Releases: UDAAN-LEAP/leap-pe-tool
Releases · UDAAN-LEAP/leap-pe-tool
- Added recent open projects option
- Added loading screen/mouse to show something is loading(LoadData, Global Replace)
- Disable the icons which are restricted to use
- Bug in Page Change button
- Dialog box to show replaced word count
- Added the taskbar at the bottom which will show the word count on the HTML page
- Add undo option for the global replace feature
- Partial and Complete Global Replace
- Changes in the UI of the software to have a modern look
- Tracking global replacement logs
- Ingestion of external files for global replace
- Preview button to see potential replacements from the text
- Added new mathematical symbols and fixed font size issue
- Multiple Global Replacement
- Fixed timelog.json not updating bug
- Resolved software crashing while saving issue
- Resolved global replace highlight not working bug
- Fixed the size of the dictionary window
- Added a “Shortcut Guide” under the “Help” option which contains a list of all the shortcuts present in the software.
- Resolved the Slp Guide not loading bug.
- Removed the multiple tabs facility from the software. Now, only a single tab is allowed.
- Pdf can now be downloaded without any background text colors such as global replace highlights and dictionary highlights.
- Added cropping image functionality for the zoomed-in image.
- Increased the dictionary font size.
- Resolved the font issue facing while changing the page font and font size.
- Global replace highlight will work for the replaced words even when the word is present in the dictionary.
- Rename the buttons in the global replace prompt to Yes and No and add the description of buttons in the global replace dialog box.
- Relative path for saving the cropped images
- Icon addition with the new Udaan image
- Change the UI arrangement in compare corrector and verifier window for easy navigation
- Add compare corrector or verifier output for all or multiple pages
- Remove the unused features from user feedback
- Integrate new checks for .hocr and .dict files
- Project.xml files stage change is stopped, now project manager needs to change that manually every time
- Added new mathematics symbols
- Creating new turn-in function for branch commits so its easier to track each bookset
- Bug in Page Change button has been resolved, now the page alignment is not lost
- Color highlight for words in dictionary has been added which will help the user identify words from the dictionary to the main html page open
- Prompt message change for global replace so that it is easier to understand the operation being done
- PDF generation with page breaks and proper arrangement according to the page numbers
- Global CPair words are also highlighted with a distinct color so the user can identify their global changes
- Directory structuring has been changed so that the user can easily navigate through the UI to their respective folder
- Store cropped images inside the bookset while cropping
- Added in img tag in html for easy conversion to latex
- Resizing facility which is also passed on during latex so that publishing quality is same as editing quality
- Src path updated so that relative path of the images is fetched every time a image is to be loaded
- Global CPair changes with single changes
- Global CPair with multiple changes
- Documentation done
Cpair suggestions
Enable button functioning for marking regions
Git commit locally
BBox Functionality
Solved Minor bugs (Turn-In Issue, Commit Issue, Suggestion Bug, Crashing Issue)
CPair Suggestion
Image Marking Region for Figure/Table/Equation
Git commit while saving the html file