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Controllers & Actions
In the end, it's all about whether you prefer pizza or chips.
🍕 Playing with Keyboard+Mouse
🍟 Playing with Gamepads
Unfortunately, the game isn't designed at all to be comfy played with keyboard + mouse: the button layout is a true hell to understand and configure.
This doesn't mean that it can't be done (because its actually possible) but I'm pretty confident to say that a gamepad is a much more enjoyable way.
Worst of all, the V's fix doesn't have any way to configure the keyboard layouts from the fix, so you have to rely on the official game setupper, and do everything manually.
I'm sorry, but do a complete keyboard setupper on the V's would require a 💣 LOT 💣 of time, and I'm not 100% that is worth the hassle.
Alternatively, you can use one of the pre-made layout you can find below.
I've advised you, but if you insist...let's proceed ☠️
🆕 ❗ To either use a custom layout or create your own, you MUST SET "Use default keyboard layout" to OFF option inside "Controls tab" BEFORE performing any of the below actions.
To install them, simply click the 'DOWNLOAD' link, and copy the 2 .ini files inside the 'bin' game folder (where you installed the fix). Overwrites.
Available layout:
Is the default layout. I've put it here only to give you the chance to change it, eventually. You can use it simply leaving the "Use default keyboard layout" option enabled.
Is not bad overall, if you consider the amount of buttons you have to bind to play the game.
- Moving: UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT keys
- Actions : S-X-Z-C
- Item/Weapons selection : A-D
- Katana: I-J-K-L
Thanks to the patience you had while making it 😄
❗ Move with WASD actions, perform actions with the arrows
Thanks to the patience you had while making it 😄
❗ Move with WASD, perform actions with numeric keypad
- Walk= W, S, A, D
- Walk Slow = NUMPAD0
- Katana= Arrow Keys
- Lower Weapon without fire: Left Shift for Pistols & Left Control for Machine Guns or you can use walk slow button to lower both weapons
- Start: Tab
- Select: Enter
- L1 = Q
- L2 = V
- R1 = E
- R2 = Space
- First Person View (Toggle) = NUMPAD5
- First Person View (Normal) = Space
Thanks to: Foxiravoc - DOWNLOAD
Thanks to the patience you had while making it 😄
❗ You can move with WASD and perform actions with central keyboard buttons
❗ You can also have a functional mouse setup, but it require some external software
There's a video on how to correctly install the external software
❗ Click here to see the image in fullscreen
Like I sayed above, you have to use the original game setupper, and then configure yourself each keystrokes.
Before all, you have to restore the original game setupper:
- Go inside the 'bin' game folder (where you applied the fix)
- You will find a file called _MGS2SConfig.oldandcrappy
- Rename it in _MGS2SConfig.exe
Then you have to choice yourself your button bindings:
- Start the file you just renamed, _MGS2SConfig.exe
- You will see a lot of keypair:
- Ingame action <-> Keyboard keystrokes
- Just press one of the key of the left (i.e. CRAWL) and select your preferred key on the keyboard
- When you finished...press 'OK' on the bottom-right
Now the original setupper has overwritten even graphics and other things, and the game will not launch anymore.
To correct that, you have to open the V's fix, press 'OPTIONS' and then 'SAVE'.
If you set "Use default keyboard layout" to OFF, the keyboard layout you have made will be maintained
Originally, MGS2 PC port had a very poor support for every type of gamepad.
Now, thanks to Xinput Plus project, MGS2 V's Fix support perfectly any Xinput controller type.
What do you mean? Without going into details, this mean that any official Xbox controller and those who perfectly emulate that ones are perfectly supported out of the box
Also, thanks a lot of people that have helped me, other kind of gamepad are officially supported. Please check out the list below to understand better how make them 100% compatible with the game.
🎮 List of known controllers:
- Xbox (360 or One) controllers
- PS2 Controller + Sensitive buttons
- Original PS3 Controller
- Original PS4 DualShock Controller
- Steam controller(s)
- None of the above
As mentioned above, if you have an Xbox 360 or a Xbox one controller (either wired or wireless) and is correctly installed and configured on your system, all you have to do is to enable 360 controller support from Controller tab inside the Fix.
Easy peasy.
This is not supported, and would require hard work, but can be done.
Unfortunately, for now, I don't have the time to support it inside the fix, but it would be a very cool things to do :/
PS3 controller isn't Xinput natively, so you must emulate it.
Connect it to your computer through the USB Cable, and chose one of the following software/drivers:
Don't use motioninjoy: It act like a spyware, and it can be dangerous for your PC. If you want to read why, check THIS
🆕 From the 1.6 Version you can simply enable the DualShock4 support from the 'Controls' tab!
❔ Someone know how to make the DS4 audio jack working on pc? I can't make it working in any way
No external software is required to make it working. All you have to do is plug it into the PC, let recognize it by Windows10 like a DirectInput controller and enable the DS4 support from Controller tab inside the Fix.
❗️ If Windows doesn't recognize the DS4 gamepad as an usable gamepad i.e. gamepad is recharging it but is unusable from any game (this can happen if you have certain configuration of Windows10 or you are using Windows7) please check the 'Use DS4 with 'DS4Windows' instead' chapter below.
❗️ The DS4 will not vibrate because vibration isn't compatible with MGS2! (= vibration doesn't work with DirectInput games without extra software). If you want to enjoy the vibration, please check the 'Use DS4 with 'DS4Windows' instead' chapter below.
If don't like/want/can use the DS4 from the Fix (as a DirectInput controller) you can simply emulate an Xbox controller (a Xinput gamepad) using a fantastic tool called DS4Windows.
This fantastic software was originally made by Jays2Kings, but now the software is maintained and further developed by Ryochan7 so you can download the latest version HERE (Click the link and scroll down to check the "Downloads" section).
How to use:
- Download DS4Windows (= Xinput gamepad emulator) archive and extract it somewhere.
- Open 'DS4Windows.exe'
- Add the game executable (mgs2_sse.exe) to it, and be sure that the gamepad is properly recognized
- Open the V's Fix, press 'SETTINGS', go to the 'Controls' tab and select the 'Xbox' gamepad from the fix instead of 'Dualshock 4'
- Select your favourite button layout and press 'SAVE'.
- Start the game while DS4Windows is open.
❗️❗️❗️❗️ If it seems that the game is receiving "double inputs" (you press a button but the game does the action 2 times, or it lags considerably), open DS4Windows, go to 'SETTINGS' and enable 'Hide DS4 Controller'
❗️ NB: Using the DS4 through Steam is an another things; please check the 'Steam Controller(s)' section.
A lot of people has helped me to test this thing (because I don't have a PS4 neither a DualShock4, neither a friend that have it 😬 ) so this is a truly success by the community! HINT: Off course you can always gift it to me 😄
Check the regards page to see who are the authors of this beautiful thing! Thanks guys!
Regardless if you are using a Steam Controller (the funny one with touchpads) or another kind of strange joystick/gamepad through Steam drivers, you are facing the same issue. The original game, when started, prompt an UAC Warning that I can't remove (Is a classic 'Complain Konami' issues). This create trouble with Steam + Steam controller(s), resulting in an unresponsive gamepad. 🆕 This is solved from the 1.7 version of the fix! Yeah!
W1lddog2 has reported me a fantastic tutorial to make Steam working good with the game! Check the brief guide on how to make it working!
This is a recurrent question, so I'm trying to be clear: as long as it is installed correctly following the manufacturer's instruction, and as long as the system recognizes it as an original Xbox controller, it should work out of the box enabling the 360 controller
If it isn't an official Xinput controller -> it can't behave like an original Xbox controller -> V's Fix can't do anything to support it perfectly, so you are out of luck.
Your last hope is to use a 'Xinput' emulator like x360 CE or the new XOutput by csutorasa.
Isn't hard to use these software but I can't do it for you, so how to configure them is out of the scope of this wiki!
Originally, MGS2 was totally designed to be played on a PS2. The button layout is a directly consequence of that choice, and every port's playability has suffered for that.
The PC port (that is a direct port of the Xbox version) makes no exception.
Because a lot of actions are associated to the same buttons by game design, configuring your gamepad can be a real NIGHTMARE.
Since there is no reason to get mad in this ungrateful task, I have done this for everybody else.
There are 2 different layout available, and they can be chosen from the Controls tab:
- V's Layout
- PS2 Layout
- V's Personal Uber Layout
This is the more comfortable layout for anyone that hasn't played the game yet, or has played the Xbox version (it share with it some similarity).
Also, in my opinion, this layout is better for doing high scores in VR Mode!
- PS2 Style Layout
This is more similar to the PS2 layout button. Good for those that has played that version before. The main difference between this and my layout is that releasing a weapon hold up is performed holding up left stick, and first person view is done keep pressing RB (R1 in the PS2 original gamepad).
I don't want to spoil you how to play but I take this opportunity to explain how to do some special actions based on different layouts
- First person
- Hold up and release without shooting
- Aim and move at the same time
- Use the katana
- Auto Aim
To TOGGLE first person view, press R3 (-> press the right stick).
KEEP PRESSED 'RB' (Or R1, depending on view point) to trigger first person view.
This is a classic 'Complain Konami' issues: there are different buttons for doing it with a 'pistol' or an 'assault rifle'
Pistol: Aim with your pistol. Then, to release without shooting, KEEP PRESSED L3 (-> the left stick), than release your AIM button (X on the xbox gamepad, [] on the playstation gamepad), than you can 'RELEASE L3'.
Summarizing: KEEP PRESSED AIM BUTTON -> KEEP PRESSED L3 -> RELEASE AIM -> (when the character lowers the weapon) RELEASE L3.
Assault rifle: KEEP PRESSED RB (Or R1, depending on view point), than AIM. Release RB to shoot. Release AIM (With RB pressed) to lower the weapon.
This is slightly different for Pistol and Assault Rifle
Pistol: Aim with your pistol. Then, to release without shooting, KEEP PRESSED L3 (-> the left stick), than release your AIM button (X on the xbox gamepad, [] on the playstation gamepad), than you can 'RELEASE L3'.
Summarizing: KEEP PRESSED AIM BUTTON -> KEEP PRESSED L3 -> RELEASE AIM -> (when the character lowers the weapon) RELEASE L3.
Assault rifle: KEEP PRESSED L3 (-> the left stick), than AIM. Release L3 to shoot. Release AIM (With L3 pressed) to lower the weapon.
Both V's & PS2
Aim with your weapon. Then, when you are NOT in first person, keep pressed 'LB' (Or L1, depending on view point) and move with the 'left stick'.
Just like the original Xbox release.
Use the 'right stick' to swing the katana.
Use the 'RB' (Or R1, depending on view point) button to do a jab.
Just like the original PS2 release.
Use the 'right stick' to swing the katana.
Press press R3 (-> press the right stick) to do a jab.
Both V's & PS2
Aim your weapon. Then, either in First Person or in normal view, press 'LB' (Or L1, depending on view point) and, if there is anything targettable on view, your aim will automatically center the target.