- Local: macOS-latest, R release
- GitHub Actions:
- macOS-latest, R release
- Windows-latest, R release
- Ubuntu-latest, R release, devel and oldrel-1
- win-builder: R release and devel
There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs or NOTEs for local and GitHub environments.
For win-builder there was 1 NOTE:
checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE Maintainer: 'Andrew C. Hooker andrew.hooker@farmaci.uu.se'
Found the following (possibly) invalid DOIs: DOI: 10.1038/psp.2013.24 From: DESCRIPTION inst/CITATION Status: Service Unavailable Message: 503
- I can verify that the DOI is valid and works when copying and pasting into Google
I have also run R CMD check on downstream dependencies of xpose4. No ERRORs or WARNINGs were found.
I got an email from Kurt Hornik:
Please see the problems shown on https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_xpose4.html. Specifically, please see the NOTEs for the "Rd files" check. In Rd \describe, \arguments and \value the item entries are of the form \item{LABEL}{DESCRIPTION} with a non-empty label: please modify your Rd files accordingly. Please correct before 2022-05-30 to safely retain your package on CRAN.
This issue has been fixed. Other small updates have also occurred.