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147 lines (122 loc) · 6.87 KB

File metadata and controls

147 lines (122 loc) · 6.87 KB

MBON South Florida Zooplankton

This repository is used to setup a pipeline to convert zooplankton data collected in South Florida into DarwinCore to be added to OBIS.

Link to data collection method: Zooplankton Methodology, Collection & Identification - a field manual

3 Main tasks

1. Ingest zooplankton counts

  • Pull new files from cloud service (i.e. Box) where raw count data is stored
    • You may ignore using a cloud directory if set .choose = NA in rprofile_setup() in 00_setup_project.Rmd
  • Add species information from WoRMS using a custom match_taxa() function (based from obistools::match_taxa())
    • If not starting from scratch, you can set the location and base name for one using
          # Location from the .Rproject direcotry, the functino here::here() will find the root relative to the .Rproj file
          loc = here::here("<child dir from .Rproj root>", "<child 2>"), 
          # The master taxonomic file base name, i.e. `aphia_taxa_20230101_120000` will look for base name `aphia_taxa`
          file_base = "<regex base i.e. aphia_taxa>"
  • Check for new species names and add to a master list of species names
    • This list contains the "verbatim name", "species name" to search, "larval stage" if exists, and matching Aphia IDs from WoRMS
  • Save all new raw files into one file with a timestamp
  • Append new files to previous merged data

2. Ingest cruise metadata

  • Merge all cruise data into one .csv
  • Correct errors along the way
  • Attempt to document changes made to raw data

3. Convert to DarwinCore format

  • This loads:
    • merged metadata
    • merged abudance data
    • master taxa lists to get phylogentic tree
  • Creates 3 csv files of event, occurence, and Measurement or Fact


  • If it's the first time, this will set up the .Rprofile (used at start up of Rstudio)
  • info for .Rprofile:
    1. creates file structure used for this project
    2. set directory of cloud storage location (options for .choose in rprofile_setup())
    • TRUE: opens file explorer to choose directory
    • FALSE: in .Rprofile sets cloud_dir = "EDIT HERE" to edit file directory manually in line 1
    • NA: ignore using a cloud directory, used if you copied it directky
    • "\<drive>:/\<path>": set manually (i.e here::here("\<path>") or "\<drive>:/\<path>/")
    1. load custom functions into the search path
    2. ask to download new files from cloud storage if in .Rprofile:
    • copy_files_cloud(ask = TRUE) to ask which files to download, all, some or none
    • copy_files_cloud(ask = TRUE, auto = TRUE) to auto download all new files without asking
    • copy_files_cloud(ask = FALSE, auto = FALSE) to not download new file at all
    • Example .Rprofile
  • Create master taxa sheet if one doesn't exist in ~/data/metadata/aphia_id
  • Take new files and match taxa, reformat for later use
  • Ability to manually fix non-matched taxa. Workflow:
    1. don't edit verbatim column
    2. edit the aphia_id directly (format must match)
    3. taxa_to_search column can also be changed, but it will not affect the aphia_id
    4. lifeStage column can also be edited (don't add unless noted in verbatim column)
    5. make a note in the column like "changed taxa ___ to ___"
    6. save the .xlsx file AND export to .csv
      • will maintain versioning information
  • Save all reformatted files as individuals and one fully merged
  • Save a log of files ran to skip next time
  • Rough way of taking cruise metadata and merge all cruises together
  • TODO: clean up code, maybe create a function out of it
  • TODO: needs updating for final submission
  • loads metadata, species data and master taxa sheet
  • master taxa sheet adds more taxa information using worrms::wm_record()
  • metadata, raw data, and additional taxa informatino is merged into one dataframe
  • processing steps:
    1. record level
    2. event
    3. occurence
    4. measurement or fact

Custom Functions

  • Load all the data from zooplankton counts format.
    • This is used for all cruises, stations and mesh size.
  • Useful when extracting taxonomic names from a dataset and creating a master sheet to merge with all data.
  • This will create/search for a master sheet.
  • Check for unmatched taxa.
  • Pull/Push a master sheet from a cloud directory if using.
  • Save merged data with master taxa sheet in an all merged file and individual files per cruise, station and mesh.
  • You wll be able to set the file expression for the location and base file name for the master sheet.
  • Useful for creating a master taxa sheet with verbatim names, and scientific name.
  • This takes in a vector of scientific names and will work similar to obistools::match_taxa, but this allows the option for fixing names that have no matches by typing in your own.

Example .Rprofile

cloud_dir = "<drive>:/<main-directory>/<sub-directory>/<location-of-folder-with-data>"

# packages used in .Rmd and scripts
# base R

# external packages
    librarian, ggplot2, tibble, tidyr, readr, purrr, dplyr, stringr,
    forcats, lubridate, glue, fs, magrittr, here,
    # broom, # optional
    quiet = TRUE


conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr")
conflict_prefer("select", "dplyr")

# source scripts with functions in new environment
source(here("scripts", "attach_funcs.R"))

# Copy files from cloud server
if (!exists("cloud_dir")) {
	rlang::abort(c("x" = "`cloud_dir` doesn't exist.",
                   "Please run `rprofile_setup()` to add."))

if (cloud_dir == "EDIT HERE" & ! {
	rlang::abort(c("x" = "`cloud_dir` = EDIT HERE",
                   "Please edit this in .Rprofile or", 
                   "Run `rprofile_setup(.choose = TRUE)` to add."))

if (! {
	cloud_dir_raw <- here(cloud_dir, "raw")
	} else {cloud_dir_raw <- cloud_dir}

copy_files_cloud(.cloud_dir = cloud_dir_raw, ask = TRUE)