diff --git a/src/tools.xml b/src/tools.xml index 144ed38..f387283 100644 --- a/src/tools.xml +++ b/src/tools.xml @@ -33,13 +33,21 @@ - @jacobcarpenter on GitHub has written a neat tool that scrapes the [MakeCode Forum's arcade section](https://forum.makecode.com/c/share-your-arcade-projects-here/5) and shows the games in a gallery-like view! So you don't have to suffer and scroll through debug programs and tons of comments to find that dang link. You can also view the most liked-games of all-time and by author, like [me](https://games-gallery.jacobcarpenter.com/author/416), for example, hehe. + Stop drawing your title screen text by hand! With this tool, you can render any (well, any font on your computer and in Google Fonts) font onto a Arcade image with outlines and shadows! - https://arcade-font-renderer.jacobcarpenter.com/ + https://arcade-font-renderer.jacobcarpenter.com https://github.com/jacobcarpenter/arcade-font-renderer https://forum.makecode.com/t/arcade-font-renderer/7174?u=unsignedarduino + + @jacobcarpenter [on GitHub](https://github.com/jacobcarpenter) has written a neat tool that scrapes the [MakeCode Forum's arcade section](https://forum.makecode.com/c/share-your-arcade-projects-here/5) and shows the games in a gallery-like view! So you don't have to ~~suffer~~ and scroll through debug programs and tons of comments to find that dang link. You can also view the most liked-games of all-time and by author, like [me](https://games-gallery.jacobcarpenter.com/author/416) for example hehe. + + https://games-gallery.jacobcarpenter.com + https://github.com/jacobcarpenter/games-gallery + https://forum.makecode.com/t/games-gallery-an-alternate-view-for-games-posted-to-these-forums/4025 + + I have written a Python script that will turn images and multi-frame GIFs into MakeCode Arcade images and arrays! Note that this tools requires at least Python 3.9 on a computer, and command line knowledge is highly recommended!