'merge_mhc_peptide_calls' g/f/jobO4yiE4 with ID g/f/jobO4yiE4 to 0
20: g/f/jobO4yiE4 WARNING:toil.jobGraph:We have increased the default memory of the failed job 'merge_mhc_peptide_calls' g/f/jobO4yiE4 to 2147483648 bytes
- Line 1 tells you which function failed.
- Line 6 is where the actual error starts (the line starting with
) - Line 16 tells you the tool failed with a RuntimeError and contains the actual error message. In this case, the tool found no peptides that were available for ranking.
- The line numbers will vary with different tools and dependin gon how jobs were scheduled, however
a rule of thumb is to look for the string
(the most common error thrown by ProTECT) or justError
and then read the error message.
It has been noticed that RADIA sometimes fails non-deterministically on one (or rarely more) chromosome in a sample during a ProTECT run. The error is highly non-informative since we currently do not store logs from tools (see BD2KGenomics#275). The error looks similar to this:
Z/O/job1uH92D INFO:toil:Running Toil version 3.8.0-4c83830e4f42594d995e01ccc07b47396b88c9e7.
Z/O/job1uH92D INFO:toil.fileStore:Starting job ('run_filter_radia' Z/O/job1uH92D) with ID (0e8bb5ea5d785324b5abce7b384bf5b99140aa6c).
Z/O/job1uH92D WARNING:toil.fileStore:LOG-TO-MASTER: Job used more disk than requested. Please reconsider modifying the user script to avoid the chance of failure due to incorrec
tly requested resources. Job 'run_filter_radia' Z/O/job1uH92D used 104.10% (34.3 GB [36816449536B] used, 32.9 GB [35367908263B] requested) at the end of its run.
Z/O/job1uH92D Traceback (most recent call last):
Z/O/job1uH92D File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/dev/toil_clean/src/toil/", line 340, in main
Z/O/job1uH92D job._runner(jobGraph=jobGraph, jobStore=jobStore, fileStore=fileStore)
Z/O/job1uH92D File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/dev/toil_clean/src/toil/", line 1289, in _runner
Z/O/job1uH92D returnValues = self._run(jobGraph, fileStore)
Z/O/job1uH92D File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/dev/toil_clean/src/toil/", line 1234, in _run
Z/O/job1uH92D return
Z/O/job1uH92D File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/dev/toil_clean/src/toil/", line 1406, in run
Z/O/job1uH92D rValue = userFunction(*((self,) + tuple(self._args)), **self._kwargs)
Z/O/job1uH92D File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/protect_toil_clean/local/lib/python3/site-packages/protect/mutation_calling/", line 238, in run_filter_radia
Z/O/job1uH92D tool_version=radia_options['version'])
Z/O/job1uH92D File "/home/ucsc/arjun/tools/protect_toil_clean/local/lib/python3/site-packages/protect/", line 138, in docker_call
Z/O/job1uH92D 'for command \"%s\"' % ' '.join(call),)
Z/O/job1uH92D RuntimeError: docker command returned a non-zero exit status (1)for command "docker run --rm=true -v /scratch/bio/ucsc/toil-681c097c-61da-4687-b734-c5051f0aa19f/tmped2fnu/f041f939-5c0d-40be-a884-68635e929d09:/data --log-driver=none aarjunrao/filterradia:bcda721fc1f9c28d8b9224c2f95c440759cd3a03 TCGA-CH-5788 17 /data/radia.vcf /data /home/radia/scripts -d /data/radia_dbsnp -r /data/radia_retrogenes -p /data/radia_pseudogenes -c /data/radia_cosmic -t /data/radia_gencode --noSnpEff --noBlacklist --noTargets --noRnaBlacklist -f /data/hg38.fa --log=INFO -g /data/radia_filtered_chr17_radia.log"
Z/O/job1uH92D ERROR:toil.worker:Exiting the worker because of a failed job on host sjcb10st1
Z/O/job1uH92D WARNING:toil.jobGraph:Due to failure we are reducing the remaining retry count of job 'run_filter_radia' Z/O/job1uH92D with ID Z/O/job1uH92D to 0
The fix for this is to just rerun protect with the same jobstore (if you haven't specified
--clean always
) with the --restart
flag. I.e. run exactly the same command as the original run
with --restart
appended at the end of the command.
For example, if your command was:
ProTECT --config_file test.yaml --workDir /tmp/working/protect_test /tmp/jobstores/protect_test
then your restart command becomes:
ProTECT --config_file test.yaml --workDir /tmp/working/protect_test /tmp/jobstores/protect_test \